Internet Self-Pics: Why Do I Do It?

It' beats the hell out of watching tv or going fishing? It doesn't sound like you're hurting anyone. Maybe it's just another hobby option...
I think you probably feel good about your "sexual" appearance and like the reinforcement (of positive feedback). I think there are many people like that. I don't think it's a bad thing.
It' beats the hell out of watching tv or going fishing? It doesn't sound like you're hurting anyone. Maybe it's just another hobby option...

Hey now... Don't knock fishing... I've had lots of fun in the boat.
It's not flashing on the internet because the "consumers" are expecting to see penis or boobs, they're not shocked or offended or scared or whatever. There's no reason to feel ashamed about it, unless you think your girlfriend would be horrified or unless you think you are putting yourself in danger of losing your job or something. Otherwise it's a harmless hobby - you entertain someone, they express their thanks with a compliment, that's all.
Exhibitionist rush.

I don't think there needs to be too much thinking beyond that. Certain people have certain things that get them going and sends adrenaline through their blood. It's the excitement and taboo of doing something 'wrong' and 'dirty'.

I don't do it myself, but I get the appeal and I love writing about it.
See? I had to do it!

A leopard can't change its stripes...
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I'll agree about the rush. I have a bit of the same thing. I love it when someone gives me a compliment, but even just knowing other people are seeing me is an emotional turn on.
Very few people know about my "secret" life. Ever since I got a digital camera in the mid-2000s, I have taken and posted hundreds of pictures of my 'parts' on various self-posting websites (like NN).

Sometimes I'll join a 'community' for as long as a year but inevitably I get a wave of guilt or shame and I take down the pics and close the account. I have probably opened and closed 30 accounts in the last five years. Some accounts are opened and closed the same day.

I have a girlfriend and an unbelievably rich sex life. I have never flashed in real life yet I love 'flashing' on the Internet. I have a full-time job and am otherwise sane.

While I love the positive feedback I get when I post myself, I know these people aren't 'real'.

Anyone want to take a stab at why I keep repeating this behavior?

I can relate to this. Though I haven't opened 30 accounts? lol But I know where yah coming from. Though, it sounds like you your sex life is a bit richer than mine? (hell, that wouldn't take much?) Sooo, what's a guy to do, who's overflowing with sexuality and no-one to share it with? Share it with the world! LOL Definitely a thrill in doing so, and I luv other's who get off at my pics. Such a turn on! There are many others who do the same thing that we do. Especially those who are in marriages that have gone dormant. Do I feel guilty? Yeah, a bit. But life's too short in my opinion. As long as nobody is getting hurt, its all good. Over the years I've started looking at everything and have opened my eyes to both sex's. Though, there are some things that just turn me off. i.e. excrement type stuff..blech.'re perfectly fine where your at man. *Check out my profile if you want to see pics of me*? There's a link to PH. ;) Keep it up sexy!