Is it possible to be "too" uninhibited???

I'd think it's a personal choice. As long as your uninhibition isn't hurting anyone else, or getting you arrested frequently, probably not.
*bratcat* said:

I dunno. With those AV`s lately.... I could get VERY uninhibited w/ a certain young maiden of the Lower Mainland variety.... :p
At some point it starts to become a bit disingenuous. I question whether the person really has a good idea of what makes them tick.
Freya2 is right.
If you're infringing on someone else's rights, that's not cool.
If not, have fun and enjoy. :D
Actually, I think it's only too much when it makes others uncomfortable. No, I'm not saying anyone should live according to other people's comfort zones, but to purposely make others uncomfortable is just selfish and mean.

As long as the company and location is appropriate, then no, you can't be too uninhibited.
Like, duh.

Are you thinking that inhibitions are only the result of phobias?Inhibitions are the result of things like a conscience and fears of real dangers--social and physical. Only a fool is completely uninhibited.
It can be.

Just remember the choices you make today may haunt you tomorrow.

So, a lack of inhibitions may be something you live to regret depending on how you chose to express that side of your sexual persona.
Well, I think that as time goes on, something that may get you excited this week will become bland next week. So we are always looking for new thrills. Some people can search for new thrills with an open mind, and some have lines they draw for themselves.

Is it possible to be too uninhibited? Sure....but as long as you are happy with yourself, who cares?
*bratcat* said:
let's say it is in your own house...with your partner.

The minute someone says, "wow, that makes me uncomfortable." that's when you cross the line, IMO.

Or, like Freya said, if it's in front of the kids.
*bratcat* said:
let's say it is in your own house...with your partner.

Whenever I tell my father about an issue that my ex and I are discussing, he says, "Whatever you two decide."

IT holds true here.

It would be hoped that in your home with your partner, the two of you have tastes and limits that are comparable.

If not, it will be very frustrating for at least ONE of you.

I think when it comes to thoughts and fantasies, you can never be too uninhibited. However, inhibitions, in their most literal sense, come from the fact that you would not want to be embarrassed/mocked/ashamed/arrested in front of others, so you would set limits on your actions. So, it really depends in what context you would be "uninhibited" your own home in with your partner, it would really depend on your partner's level of comfort...
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and....He's Complaining?

Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition. 1995.


ADJECTIVE: Lacking in moral restraint: abandoned, dissipated, dissolute, fast, gay, incontinent, licentious, profligate, rakish, unbridled, unconstrained, uncontrolled, ungoverned, unrestrained, wanton, wild. See RESTRAINT.
Freya2 said:
I'd think it's a personal choice. As long as your uninhibition isn't hurting anyone else. (I snipped this on purpose).

Well said, easily understood and a cut and dried answer.
I don't know... there are just some things I don't want to see my partner doing... IE feminie hygene things. But as far as sexual relations go, in the privacy of your own home... hell no.
Ice Cold said:
I don't know... there are just some things I don't want to see my partner doing... IE feminie hygene things. But as far as sexual relations go, in the privacy of your own home... hell no.

C'mon man, get those red wings! Whatcha scared of?? :p