into the wild (continued)

Rollercoaster of love (say what?)
Rollercoaster yeah oohh oohh oohh

Your love is like a rollercoaster baby, baby
I want to ride (baby ride)

:Ohio Players: :D
Officer: "So you say a naked woman walked up and just took your bike. And you let her?"

Rider: "Um, yes."

Officer: "And why, may I ask, would you just sit back and let a naked woman do that? You seem like a strong, tough fellow."

Rider: "Uh, I don't really remember my bike getting stolen. I was staring at the woman. She was . . . um . . . doing things and . . . uh . . . my eyes were closed and when I opened them, she was gone and so was my bike."

Officer: "I see. And I suspect those 'things' are related to that enormous tent in those shorts of yours?"

Rider: ". . ."

Officer: "Sigh! I'll put out an APB and keep a look out."