Hi there, I've been browsing the stories here at Literotica for a while now, and I thought that it would be good to add some myself. My main interests are fetish (feet mainly) and incest (sister + mother stories), although besides BSDM I am kinda down for anything. One point of interest I'd like to single out is the "loving wives" theme. Like a lot of men the idea of seeing my girlfriend having sex with another guy is a very big turn on for me. And also, like a lot of men, I haven't the slightest idea why it's such a turn on. I've settled on using the "it just is" explanation for it.
As far as writing stories goes, I'm pretty new to the game so I am gonna check out a few of these boards to see if I can pick up some tips and stuff for writing erotic fiction.
I have a few ideas which I've got on my computer here but they're rough at the moment. I am planning on going through and writing them up properly, and posting them here in the near future (once I've got some tips etc!) I must admit to preferring the "rough and ready" style of stories to the romantic side, for me it's about being stimulated by the stories and if I'm reading something where there's lots of hard and frantic sex then it's gonna do more for me than a slow love making type of text.
As far as a description of myself goes, I'm 20 (21 in a months time) and I live in the north east of England. I'm in an online relationship with an older woman from America and we plan to meet up with her visiting me midway through next year. I'm sure we'll do enough to give me plenty of fuel for some stories too!
Anyway, this request I mentioned. Now, as I've said I'm very new to this game so I don't know if this sort of thing is done or not, if it is then cool, if it isn't then I'll deal with that as the reaction comes home. I've basically got a strange feeling it'll go one of two ways, either a person(s) will accept this as a perfectly reasonable request and this will work out great, OR it's something that's frowned upon within the general consensus here and I'm gonna get shot down..lol.. Just in case it's the latter, I'll not go into great detail here and wait for the reaction I get..
So.. Here goes;
Basically I am looking for any person(s) who is/are willing to write a story customised for me and post it on this site. For anyone interested there are two paths to choose from in this story.
1. A story telling me about how my girlfriend has been cheating on me with another man.
Or 2. A story telling me about a man (or men) having consenting OR non-consenting sex with my sister.
Now like I said I am very new to this game and I am not sure how these things are done, so if anybody is interested, let me know then I can take things further from there.
Well, that's all I've got to say on the matter for now. I'd like to get to know people here etc so if anyone wants to ask me anything at all about, well, anything at all in this post, please do so.
That's all for now folks!
As far as writing stories goes, I'm pretty new to the game so I am gonna check out a few of these boards to see if I can pick up some tips and stuff for writing erotic fiction.
I have a few ideas which I've got on my computer here but they're rough at the moment. I am planning on going through and writing them up properly, and posting them here in the near future (once I've got some tips etc!) I must admit to preferring the "rough and ready" style of stories to the romantic side, for me it's about being stimulated by the stories and if I'm reading something where there's lots of hard and frantic sex then it's gonna do more for me than a slow love making type of text.
As far as a description of myself goes, I'm 20 (21 in a months time) and I live in the north east of England. I'm in an online relationship with an older woman from America and we plan to meet up with her visiting me midway through next year. I'm sure we'll do enough to give me plenty of fuel for some stories too!
Anyway, this request I mentioned. Now, as I've said I'm very new to this game so I don't know if this sort of thing is done or not, if it is then cool, if it isn't then I'll deal with that as the reaction comes home. I've basically got a strange feeling it'll go one of two ways, either a person(s) will accept this as a perfectly reasonable request and this will work out great, OR it's something that's frowned upon within the general consensus here and I'm gonna get shot down..lol.. Just in case it's the latter, I'll not go into great detail here and wait for the reaction I get..
So.. Here goes;
Basically I am looking for any person(s) who is/are willing to write a story customised for me and post it on this site. For anyone interested there are two paths to choose from in this story.
1. A story telling me about how my girlfriend has been cheating on me with another man.
Or 2. A story telling me about a man (or men) having consenting OR non-consenting sex with my sister.
Now like I said I am very new to this game and I am not sure how these things are done, so if anybody is interested, let me know then I can take things further from there.
Well, that's all I've got to say on the matter for now. I'd like to get to know people here etc so if anyone wants to ask me anything at all about, well, anything at all in this post, please do so.
That's all for now folks!