Iraqi Civilian Casualties (pix)

yayati said:
They're pretty graphic but the truth should be seen.

All we hear is how 10 American soldiers have been killed and sympathies for them but what about the 2000 Iraqi Prisoners of war that went 'missing' from U.S custody. When the general was asked about their whereabouts he said 'they mustve run off'

And Bush has the nerve to talk about the Geneva convention

Click HERE for the pix

You are right, those are extremely graphic. What general said this and when? When and where were these pics taken? Maybe your super sixpaq would make an impeneterable shield for Baghdad.
I'm sorry, maybe I should have explained that comment out for you.
Also, please address the questions I asked you. Thank you.
yayati said:
They're pretty graphic but the truth should be seen.

All we hear is how 10 American soldiers have been killed and sympathies for them but what about the 2000 Iraqi Prisoners of war that went 'missing' from U.S custody. When the general was asked about their whereabouts he said 'they mustve run off'

And Bush has the nerve to talk about the Geneva convention

Click HERE for the pix

from what I've read, it's highly doubtful that there ever were 2,000 Iraqi POWs.....
They keep repeating the story of 8,000 soldiers of the 51st Mechanized Division in Basra surrendering, but the 51st Mechanized is still fighting on quite effectively regardless.....obviously they didn't hear the news that they'd all surrendered. The story of thousands of Iraqis surrendering has zero credibilty; they hate Americans....and they only smile when there are guns being pointed at them. Afterall, the USA killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did by a factor of 100 during the previous Gulf War and it's aftereffects.
Re: Re: Iraqi Civilian Casualties (pix)

Lovelynice said:
from what I've read, it's highly doubtful that there ever were 2,000 Iraqi POWs.....
They keep repeating the story of 8,000 soldiers of the 51st Mechanized Division in Basra surrendering, but the 51st Mechanized is still fighting on quite effectively regardless.....obviously they didn't hear the news that they'd all surrendered. The story of thousands of Iraqis surrendering has zero credibilty; they hate Americans....and they only smile when there are guns being pointed at them. Afterall, the USA killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did by a factor of 100 during the previous Gulf War and it's aftereffects.

Every report I've seen says around 3,000. Now then, this comment that the USA killed more Iraqi's than Saddam x100???
Please, let's see some facts, oh, and, it wasn't just the USA, either. Remember?

Yaya, scroll up and take a gander at my post. The questions are not encrypted or anything.
Olivianna said:
The al-Jazeera website won't come up - and so your link won't work.

It didn't earlier today, either. I guess they haven't paid their ISP bill this month.
yayati said:
Oliv: hackers hacked into al-jeezera site...most prolly employed by FBI etc, they are knocking out civilian communication sites now
The problem is that both of the domain's name servers are not responding.
yayati said:
8b: wot questions? i aint got time fo questions bub... do u think i am a college proffessor or sumthink? if u pay me well couple of thousand then i might bother otherwise let it slide...i have that ' i dont give a daym' attitude....i am simply that confident....!

Why not admit that you can't answer his questions?

I to would like to know what General made the statement you claim was made..
Oh Yeah, I trust "All-Jizzera".......

They are an obvious supportive tool for the extremists in the region. No staff officer would try to cover up mass killings because of eye witnesses, media access to the site, etc..
The Iraqis are exempt from such coverage of All Jizzera, so until we occupy Baghdad, and all proper investigations/discoveries are made, I'll hold my skepticism.
Not that you would take anything out of context.

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Peace through Superior Firepower.