Is bigger really better?


Welcome to Hell
Aug 9, 2012
I am looking for experience here not speculation. I am well endowed (or so I have been told) at least above average, and though I don't think I'm that large maybe the size of the average vibrator, I have been told that "it's too big". This is mostly during oral sex, the girl will get a sore jaw. Any way what I want to know mostly from the ladies is "does size matter" is bigger really better. Would the average girl really like a 14 inch 4 inch across monster. ( I know we write fantasy some times)
"it ain't the size of the surfboard, it's the motion of the ocean."

One of my alltime favorite lovers was about five inches but he hit my gspot every time he drove in. Plus, he made me laugh.

On the other hand, one of my other alltime favorite lovers is female, and she'd put her whole fist into my pussy. it's like you're throwing the barn wall at the bullet. You ARE going to connect.

Plus, she made me laugh.

I was with a guy once who literally didn't have enough to do anything with ("once" being the operative word).
So, I would say that at the tiny end and at the huge end, size does matter (not necessarily in a good way, though). Anywhere in the middle, then, it's more how you use it.
I was with a guy once who literally didn't have enough to do anything with ("once" being the operative word).
So, I would say that at the tiny end and at the huge end, size does matter (not necessarily in a good way, though). Anywhere in the middle, then, it's more how you use it.
Including imagination, evidently.

He had fingers, a tongue to give you pleasure. Likewise however small his dick was, he could still get some pleasure from it.
I remember reading a book attributed to "M" (and many thought it was Isaac Asimov), in which it talked a about the female body and sexuality and sexual response, etc. I don't recall much specifically (I'm bad at that) but one thing always stuck with me, and paraphrasing, it said: If a woman is sufficiently aroused and excited, she's ready for pretty much any cock she'll encounter.

Yay google! It looks like what I read was "The Sensuous Woman" by "J" and there's a companion "The Sensuous Man" by "M".

Anyway, while I see no reason to disagree with the above statement, I do think that there are some cocks at the larger end of the spectrum that likely would be uncomfortable. I'd think it'd be uncomfortable for the guy, too -- too tight.

I know it's fantasy, as the OP said, but when I read about guys who are sooo long or sooo thick, I just roll my eyes. I guess that's too much fantasy for my fantasy. :)
I have no idea how painful childbirth is, though I've attended 5 live births. It appeared to be very painful when the infant came out.

I can't even dream how painful it would be if the rugrat tried to crawl back in.

Too much?
Lol I just told someone else, if we were meant to expand regularly childbirth would feel good.

Its individual preference honestly.
It's not the size of the boat nor the motion in the ocean, it's whether the captain can stay in port long enough for all the passengers to get off. ;)

Seriously though, I think it's a personal thing. Some women can take it bigger, some can't and find it painful. Smaller men have different techniques to make everybody involved happy, but I bet they don't do it every time or on the first try because finding out what your partner wants is part of the fun. Then there are the times where it's just a matter of wanting to fuck. Sorry for using that term, but there are times where it's not sex, or love-making. It's just fucking. There's not much that can stop it during those times.
Thank you

Thanks for your candor, I guess I got confirmation of what I suspected. Women are interested in style and talent. If you write for men the cock should be as big as possible.:eek: Thank you all again.
Yay google! It looks like what I read was "The Sensuous Woman" by "J" and there's a companion "The Sensuous Man" by "M".
Wow, I'd forgotten about those books! As old as they are, they are still excellent. I'm going to add them to my recommendations list again.
It's not the size of the boat nor the motion in the ocean, it's whether the captain can stay in port long enough for all the passengers to get off.
That's adorable. ;)
Or that insane closeup view of the grains of sand just before the wave grinds your face off against the sea floor.

I was thinking more along the line of the low hanging signs in a convenience store, but yeah, that works.
I was with a guy once who literally didn't have enough to do anything with ("once" being the operative word).
So, I would say that at the tiny end and at the huge end, size does matter (not necessarily in a good way, though). Anywhere in the middle, then, it's more how you use it.

I agree (sorry guys!). I'm much more a fan of "average" than off the charts in either direction. I want to be able to feel something going on, but I intensely dislike having my ovaries played ping-pong with. I also enjoy deep-throating, but when a guy is too big (length or girth can both be impediments, in my experiences) it becomes entirely involuntary and too close to a choking hazard.

I dated a guy who was under-endowed, lousy at giving oral, and a hair trigger when receiving. I could use my own fingers just fine, so why bother (his personality wasn't stellar, either).