Is it weird...?

I responded to this in private message, but for the record, I don't think it's weird. I saw a girl on another website who did the same thing and I think it's completely reasonable and I definitely understand the appeal. And yes, there is definitely something sexy/appealing about teacher/student.
As others have said, no it is not weird. At the same time, it would also not be weird if you only wanted to have sex for the first time with someone who was also inexperienced, to share that with someone.

I would not focus too much on concepts of virginity though. If it works for you, great! But it is a bit old fashioned.
Not weird. But you have to be sensible about it. First, get some birth control. Insist that they use condoms. And don't look for romantic attachments that they can't provide.

As for sucking cocks, practice makes perfect. And remember that the guy with the cock is sharing at least half the blame, because he's not communicating with you about what he needs.
I’m with MSM - whoever told you you were terrible at it (even if you were) needs a serious attitude adjustment. With a baseball bat. That’s a no-class dude, one not worthy of your lips. ‘Insensitive jerk’ doesn’t even come close.

I’ll stop there, not because I’m out of words or indignation, but there isn’t the time left in the day. Seethe!

A major problem in our society is the expectation that we’re all born good at sex (well, okay, we instantly become excellent the day we reach the age of legal consent). Maybe porn is responsible, but I suspect this has been around since our ancestors lived in caves. In any case, it’s total, utter nonsense.

Sex is like any other skill; to get good at it requires practice. Toddlers learn to walk by falling down a lot. Remember your first time on a bicycle? Your first time trying to do a handstand or play a guitar?

And like any skill, a good teacher or coach helps one learn better and faster.

So, bottom line, no, it is not at all weird. Good luck to you on that learning journey!

And don’t forget about the bat…
It isn't weird. My wife lost her virginity to another virgin and it was not good. Her met time was with an experienced man and was tons better. She wishes she had lost her virginity to the experienced man.
I don't know how to quote, as the forum's layout has changed since 2016, but MSM and Penny's comment made me chuckle. I'll tell that guy that. We are still friends.
I can laugh about the experience now, but at the time it was very traumatic and painful as we both had no idea what we were doing. It was one of those surreal moments and I remember crying myself to sleep later that

I think we all dream for it to be a magical fairytale moment.
I'd say be with someone whom you are comfortable with, someone who is both willing to take care of you and guide you through it. My first time than perfect. While I enjoyed it and have very fond memories of both the moment and my GF, I was mostly just fumbling around trying not to make a mess if it. And it happened very quickly! So yes, find someone who cares about you and can guide you. Experience is a plus.
FWIW, my suggestion is to concentrate on your desire and only accept a cock in you when you REALLY, REALLY want it and can't do without it. Good sex to you!!!
I don't know how to quote, as the forum's layout has changed since 2016, but MSM and Penny's comment made me chuckle. I'll tell that guy that. We are still friends.

If you just hit the "Reply" button on the post you want to respond to, it will show or quote the text you are responding to.

You'll have to update us on his response. Cool that you gave him a pass on his comment and are able to remain friends.
If you just hit the "Reply" button on the post you want to respond to, it will show or quote the text you are responding to.
Or, if you want to quote multiple people in multiple posts, just hit +Quote for each one you want to quote. You'll get message like "Message added to Multi-quote" each time. When you go into the reply box at the bottom of the thread, press the button labeled "Insert quotes..." and all the posts you marked will appear, and you can edit them as you wish.
Whoever told you that can get fucked sideways with a chainsaw. That is just a rude, horrible thing to say to anyone who has been gracious enough to take a penis in their mouth
I’m with MSM - whoever told you you were terrible at it (even if you were) needs a serious attitude adjustment. With a baseball bat. That’s a no-class dude, one not worthy of your lips. ‘Insensitive jerk’ doesn’t even come close.
If you just hit the "Reply" button on the post you want to respond to, it will show or quote the text you are responding to.

You'll have to update us on his response. Cool that you gave him a pass on his comment and are able to remain friends.
These were the comments. :) (You know, as a millennial, I suck at technology.)
What I find weird is how worried you are about what other people think. Everyone is entitled to like or not like what they want as long as its safe sane consensual and legal.
As others have said, no it is not weird. At the same time, it would also not be weird if you only wanted to have sex for the first time with someone who was also inexperienced, to share that with someone.

I would not focus too much on concepts of virginity though. If it works for you, great! But it is a bit old fashioned.
This answer is the winner. There is no right answer, if you want that first time to be amazing and magical, then there’s a better chance it will be (but no guarantee) if you do it with someone experienced.

But there’s something pretty cool about “learning it together” too. That first time might be clumsy and awkward but it will be “magical” in its own right.

And I would try as best you can to not put so much pressure on the first time. Hopefully you’ll have plenty of sex in your life, mostly good, some maybe not so much… enjoy it all for what it is.
Honestly two virgins aren't guaranteed to have bad sex. I lost my virginity to a guy who lost his to me. It wasn't the best sex I ever had but we had fun.

The real things you should focus on are 1) chemistry and 2) expectations. The second is the most important. Are you both looking to just fuck? are you looking for this to be part of a larger relationship? if you two are on the same page with that everything else will work itself out.
I definitely lost my virginity to another virgin, but, yknow, lesbian so…
I definitely lost my virginity to another virgin, but, yknow, lesbian so…
Not sure why that makes a difference. Except, of course, no risk of pregnancy.

The only thing I can add is: read porn. For technique, not for the portrayed results. What writers think turns readers on is sometimes similar to what might turn you on. In particular, stuff written by men is a good indication of what a male lover expects, but not a foolproof one. Similarly, stuff written by women might help you discover some trigger points on your body that your lover might not be aware of.

I've heard women say that they really didn't get the point of coitus until they started masturbating and educating themselves on their own body. That way, they could steer clueless lovers (male AND female) to their needs. Males, on the other hand, need to learn that their lovers are just more than receptacles to ejaculate into. They're people with their own expectations.
Is it weird that I ONLY want to lose my virginity to an experienced man? I feel like if I was fucking another virgin, we'd just be confused about what the hell is happening.

I've sucked cock before and I was told I am the worst.

Also I like the teacher/student fantasy.
Practice makes perfect😋
Is it weird that I ONLY want to lose my virginity to an experienced man? I feel like if I was fucking another virgin, we'd just be confused about what the hell is happening.
Not weird. This idea makes more sense if you are more focused on learning about sex as opposed making it part of a longer term connection. Two virgins can discover together, yes, but you also are still limited, if nothing else by your imaginations. I was a virgin until I got married in my late 20s and my wife was also a virgin. Our sex was ok, but not great. I just assumed that the stuff I had read about sex in erotica was exaggerated. After our divorce, I "re-discovered" sex when I started dating again, and learned from partners who had learned from partners who had learned from partners, and they learned from me. Even though I had read books, articles, etc, about sex, it wasn't the same as first hand experience. It was at that point in my life that I discovered that sex could be mind-bogglingly good.
The real things you should focus on are 1) chemistry and 2) expectations.
The key for me in Siobhan's sentence is "chemistry." I feel there are several levels of chemistry. There is emotional and conversational chemistry, and some would throw the visual attraction into that, but assuming those things are ok to the point that you are having sex, the dimensions of physical chemistry I have found are kissing, cuddling, and then sex. You might think those always go together, but in my experience, mostly they do, but not always. When the sexual chemistry is great, the sex is sort of intuitive. It just flows naturally between you; the communication is easy, and it seems like everything you do is exactly right. Maybe that is building up expectations too much. Admittedly great sexual chemistry and super great body fit, are a little rare.

I would also say what works really well, like a position or technique, with one person, might not be so magical with another. One aspect of being with a new partner is finding what works well - uniquely well, just between the two of you.
The wierd part is you being a virgin tbh.
I don't know if it is all that weird. I get what you are saying. It is the conventional view, though I doubt there are any reliable surveys on the virginity %. It's anecdotal, but I know a handful of people in their twenties who I strongly suspect are still virgins. They just haven't dated that much. They're being circumspect about the whole thing it seems. There's nothing "weird" about them. Their virginity has nothing to do with religion or some lack of personal development.

When I was still a virgin my my late 20s, 35 or so years ago, it WAS very unusual, at least among people I was around then. In my case, religious conditioning had a role in causing me to wait, but I won't lie, there also a lot of tamped down desire.
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Not at all...

One of the last times I had sex was with a virgin around 30, and it didn't go well at all. But, we only knew each other from online, and saw each other once before.
Is it weird that I ONLY want to lose my virginity to an experienced man? I feel like if I was fucking another virgin, we'd just be confused about what the hell is happening.

I've sucked cock before and I was told I am the worst.

Also I like the teacher/student fantasy.
That's probably the least weird desire a woman has ever had. You are completely normal, and I hope you find someone.

Giving oral, on any kind of genital, is only actually good if the receiver is giving you feedback. Preferably constant, vocal feedback about what to do, when to stop because it's overly sensitive at that moment, or whether to keep going harder at what you're doing that moment. People who just lie there and do or say nothing while you're going down on them are the worst. It took a while for my current partner to get comfortable with constantly giving me directions about what to do to satisfy her, and it was the same with me. You need to get feedback on what you're doing and how to please that particular person. And, of course, you have to listen to that feedback. Everyone's genitals are different and don't respond to the same things. You have to be getting directions about what feels good to them in order to know what to do, and if they aren't giving feedback and t's hard to know if what you're doing is working for them.