Is Romance Important to You or Is it All About the sex?

I think it depends on the situation. Some are just looking for a want, need or desire to be fulfilled, while others are looking for a connection. I feel like as I get older, connections of the more romantic sense have become more important to me. I like to think I can rely on my partner for more than just sex. They can lend an ear, lift me up when I’m down and vice versa. Trust is a big thing for me and I think I feel more comfortable when I’m with someone who’s made the effort to romance me.
It’s all about connection and intimacy for me: physical touch, hand holding, grazing touch as you pass, inside jokes and stories. When I was in a Litlationship, I loved covert messages that had a subtle meaning that others would not pick up on. Things like that. Sex and romance are part of this, but neither is the whole deal.
It’s all about connection and intimacy for me: physical touch, hand holding, grazing touch as you pass, inside jokes and stories. When I was in a Litlationship, I loved covert messages that had a subtle meaning that others would not pick up on. Things like that. Sex and romance are part of this, but neither is the whole deal.
Oh yes, the inside baseball 🙂