Is GWB a scientist, too?


Jul 4, 2002
I know he is a fighter pilot, a history buff, and a corporate whiz---however maybe he got his science tutorials from Uncle Ronnie.

by Jonathan Cohn

Post date 12.18.02

You didn't have to be a fortune-teller to see that the October meeting of the Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention was going to be more controversial than usual. The panel, which advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), had been gearing up for a few months to consider whether the federal standard for lead poisoning, set in 1991, should be even tougher. The answer was likely to be yes, given new research linking even modest lead exposure to developmental problems in children.

But, just a few weeks before the meeting, the Bush administration shook up the advisory committee's membership. When it came time to fill a group of vacancies on the panel this year, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Tommy Thompson rejected several nominees recommended by the staff scientists at the CDC in favor of five people who seemed likely to look upon further tightening of lead regulations skeptically, if not to oppose it outright.

One of the nominees had repeatedly stated that the current standard--endorsed by everybody from the National Academy of Sciences to the American Academy of Pediatrics--was too strict. Another had stated that children could tolerate lead levels seven times the current standard without suffering cognitive harm. Even more disturbing, at least two of the new appointees had direct financial ties to the lead industry: One was a consultant whose clients included a prominent lead-smelting company fighting a lawsuit over pollution in Washington state. Another, a pediatric toxicologist from Oklahoma, had been a paid defense witness in several liability suits against lead-paint companies.
I'm shocked how anyone that possesses a college degree can lionise someone that makes these comments:

A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?

I'm a fellow who bleeds every time a tree is cut down.

If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all.

Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.

All the wastes in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.

The truth is, all of the nuclear waste now on hand and yet to be accumulated between now and the year 2000, could be stacked on a single football field and the stack would only be six feet high.

Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation. So let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emissions standards for man-made sources.
All from the venerable Uncle Ronnie, I just don't get it. GWB received some great science tutorials---voters don't pay attention and evidently they don't learn.
I know what you mean. Our last prez had a law degree and said:

"It depends on what the meanng of "is" is."
GWB ended Superfund---what else will happen

GWB is aware of the victims. However, he proceeds to act against them. He has pledged to give them harder tests in school though.

DALLAS - The Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing, Tuesday, November 28, 2000, in the auditorium of the Thomas Edison Middle School, located at 2940 Singleton in Dallas. The committee has traveled throughout the state to hear from citizens regarding charges assigned by Lt. Governor Rick Perry for study during the interim. The topic for this hearing was the specific area in West Dallas surrounding an abandoned secondary lead smelter, known as the RSR/Murmur Superfund Cleanup Site. West Dallas was the location of various heavy industrial plants for many years, as well as home to a large minority population.

...numerous people to testified about the impact of these hazardous materials on their families. Birth defects, chronic illnesess, early and unexplained deaths were among the physical results of the inadvertent exposure. Local business owner, John Cappello, testified about the financial situation of West Dallas including inadequate services, and low property values. Cappello pointed out that they were only four miles from downtown Dallas, one of the wealthiest areas in the country, but the West Dallas property is valued at 25-50% of nearby properties. Mr. Bay concluded his presentation with three requests; the committee to support Senator West's initiative for an environmental health institute, direct the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) to do a complete environmental assessment of the area, and increase support for economic development and rehabilitation of West Dallas.
miles said:
I know what you mean. Our last prez had a law degree and said:

"It depends on what the meanng of "is" is."

Tell me Miles, did that "is" question---endanger little children--- making their brain's not fully develop. Did it ruin people's property value and thus tax base to fund education. Did it cause babies to be born with birth defects, ones they will have to live with their entire lives?

Simple questions.
70/30 said:
I'm shocked how anyone that possesses a college degree can lionise someone that makes these comments:

A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?

I'm a fellow who bleeds every time a tree is cut down.

If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all.

Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.

All the wastes in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.

The truth is, all of the nuclear waste now on hand and yet to be accumulated between now and the year 2000, could be stacked on a single football field and the stack would only be six feet high.

Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation. So let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emissions standards for man-made sources.
All from the venerable Uncle Ronnie, I just don't get it. GWB received some great science tutorials---voters don't pay attention and evidently they don't learn.
Hi WD40. Have you considered Prozac?
Thanks for posting this 70/30. At times you make no sense and actually hurt the case against GWB on this board. But, there are times when your points are well received by me.

I'm dismayed to read this, but not shocked at all.

GWB is a heartless mother fucker. If he so much as ever tries to cram any of his religious bullshit down anyone's throat anymore, this should be people's first responses. I think he should be castrated in the afterlife.
miles said:
I know what you mean. Our last prez had a law degree and said:

"It depends on what the meanng of "is" is."

I don't think he would have said that WITHOUT the law degree. I'll bet he's good at "legal mumbo-jumbo," too.
Since I missed Earth Day, I'm feeling compelled to acknowledge it on an anti-earth day (any one of the other 364.25 days in the year).

GWB is shameless.