Is It Terrorism?

And there have been several plane mishaps. Not everything is a terrorist act.:rolleyes:
3 people have died in Australia from bee stings in the last 8 months - I bet they're Moslem bees -- Fuckin' terrorist Hymenoptera! :rolleyes:
I bet the Jews caused this

We get to the crux of the matter about conspiracy thereophobia (the unrational fear of conspiracy "theories" or discussion). There's a fear among many of the people who immediately dismiss conspiracy conjecture that Jews will be blamed even though nobody is talking about Jews being involved.

Just because Jews were sometimes blamed for some conspiracies in the past shouldn't mean we can't talk about the possibilty that there could be real conspiracies today that have nothing to do Jewish people. Yet, it explains the phobia about conspiracy discourse among some elements on the internet and elsewhere.
If someone put together a retrospective re: Vette's threads in the past two years, you'd be able to see that they've gone from "standard Vetteman moronic" to "signs of early onset dementia".

I'm not kidding. Vette, go see a doctor.
We get to the crux of the matter about conspiracy thereophobia (the unrational fear of conspiracy "theories" or discussion). There's a fear among many of the people who immediately dismiss conspiracy conjecture that Jews will be blamed even though nobody is talking about Jews being involved.

Just because Jews were sometimes blamed for some conspiracies in the past shouldn't mean we can't talk about the possibilty that there could be real conspiracies today that have nothing to do Jewish people. Yet, it explains the phobia about conspiracy discourse among some elements on the internet and elsewhere.

ummmm what?
ummmm what?

Didn't you just create a thread to showcase how much smarter you are than everyone else here? Smart guy like you should be able to understand Renard`s point.

You said (sarcastically I hope) "I bet the Jews caused this." Renard's response was pointing out that many people don't like to discuss conspiracy theories because at some point the inevitable Jew hating crackpots will show up with theories about how Jews were behind 9/11, the Jews were behind the "faked" lunar landings (yes, there are people who actually believe this), and the Holocaust never actually happened.

Get it now or I should I explain with words of one syllable or less?
I do not think so.

Now the green paint all over DC stinks to high-heaven of the antics of the OWS children.