Is Bush up to the challenge?

GD, if Saddam really believes in what he says, then wouldn;t a detector be beaten as well?

Mind you, I would want bush on one as well, and Ari Fliescher bound and gagged in a different room.
Saddam would get votes if he ran on Gore's ticket. I think Dearborne, Michigan is 25% Arab...?
QuickDuck said:
GD, if Saddam really believes in what he says, then wouldn;t a detector be beaten as well?

There's really no such thing as a lie detector. Too many reasons for it to go or not go. Plus just hooking up the thing to a person should alter their thinking and feeling a bit.

The US legal system won't admit them as evidence 9999 out of ten thousand.
You ruined my vision of watching Robert DeNiro rake Hussein over the coals.