Is Cannabis Really That Bad?


Hooded On A Hill
May 27, 2004
I smoke on occasion, and think it should be regulated like alcohol.

Having said that, it annoys me when morons say it's not bad for you (see above). Of course it is. You are filling your lungs with smoke.

It also annoys me when idiots try to justify it with some hair-brained argument about hemp being some miracle fiber. That's just stupid.

It further annoys me when pot-heads constantly announce to everyone that they are smoking a joint. Having lips and being able to suck doesn't make you a super hero.
For a developing mind, I'm sure it's not the best thing for it.

Some adults that I know shouldn't touch the stuff as they become mush mouthed , goober heads who can't do anything when high.

Me, I can smoke a joint and continue with business as usual.

I'm awesome that way.
I smoke on occasion, and think it should be regulated like alcohol.

Having said that, it annoys me when morons say it's not bad for you (see above). Of course it is. You are filling your lungs with smoke.

It also annoys me when idiots try to justify it with some hair-brained argument about hemp being some miracle fiber. That's just stupid.

It further annoys me when pot-heads constantly announce to everyone that they are smoking a joint. Having lips and being able to suck doesn't make you a super hero.

It's harmful in excess, sure. As it is with anything. An occasional joint here and there isn't anything to be worried about.
I smoke on occasion, and think it should be regulated like alcohol.

Having said that, it annoys me when morons say it's not bad for you (see above). Of course it is. You are filling your lungs with smoke.

It also annoys me when idiots try to justify it with some hair-brained argument about hemp being some miracle fiber. That's just stupid.

It further annoys me when pot-heads constantly announce to everyone that they are smoking a joint. Having lips and being able to suck doesn't make you a super hero.

There goes my idea for a new superhero comic I was going to write.
i always liked it. it makes you lazy and at this point in my life i wouldn't recommend that anyone use it every day, but it's better than booze. it's also excellent for pain control. in my experience, it does nothing to kill the pain, but it definitely makes it easier to ignore it and sometimes that's really all you need.

and i've read most of that before. only the bullshit about it causing schizophrenia was new to me. the self medicating part i was aware of and i've known a few schiziods that make it believable.

so, yeah, legalize that shit and treat it like booze.
Maybe, maybe not:

Bio-neurological use

Low dosage effects

In low doses, marijuana induces mild euphoria followed by a sense of general relaxation and well-being. Users often report heightened perceptions of music, colours and taste. Its effects at these doses are best likened to those of moderate alcohol consumption, but without the same degree of motor impairment and without the disinhibition towards aggression. Indeed, it is virtually impossible to start a fight when stoned.

High dosage effects

In higher doses, marijuana can induce mild to moderate hallucinations. Unlike the direct distortions of sense perception produced by LSD or psilocybin these hallucinations are mostly functions of the user's hyper-stimulated imagination. There is a small risk of adverse side-effects and their likelihood increases with the dosage. They range from the merely inconvenient (short-term memory loss), through to the somewhat unnerving (paranoia/anxiety) and finally to the downright unpleasant (overwhelming fear or disorientation/vomiting).


Have you ever looked at your hand? I mean really looked at your hand?...oh, yeah. Sorry, man...Chronic misuse of marijuana has been widely identified as a significant risk factor for those with a predisposition towards developing various mental illnesses, particularly schizophrenia. However, it should be noted that people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder often "self-medicate" to relieve the symptoms of their disorders. Scientific studies of marijuana use, like the one released on 26 June 2007,[1] rarely take into account that the mental disorders of habitual users often go undiagnosed until after the patient has become a habitual marijuana user. It's possible that studies like the one mentioned above are politically motivated. People with pre-existing mental disorders also tend to abuse alcohol and tobacco. Yet, similar studies linking booze and cigarettes - both legal and heavily taxed - to mental illnesses are less common than those that focus just on marijuana. Therefore, the link between marijuana use and mental illness may be an instance when correlation does not equal causation.

Recent studies also indicated that brain structures such as the amygdala and hippocampus may shrink due to extremely chronic use, on the order of five "marijuana cigarettes" a day for upwards of twenty years, in the case of one study. Preliminary research also suggests that regular cannabis use may lower IQ especially in teenagers who use regularly while their brains are developing. Further research is needed. [2]
The article you linked was fairly american-sounding...american scientists have been paid for decades to say something bad about pot.

Trouble is, they can't find anything bad about the stuff.

I think this is because it's natural. A plant. A good plant to have around.

It's also one that's been studied to side-effects.

Comparison: check out any Pharma ad and the list of "complications and side effects" sometime....Celebrex...or any of those big time pills...the complications and dangers with most legal drugs are staggering.

Pot isn't "bad". It's a good thing.
No. Check this out for more research news on the possible benefits of cannabis and cannabinoids (compound found in marijuana—also, in our human bodies):
For the feds to classify it in the category with cocaine, meth, heroin, in my opinion, is wrong. Just think, people may try pot and say to themselves, "hey, this isn't so bad. Maybe I'll give heroin a shot... see what that's like... "
No. Check this out for more research news on the possible benefits of cannabis and cannabinoids (compound found in marijuana—also, in our human bodies):
For the feds to classify it in the category with cocaine, meth, heroin, in my opinion, is wrong. Just think, people may try pot and say to themselves, "hey, this isn't so bad. Maybe I'll give heroin a shot... see what that's like... "

You really can't trust the American government on the topic of marijuana.

One of the dangers of living in a Republic.
Cannabis kills fact

It didn't hang him from the tree but it did lead him to his death.

Fuck drugs and anyone who champions drugs!!

If you want to fuck you're life up do it quietly and in private and don't involve others. Sorry but that's my opinion
It didn't hang him from the tree but it did lead him to his death.

Fuck drugs and anyone who champions drugs!!

If you want to fuck you're life up do it quietly and in private and don't involve others. Sorry but that's my opinion

Oh dear...
Don't smoke it, never have smoked it, but I'm totally for legalizing it. I also believe in pardons for everyone who is in prison because of it.
pot makes you very introspective. great for creating. music, art, thought. most people who are anti-pot either listen to the government, or they freaked out when they toked because they couldn't handle the thought processes.
i used to smoke the hell out of it, but now it is just on occasion. too much of it got real boring. some people tend to get lazy when they smoke, some , like me, want to do something.
pot just escalates whats already in your head before you smoke.
i have hallucinated on pot. but that is with very strong pot brownies or fudge. i hear things, but i ignore it. because i know it's just the weed.
i have never hallucinated on weed.

and i used to smoke a lot of it.

You need a very pure, and very potent Sativa strain concentrate.

The only two I have had this work on is a pure Thai sativa, pulled a very lemony prime female from the batch of wild seeds, she took 18-20 weeks to mature and her hash would make you trip balls man....esp in the dark. You could see/taste music and sex...well, I'm not sure there are words to describe that, but it was good.

The other strain I had this happen with was an African sativa known as Mozambique Poison...same effect but not quite as strong as the thai, had to smoke a little more of it to start seeing shit.

Anyhow...wild thai sativa, it's the most prissy pain in the ass to grow and/or the most expensive shit you will ever smoke, but I have never had anything as potent....

If you want to smoke it, I could care less, that is until you get behind the wheel of a car - same for alcohol - then you aren't just harming yourself, but others are at risk.

Legalize it, the price comes down, the black-market for it dries up and those who want to use it can without being afraid of being arrested.

Of course it should be regulated the same as alcohol so that superhero you think you are doesn't harm others in the process of you trying to do whatever it is a drug induced superhero wants to do.
The next Federal Election in Canada could see the de-criminalization of pot back on the agenda again.

The Liberal Party is evaluating the issue as a potential national campaign platform, though that isn't public yet.

So please don't let the secret out. Thanks.