Is he a Sinner? Or a Saint?


Lady's Love
Mar 29, 2000
OOC I have no idea where this can lead. Join in if you feel you want too. No one pegged for any role, except of course Diana. If you have ever played with me you know I never plan anything. Think the cousin is a Saint? Play him that way. or is he a sinner, hiding his past, his needs? Or is there someone else, a brother of her dead husband? Or a sister? Or a housekeeper willing to stay on out of loyalty, or is this hidden estate a place to hide their past too? Or are you the doctor that tried to save us, and feel guilt, or are drawn to the "helpless" woman.
Before you ask, there is no set place or time. I am guessing England, some time in the past. Long gowns and sweeping sleeves. You know. But please don't ask me to get technical about this. Have fun with me... please.

Diana LaTrou

In her late twenties, lonely and widowed. She had married at 18. Loved and was loved by her darling husband. Lost her first two children at chilbirth and then the third to a virulent plague. One that took her beloved daughter, her husband and her sight.
She now awaits the arrivial of a distant cousin. One she has not seen since she was a in her early teens. Older then her, and a widow himself, he was never one for family. But now, with her near helpless, and a vast estate, he has agreed to come set things to rights, and help her decide what she should do. There is no one else to turn too.
She sits in the dark and the silence, awaiting his carriage. All the fragments of conversations about him flitting through her active mind. Conversations never shared with her, and cut short when she entered. The one time they had met she had felt his eyes on her, and wondered why he had watched her so closely, yet, never speakign a word to her. Then there had been talk of his strangeness, his odd habits and lifestyle. She knew about talk though, knew it well.

Nervously she twists the hanky in her hand. Reaching up and touching the silk blindfold that hides her clouded eyes. It has been a year. And the housekeeper is leaving now, rumours in the village about her luck driving all the workers one by one away. Three children dead, and a young popular husband in the grave. Now she herself blind. Yet, she finds her way through the gardens without help, and the house is like an open book to her. Never lost, always knowing where she set things. Whispered words of magic.

But why should she not know the place? She has lived her 10 years. Known it in her sight, and kept the vision in her mind. Self preservation, and her strong will, teaching her how to maneuver in the dark that is her life now. Despair kept at bay only by her strength. But there is no one now left to defend her form these words. Perhaps it would be best if she had her cousin sell the place and find her a small home somewhere. Yet, she does not wish to leave. This is her home. Though once a place of light and laughter, now a tomb. But all her memories are here.

Where is he? Surely it must be time. No later then noon she had thought. Her pale hand reaching out and gently feeling the clock at her side. She had the crystal removed so she could feel the hands. Stopped. Unwound it had stopped.

"Damn it." The words a sharpness in the air, breaking the silence.
Albert Peckingham

The carriage rocked through the countryside, bouncing Albert back and forth, deepening his dark mood. Pennless from drinking, gambling and wenching, he had nearly destroyed himself after the death of his wife. Now his cousin's misfortune offered him an alternative to debtor's prison. Perhaps the country air might give him some relief as well. He had wasted enough of his life and time in the fleshpots of London's slums trying to forget his failures, particularly the failure of courage that prevented him from destroying his own miserable life.

Once a lord of the manor himself, he was now reduced to caretaker of a blind woman. he barely remembered his cousin. The times they had met, she had sat still, as meek as a mouse, as women were wont to do. Or better said, were required to do. Perhaps that's why he preferred the bawdy company of London slatterns to to upper class ladies. Not that any upper class women would seek his company in his present state.

It had been different with his wife, but that was gone. He had promised her everything, then had been powerless to prevent her passing, watching her waste away in front of his eyes. Money, wealth and prestige were nothing in the face of death, and in defiance of a god nresponsive to his prayers, Albert had thrown it all away.

As the carriage turned into lady Diana's manor, Albert's eyes took in the wealth and beauty. It had done her scant good as well. blind, widowed, helpless and abandoned, she was perhaps the only person on earth miserable enough to benefit from his presence.

Stepping from the carriage in front of the house, Albert paid the coachman with the last of his money. Like it or not, he was here to stay.

OOC Albert is a dark, brooding man, physically strong, but broken by life, choosing to lose himself in pleasures of the flesh to assuage the pain of his soul. Tall for his time, dark hair, dark grey eyes. Once well dressed he is slowly descending into seediness.
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Most welcome!!! We have two ladies joining us too.


I hear the carriage and sit up. Tense, and suddenly nervous. Hoping the small staff remembered and followed through on my instructions for his room and bath. The meal will be in a few hours still, so I have refreshments on the sideboard, along with a few choices of liquor.
I tremble as I hear the door opening, and stand, turning my head to the door to welcome him. One hand automatically feeling my hair, to see if any stray curls have wandered free, as they always do.

ooc: Ty M. for lettin' my 'old' self in to frolic and play ;) :kiss:


The few years here had worked in my best interest. Working hard and being loyal as well got me this new position. Smiling as I dressed that morning, I felt a solemn ache come over me for a moment. All of Diana's servants but a few had left after the tragedy that struck her beautiful home. I remembered how everyone wept for days and then shuffled off. The whole ungrateful lot of them just up and left her underhanded and alone save a few people! It flared my temper but I had to remember my place.
I had come here to hide and stay hidden and I had achieved that goal! I often looked over my shoulder and hid when ever callers came but I quickly learned Diana's husband was in a different circle than the others. I had picked a good place and I never intended on leaving Diana. Besides she treated me well and never complained, she was much like an older sister, only I was her servant.
Now that she was blind, I was also safe from discovery. It wasn't a good thing she was blind, I felt selfish for being content with it.. but that I could remain here in one place now for as long as she kept me on. I did my job, and did not speak much or make trouble.. I'd be alright finally.. No more fleeing in the middle of the night.
Straightening my cap and skirts, I walked into the kitchen to check on the cook's progress with dinner.

Natalie is 19. Brown hair and blue eyes. aristocratic features, slim and average height.

"Good day, cousin," Albert said cheerily, walking into the room. Always looking for effect, he had placed his gloves in hte hat he carried in one hand, his other holding his walking stick. Her silk eye covering reminded him there was no reason to put on ashow for her, but, perhaps the servants would be fooled. He handed his hat, gloves and cape to the young woman who had escorted him in, noticing her young form, and watching her walk out of the room, her hips swaying. "Would that circumstances were better, but we shall make do, heh?" He bent, took her hand in his and kissed it. He looked his cousin over, knowing her blindness provided him the oppurtunity without emberrassment. her face was lovely, framed in curls, despite the blindfold and her figure still youthful after childbirth. Her corset pinched her waist, accentuating her hips and her ripe bosom, one he was sure her late husband had enjoyed.
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Flushed I felt his strong hand in mine, almost crushing it, then his lips brushing it. Gallant, yes, that had been said of him too.

"Sir, Albert. I cannot thank you enough for leaving your own affairs to help me with mine. Please, I believe Natalie has set a few refreshments aside, or would you care to be shown to your rooms?"

Flustered an unsure how to act before this worldly man, for I was a simple country girl, unsure how he would find me.

The young maid, I forgot her name, came in and announced the arrival of diana's cousin. Bustling quickly as possible, I set down the cap I was messing with and took the tray.
"Make sure to get the cakes on here, hurry!" I couldn't believe I was serving when the young wench should be doing this part. All well, underhanded at the moment, there wasn't much i could do about it. And I knew how important it was to M'Lady to make a good impression on her cousin.
Taking in the tea and cakes, I quietly entered, "Tea M'Lady." I announced softly, walked in and set it down. "Will that be all M'Lady?" I only addressed her as Diana in private, never before company. I kept my gaze adverted and waited for dismissal so I could wring that wench's neck for slacking off to answer the door! We still had a butler for that! Horny little... I stopped mid thought.

"A drink and some food would be quite nice, after the long ride up from London. Will you be joing me?" Albert answered. He offered her his arm, but she did not feel for it, instead walking over to the sideboard confidently, almost as if she still had her sight. She obviously knew her surroundings. " I suppose we'll be spending a lot of time together, Diana," he continued, "if I'm going to be managing your affairs. It's an honor that you are trusting me so." If she only knew him, she'd not be so trusting. "I suggest we set aside our daily lunches for business, when you're not entertaining guests or gentleman callers." Her wealth might be dwindling, but it was still substantial and appealing to many men. Albert would have to seperate the wheat from the chaff in that sphere. He was well versed in the trickery of rogues, being one himself. No one held him in more disrepute than he himself did.

Albert made himself a sandwich and poured a whiskey before sitting down on the plush divan. He took great pleasure in watching his cousin's movements. He had been days without a woman and his attention stayed on her breasts, straining against the dress she wore. It is the curse of the age, he thought, that women are so bound and hidden. Stop it, fool, he thought,she's your last hope, confine your lusts to the maids or local tavern wenches "You set a lovely parlor, Diana"

The entrance of another yung maid with tea and cakes, interrupted his small talk. This one was young and slim, and as delightful as the last. Perhaps things were looking up.
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OOC: Molly has been working under Natalie's supervision in Diana's household for only two short months. She had been in the village, desperate and dereliect since escaping from a workhouse in a city in the next county, when she had heard that there was an employer just a day's walk away who was none too picky, had no place to be, and urgently needed new staff. So she had made the journey and it had sapped every last bit of strength she had. Diana had treated her well, let her recover for a week before starting work.

She was not lazy, but despised being told what to do. And while this caused no problems with the lady of the house, that housekeeper of hers was another story. She detested her and saw how she was muscling in, befriending the blind woman. She'd bite her lip for now, but just you wait, when the opportunity presents itself....

Molly is a 18 years old, a relatively tall slender girl of Irish descent. She has long straight black hair and green eyes. Her feature are sharp and angular and she rarely speaks, prefering instead to conserve her thoughts until it is absolutely necessary.

IC: The doorbell rang. Molly smirked to herself and went to answer it, despite having been asked by Natalie to serve up the tray of tea and cakes and other refreshments that were growing cold in the kitchen. She strode to the door and pulled it open, the chilly evening air whipping around her skirts and biting at her flesh.

The recognition was immediate on her part and, a chill gripping her heart, she bowed her head and ushered the man inside. As he passed, thanking her, she looked at him. Nothing. She bit her lip, scowling, her hands clenched into tight, unforgiving fists by her sides.

'Please, sir,' she managed to mutter, despite a constriction in her throat that she feared might make her faint, 'her ladyship is waiting for you in the lounge....just yonder....'

He smiled politely, his attractive features reflecting the light of the candles on the mantle, and walked towards the door to which she was gesturing.

She watched him go, her face growing stern and cold as soon as his back was turned. Leaving the door open, no thought for the precious heat that was escaping the house, and the gentleman's cases for the remaining butler to collect, she hurried to a spot where she could better eavesdrop on the conversation that was about to begin in the lounge.

"A drink and some food would be quite nice, after the long ride up from London. Will you be joing me?"
"Yes. Thank you." I had barely whispered, his voice stronger then I remembered, but the years had passed for him too. And turned to the sideboard.
" I suppose we'll be spending a lot of time together, Diana," As he spoke my thoughts whirled. He was staying?

"if I'm going to be managing your affairs."
Yes, he was. A huge weight lifted from her shoulders, how was she to ever thank him? But why was he leaving his own estates, surely. Oh, he felt obligated to help his helpless cousin. A true gentleman, sweet and charming.

"I suggest we set aside our daily lunches for business, when you're not entertaining guests or gentleman callers."

Having sat quietly with her dish at her side she almost jumped at his words. Gentleman callers? What was he saying? No one would be calling here. Not for her.

Listening closely I sensed we were alone again.

"Cousin Albert, you are such a gentleman. You do not need to stay long, I know you have much to do at your own estates. It is kind of you to help me, and I would look forward to helping you all I could. But I know little of the estates, and... well. I will not be receiving callers. I do not plan to remarry." Sipping at my tea, and wishing there was something stronger in it.

"I, I don't quite know how to tell you. The town, the people around here, hey think I am bewitched, a magi user." Feigning a laugh, trying to lighten the things I was saying. Feeling the heat on my face as I blushed. "They think I am cursed. So, there might be resistance. I have just the housekeeper and a maid here in the house, and a butler, but he is leaving soon. The gardens are kept by our gardner, loyal to the family, but you won't see much of him unless you seek him out. The farms are run by the families living on them. It is the business I do not understand. And hoped you could help me with. Cousin Albert." Reaching a hand toward where he sat listening.

'How can I ever thank you? You are so kind, a true gentleman for helping me. Thank you so very much." I felt tears coming, and forced them down. It was not good for me to cry overmuch.
Albert Peckingham

Diana's statement that there would be no suitor's was welcome news, though Albert still had his doubts. He could hardly be the only cad in the country. She reached her hand out, seeking his, and he surreptitiously slid his under hers to make the connection. "My dear Diana, you're still a lovely woman" His eyes wandered over her body. Any man, regardless of character, would want to run his hands over her breasts, spread her legs, unleash the passions that flowed for generations in her family, the passions that now surged in his own loins.

"Hopefully, you won't lock yourself up here." One again he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. "The world would be at a loss for your decision." He reached over with his other hand and brushed away the tear that fell from under her blindfold, his fingerstips lingering for a moment against her cheeks. "Don't you worry about local gossip, we'll soon set that to rights. Ignorant townfolk always need something to talk about." Still, the more isolated she was, the more dependent upon him she would be. "Let them talk. I know, let's do something scandalous. Here, have a few drops of whiskey in your tea. It will fortify you."

"I think your business problems are not so severe, you have the income from the lands. You have a people problem. The superstitious locals are afraid of you, and the business men you have to deal with are condescending. I know how to deal with both kinds of buffoons." He poured a few drops of whiskey into her cup, and guided it upwards to her rosy lips. He watched her purse them to sip the hot fluid, thinking how soft and sweet they would feel under his own.

"My own estates are in good hands, " he told her.The hands of their new owners, he sneered to himself "so I'm here to help you as long as you like. When you tire of me, just send me on your way" If he played his cards right, it might never come to that, though an excursion or two into London might make a pleasant diversion from their bucolic surroundings. He saw her gasp slightly as the whiskey hit her throat, causing her bosom to rise and fall delightfully. Oh, sweet cousin, you are so tempting He would have to be careful, lest his baser desires ruined a good thing.

Leaving the tea and cakes, I hurried out of the room and shut the doors behind me. Catching Molly once again eaves dropping I paused, "Have you finished up the guest room assigned to M'Lady's cousin?" I waited for her answer, but knowing Molly all i would get would be a dark look or a scathing remark.
"Never you mind, I will see to it myself!" I shook my head and moved past the girl and upstairs. Hurriedly as possible I made sure clean linens were on the bed, no dust anywhere and the room was in tip top shape.
Everything had been done as ordered, thank god! Molly never slacked in her job, she just did not like being told what to do. Poor girl. I stopped myself a moment, not interested in making a friendship here, nor feeling anything for any one. A time would come eventually when I would have to flee and I did not want ties to keep me here.
Exiting the room, I moved down to the kitchen and started the water boiling for a few things that needed laundered as well as Diana's bath later. The cook was busy with dinner, what he could manage on his own. "I will find Molly and have her come aid, just give me a moment.." The cook glared at me and told me to move out of his way as he moved around for spices and such. This job was more hassle than it was worth with so many grumps working with me. :rolleyes:

The whiskey warmed me as i sipped, and his lips again brushed my hand.
He did not realize yet how isolated it washere, he woudl, and then leave. No matter how wonderful a man he seemed, he would soon be bored of us here. No matter. He had come to my aid.
I would not think of the many things that had been whispered about him and his like. For I knew how gossip could be.

"Your rooms should be ready now, if you choose to freshen up, I can take you round the immediate grounds myself. Natalie canhelp you with the rest, she is a sweet woman who stays by me. My mainstay here at the house. Her and her assistant Molly."
OOC We have a new player joining us on Monday. He shall play a young innocent guy. Who secretly maybe has a crush on Molly, which I bet she will end up exploiting to get some pleasure from. Shall be interesting to see.

"Thank you, my dear," he answered, " I'd love to unpack and freshen up. A tour of the house and grounds would be most delightful."

Diana rang a bell to call her maid. It was fortunate that some of her staff remained loyal. A good looking staff, too , he thought, perhaps a dalliance may be possible . the nearness to his cousin had aroused him, and he took the time to adjust himself in his pants, knowing his cousin could not see his hand brushing his hardness. Nor could she see his eyes gazing on her luscious bosom. Nor can she see her own books he thought. He couldn't steal from her, that would end in scandal and ruin even worse than he had brought on himself already, but it made her dependent on him. he may have sunk to living off a woman, but he intended to live well.

When the lovely maid arrived, Albert turned to Diana and kissed her cheek. "thanks for the warm greeting, cousin, you have made me feel most welcome. I look forrward to dinner and our walk together."

"lead on," he said to the maid

Hardly able to stand I barely held up till he left the room.
Then fell hard to my chair. My hand touching gently my cheek. My god. Diana, things don't change do they. The touch of a real man and you fall apart.
A lady Diana, you must act the lady. Only your darling ever understood your need, for he had shown it to her, refined it, Helped fan the flames that had threatened to engulf and ruin her.
And he had helped her control them. Control was what she needed now.
This man, her cousin, must never know the real Diana inside. The one whose cheek burned at the touch of his hand. Or he would desert her too.
Reaching for her tea she sipped, and again the whiskey he had added spread a warmth in her. Sighing deeply she set it aside and stood.
Willing herself to remain calm and cool. Slowly walking to her room to change for dinner, and maybe a quick bath.

For she was aroused.

Entering the room, I waited by the doorway. Watching her cousin rise and bow over her hand, I said nothing nor attempted to listen to their conversation.
When he turned to me, I quietly pivoted on my heel and began leading her cousin up to his room. The silence of the house did not bother me, I was used to not hearing much going on around this place but I wondered if Albert would get used to it?
Stopping at the double doors, I quietly and quickly opened them, and stepped aside.
"Your rooms Sir." I waited for him to enter and proceeded into the darkened but beautiful suite. Moving to the windows, I threw open the curtains slightly and turned.
"Do you need any assistance Sir?" I had no idea how to address this man, Diana never mentioned a title for him and if she had, I must not have been listening. It did not matter much here, titles were like corn around here. No big deal. Now once outside the grounds, it did mean something then.

Albert followed the maid silently, Diana's soft flesh and scent lingering on his mind. The girl's lithe body moved gracefully before him, swaying delightfully as they climbed the stairs. Surrounded by women! and none of them as disreputable as him. It seemed a fitting purgatory for a fallen soul.

The rooms she showed him would please any lord, let alone a disgraced former gentleman. Diana's wealth, if precarious, was still substantial. If tended well, both his cousin and her estates would yield much pleasure.

Do you need any assistance, sir?

"Im sure," he replied, looking into her blue eyes before letting his eyes roam up and down her slim body, "that you could be of great assistance to a gentleman." A quick smile to put her at ease. "For the moment, if you could arrange for a bath to be drawn, I'd like to rid myself of the dust from the road." Albert removed his jacket and tossed it on the bed.
Paul Granger , gardeners son

OOC: Paul is a handsome lad 6'1" tall dark brown shoulder length hair and dark brown trusting eyes. a bit on the thin side but physically agile with long slender arms and legs fine boned hands with slender fingers. his is shy at first meeting but genuinely easy going and has a well devepoped sense of humor to the point of teasing and flirting.

IC: Paul came to the manor to help his father maintain the beautiful gardens that surrounded the estate. As he had finsihed his formal education and just turned eighteen he no longer was welcome at the boarding school where he had been most of his life. He was glad to leave although he got along well, being a rather shy lad and not apt to get into the usual mischief that the usual boarding school lads took part in. He kept to his books and his only recreation was to roam about the wooded area surounding the school and his summer visits to his father at the estate.
His mother had died just a week after his birth taking with her the warmth of her love and the nourishment of her breast milk. In order to provide for Pauls upbringing his father was forced to sell his home and small farm, and go to work as a gardener for Diana LaTrou at her estate.

Unfortunately there was no place for a small child there and his father had contracted with a widow in the village to look after his son and after that the boarding school.

Paul waited for the day when he would join his father at the estate as he often visited there and loved spending time in the gardens, helping his father with the flowers and greenery that abundantly grew there.

The day had arrived and Paul all his beongings packed in one bag greeted his father with a warm hug. As was arranged he would stay with his father in the small caretakers shed behind the main buildings and try not to interfere with the goings on in the main house. His only reason to even enter the house would be to deliver fresh cut flowers for his mistresses tables. He was naturally courious about who lived there and wanted to please the people who had graciously permitted to work and live here along with his father.

So it was with abaited breath he approached the servants entrance, a glorious bouquet of roses he had gathered in his hands. he knocked timidly

I smiled some what, "Promptly Sir. Everything you should need is here, if you have need of something else, just pull the bell pull and someone will be up as soon as possible. I will return in a few minutes with the bath, Good day Sir." I turned and left, heading down a small hallway and a hidden set of stairs towards the kitchens once again.
"Mary, is the water heated?"
"Yah, tis ready." I nodded and sent her to fetch the two stable hands to help bring up the water.
"I will go fetch the tub and set it up, have Molly help you gather water." I went back up, pulled out the tub from a closet and set it in the hallway. Damned thing was heavy! I leaned against the wall and waited for someone to come up and help. I had better days than this, and this one was proving to be a challenge.
Mary came up first and set her pails down.
"Alright now the tub." She took one handle and I took the other, hefting it easier and moving towards the doors.
Knocking lightly I entered as soon as I was bidden permission.
"Set it down before the fire pit Mary." We got it there and left to get the water.
It took a little time but it was eventually done. I would next time just ask Albert to use the bath house or some place downstairs. Shaking my head, I pushed out the stable hands and Mary, "Is that all Sir?" I definately needed more hands around here.
They were busy getting his bath, so I took a quick wash with cold water, which helped. Changing into a deep blue gown, trying not to have to call for help. Hoping the buttons up the back were straight. Retouching my hair, all the curls pinned, and already started to tumble down.
Untying my blindfold and washing my eyes. The coolness on them felt good. Once upon a time I had pretty green eyes. But now Mary told me, for no one else would, hey were clouded, though green still.
But it did not matter. My looks did not matter anymore. What mattered was me acting and being the Lady of the house, so that my dear cousin would stay long enough to help me.
He was so charming and formal. How coudl I havebelieved the things they had said about him?

Lying back in the warm water, Albert puffed on his cigar, allowing the aromatic cloud of his exhale to frame his face. The small pleasures of life were sometimes the most satisfying. The young maid hadn't seemed happy about his wanting a bath. But that's what servants do, they serve. As he, himself must do. He wasn't much more than a glorified major domo, his cousin's business manager, at best. maybe next time she'd be in a better mood if her offered to share the tub with her slim little body. He imagined what it would look like, all white, pink tipped, brown patch between her slim thighs. At the bottom of the tub his toes rose up out of the water, in the center, the tip of his cock bobbed above the surface like a channel buoy on the Thames. For a moment, he remembered punting on the Thames, his fair haired wife's laughter as a dragon fly buzzed his head. As always, the sweet memory left a bitter aftertaste. What pleasure the bath had given him was gone, it was time to towl dry and get dressed for dinner. Diana wanted to show him her manor.

No further assistance was needed and so I left quietly. Making my way down stairs, I grabbed a basket and clippers as well as my gloves. I needed to go out and trim the rose bushes as well as bring in a few bouqet's for Diana's sitting room.
So many things to do and no time to do them in. Sometime today I had to hunt down the fiance books for Diana's cousin and bring them to him. Then perhaps go into the village and see if there were any young women for hire as maids. One more was definately needed to keep this house running.. Perhaps I should speak to Diana about listing the position in London?
I wasn't sure that was a good idea. Snipping roses and clipping here and there, I was lost in my own thoughts for quite awhile.

OOC: Sorry it's been a while, guys. My computer has been a royal pain in the arse!!! Have written so many instalments and tried for HOURS to post them and it wouldn't let me and then they go 'out of date' if you see what I mean. Have rebooted my computer now so hopefully I should be OK to post for a while now. Fingers crossed, especially since the thread seems to be going SO well!!!

Anyhow, Paul sounds yummy! I'm sure Molly will enjoy playing with him! ;)

IC: Molly sat briefly before the fireplace in the kitchen, nursing her cold, shaking hands. She had made seven trips to and from the well at the end of the garden in order to gather water for the lady's cousin's bath and the cold steel of the bucket along with the icy water had not done either her skin or her temper any good at all. She rubbed them together gently, turning them over one way and then the other in front of the roaring flames.

She wondered to herself what the so-called gentleman wanted with her mistress. Aye, they were cousins and he surely felt some responsibility to his kin. But knowing his previous form, surely there was more to it than that. Perhaps he had finally become out of his depth in London and needed to escape. She would have to dig deeper into his affairs and see what she could find. She was hardly the most trusting of souls at the best of times but, especially because of what had previously passed between them, she would sooner cut off her own hand than trust Albert with her mistresses' affairs and, more to the point, her finances.

Her hands were freezing still but the rest of her body soon soaked up the heat of the fire. She slipped her shawl from her shoulders and wiped her brow with the back of her hand. Tendrils of her long dark hair had slipped from its pleat at the back of her head and hung loosely around her shoulders and neck. She scooped it out of the way, tucking any errant strands behind her ears before standing and looking around the kitchen for something to do. Then she spied the brace of pheasants that needed preparing for supper. She got to work. It would be a good way to vent her frustrations.
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Paul , falling in love again

Realizing his timid knock hadn't been heard Paul cautiously opened the back door to the kitchen. He heard the clatter of pots and pans as he peered slowly around the corner. He almost dropped the flowers so overtaken was he by the sight before him. A young lass about his age was busy at the counter and didn't notice his entrance. She was a tiny whisp of a girl with long dark hair that hung down below her shoulders. Paul lost for words for a moment could only stare but when he regained his voice he said rather unsteadily,

"Pardon me Miss but I've some flowers here for M'Ladys table."

She turned and he found himself emersed in the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen.