Is having a crush the same as bieng in lust with someone


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
I had a debate with my brother about this. He says they are the same and I say it is a different level of feelings.
I think that having a crush is at a lower level of intensity than being in lust with someone.
Thank you. Perhaps having a crush is more with romantic feelings and lust is more sexual feelings?
I agree, having a crush on someone means you want to hang with them, go to the movies, share some fries, talk and text endlessly.

Having lust for someone means wanting to rip their clothes off, toss them on the bed and go ape shit on them and probably not call them back for two weeks.
Thanks. That makes sense although I probably would not have described it quite like that. lol.
I crush on men for different reasons and not all of the reasons have sexual undertones.
Ty. I have a crush on a really good mate of mine. She is not the kind of person to just rent a motel room and shag. I have more romantic feeling towards than anything else.
Ty. I have a crush on a really good mate of mine. She is not the kind of person to just rent a motel room and shag. I have more romantic feeling towards than anything else.

Why do you say you have a crush on this chika? Are you hesitant to admit that what you have are true feelings for her that go beyond crushing?

As far as the lust part goes, I believe lust is a healthy part of a romantic relationship. It doesn't have to consist of a purely sexual hookup.
Yes I am hesitant to admit that and I use the term crush b/c I felt that "in love" is too intense
I also agree with your second statement.
Yes I am hesitant to admit that and I use the term crush b/c I felt that "in love" is too intense
I also agree with your second statement.


What are you going to do about it?
I agree with many of the other comments about the "type" of feelings implied (for me) between crush and lust..... Crush has a more 'innocent' feel to me .... Lust has a primarily sexual/physical feel. But I also feel crushes have a more secretive vibe to them.
I haven't read the other opinions but I say that crushes are kind of like puppy "love" and yes lust too.
I think a crush leads to in lust ,, i am in lust with a guy and its not just sexual, i lust after everything about him,, i long to just hold him and smell his scent, to lie in his arms while he breaths on my neck. A crush is just fancying someone but your able to still function day to day without them .
well my mate knows i fancy her in a romantic way. she teases me constantly about it and we flirt innocently nonstop.
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They may consume a lot of your thoughts but I am not sure about consuming your life.
I agree that crushes are superficial. I have a serious crush on Adam Levine. When I lust after someone, my emotions get involved. I kinda feel like I have different levels of lust too.
Hmm. Not sure a crush is superficial. I do think that there are different levels of lust
I think it can be, but isn't always hand in hand. Then again, Rainshine summed it up best.
Lots of good thoughts here..

Also, to me, a crush brings a smile to the face..... lust brings a rush between the legs
For me a crush is kind of lighthearted and fun. Lust is an all consuming need to fuck someone. A lot.


I agree with this.. Currently lusting bad after someone right now and it's definately a LOT more intense / sexual than a simple crush.
I think crushes are more cerebral, and can be fleeting. Forgotten even.

I think lust involves the brain a bit, but the bits between the legs are more involved.

You can have a crush and get on with your day. But lust, I think lust cries out to be satiated.
Thanks for the replies. I think lust can also involve non sexual intense feelings.