Is pluto a planet?? Answer may surprise you

I think pluto is...

Mickey Mouse's dog, and nobody here will be able to not believe this isn't the only one pure truth
Bob_Bytchin said:
Interesting....and did you know that the Earth has 3 moons?

Yes I did...I posted that link a little while ago when it was first discovered. :p
Pluto's "planet" status has been disputed since its discovery, but even more so now that we're finding other planets in the universe, and have to start tightening our definitions.

I'm still working on whether or not Palestine is a country. When I figure that out I'll get back to the Pluto thing pronto.
I guess the Uranus jokes don't come out till the night shift checks in....
I wasn't shocked. I've known about this since they started yapping about Charon.
There isn't one, beyond a substantial body rotating a star and has enough gravity and elements to support an atmosphere. Every planet has an atmosphere, but Pluto's actually disipates to practically during its farthest position from the sun. At that point the atmosphere freezes onto the surface, and the "planet" becomes an "asteroid" (albeit a gigantic asteroid). when it moves close to the sun the atmosphere is released again, and held in place by gravity. Pluto just barely meets the requirement for a "planet".
Did they ever confirm or not whether there was another planet past Pluto?
There are a few asteroids (in the asteroid belt) that could be considered planets as well. A few of them have minor atmospheres and have regular orbits of the sun.
You people didn't watch enough Soap as a kid.

I used to know all of the moons of Jupiter. Of course when I was younger, there were less moons to know.
I'm still in shock remembering the day my child came home and told me that Pluto and Neptune change orbit every so often. That really knocked me through a loop.

This is all very interesting...and it keeps changing with each new day.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Interesting....and did you know that the Earth has 3 moons?

Actually Bob, many more than just 3 moons.

It is a documented fact that there are many frat boys all over the planet, at this very moment, adding to the total lunar count!
Lancecastor said:
I guess the Uranus jokes don't come out till the night shift checks in....

Psst! I hope you realize the seriousness of the current conflict being waged for control of our solar system. Everyone will have to take sides!

I say "Support the destruction of Saturn! Up Uranus!!"
Originally posted by smilingblues
I'm still in shock remembering the day my child came home and told me that Pluto and Neptune change orbit every so often. That really knocked me through a loop.

This is all very interesting...and it keeps changing with each new day.
They don't actually change orbits. Pluto's orbit is more eccentric than other planetary orbits and as a result, Pluto's orbit actually brings it closer to the sun than the orbit of Uranus for several years of Pluto's orbital period.
Re: Re: Is pluto a planet?? Answer may surprise you

ozme52 said:

This is retread news. There's an article like this at least once per year. Too bad they can't find something new/worthwhile to write about.

There's been nothing like Quaoar since the discovery of Pluto. It's the size of all the asteroids in the asteroid belt put together. This is big news. It doesn't happen every year.