Is Sean Renaud an alt?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Its becoming more apparent its just another alt. It did have me fooled for a while. Whoever created it did a better than average job, but its time to move on to a new one. ;)
Its becoming more apparent its just another alt. It did have me fooled for a while. Whoever created it did a better than average job, but its time to move on to a new one. ;)

Anyone who never discusses their occupation or says where they live and will not put themselves in their av is an alt.
Renard, I heard you're registered in L.A. as a sex offender.

Is that true?
I really don't want to believe it. We've had our disagreements, but that's reprehensible.

You do have some characteristics of one by how you act on here, but I wouldn't assume you're one just by that alone.

Please tell us it's a lie.
Finally! Someone found out that SeanH+RenardRuse=Sean Renaud!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, there are three of us. So dedicated was I to creating alts that I made one smart and british, one stupid as fuck and just a troll and one that was just right. I'm so fast on the keyboard that often it's just me on the GB for hours at a time!

renard_ruse said:
If you use inappropriate language, you're darn right I will clean it up. Shame on you for swearing. There are kids that come to this site, not to mention adults who are offended by foul language.

renard_ruse said:
Curse words are nothing more than a weak mind trying to express itself forcefully.

I heard you're in mental hospital in Vancouver for fucking your mom in the nostril.
