

Aug 2, 2012
Hi everyone, I'm Nick. I'm from Texas, and no matter where I live, I will always be a Texan! I have been reading stories off of this site since I was very young. Finally, last month, I ventured to the forum side of this site. I have been amazed at how active it is! Glad to be part of this very horny community :D
Hey Texas!

I'm so new here, I just can't figure anything out. Can you help? Thanxxx...Misty Haze.
That's good advice you just got.

Seems a little slow today, not so active .. BUT I'm sure you'll find plenty of people to help you Misty.

Welcome :) to both of you

Thanxxx...I'm starting to get it in here.
Just how long does it take for a submitted story to get a decision, anyway? Misty

Could take anywhere from 3 days to maybe 5 or 6.

Just follow the direction when you submit a story... Whatever you do, DO NOT hit the submit button again till the story has been approved.. You could check it by hitting VIEW.

Also don't be discouraged it it comes back.... It's happened to all of us... Just work & polish it up and submit it again

Good info

Thanxxx for that great info. I'm really trying to learn what's going on in here. I've already read some very good stuff...and some bad, which encourages me too!
Why?...Why Not!

Alright, I said this earlier, but a friend helped show me the light.

((Ok, I thought this site was about writing sexual why do so many guys think this is a dating site, and keep asking me what am I looking for? I can get laid anytime I here I want to be a writer!))

It's hard sometimes to realize, and for that matter...remember, that I turn guys on. And I really do enjoy the attention and the conversations, so guys...plezzze don't stop calling for me, ok?
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I completely understand you, however I suppose people are getting the wrong impression based on you posting back and forth on the personals. Those damn horny guys ;)
You're right

I think you're right, onceintime123...and that's not right.

So to all you horny guys out there...give me a call and lets chat. Let me know about all the things that you desire.