Is it wrong to accept gifts

sidney328 said:
from a man who is interested in you, but you're not sure if you're interested in them?
I'd accept gifts but tell him I'm not gay.
Now this may not relate to all but I think if you do, it may send the signal that you are interested. However, if you do decide to accept, make it clear that this is only a friendship type of relationship. But now that I know this, please accept my gift anyway LOL
sidney328 said:
He knows i'm unsure

If it was me. I most likely wouldn't accept it unless it was something really small (like a package of pez or flowers, not roses). I don't want to give him the opinion I might be increasing intrest in him. I also don't want him to think later on if my intrest grows into a relationship type of affection th at I on;y came to like him because of presents.
I usually don’t accept any gift of greater value of say -a book from someone I’m not too close to. And if it’s someone I’m seeing, then we had to have been dating for quite a while before I’ll accept anything. Why? I don’t know. It’s not that I’m being bitchy. I just don’t think it would be right.
I'd go with not accepting it, especially if he is giving it in a romantic situation.

I would also have to agree that it might give the wrong impression.
Accept it and say thank you.

If you are at least friends there is nothing wrong with accepting a gift. You also mentioned you weren't sure how you felt about maybe it will become more.
I offer gifts to people based upon my feelings. As a guy, what would your acceptance of a gift from me mean, especially given that I know that your feelings for me are not the same as my feelings for you? Since I wasn't giving you a gift to try and buy something from you, but simply to show my affection/appreciation of/for you, it would mean little. If you turned it down, I would be hurt.
Tricky. It really depends on the gift. A book by an author he knows you like, or a CD by a favorite artist? Not really a problem. Jewelry (even inexpensive), or really, anything you would wear on your person? Doubtful. Yes he might be hurt by you turning down a gift, but he is likely already feeling some sting that you do not feel as strongly as he does. Accepting gifts might lead him to think there is a greater possibility than really exists.
juicylips said:
Accept it and say thank you.

If you are at least friends there is nothing wrong with accepting a gift.
damn straight.

and on a personal note, if a guy gave me a gift and expected something....nah j/k