
It's called 'amelia''s all natural except for the glitter.

I might splash on some Eau du BBQ Porkchops in a bit...since I'm feeling absolutely sassy.
Hai Karate ain't working for me anymore...

You know you post way too much.

You can have a title when you have a thousand posts,

I have title suggestions for you,

Check with me in July of 2003.
Hazie do not scare the funboy away! I need him to finish my lyrics! You should join the band. You play a fine GITar.
Well, if you typed with your nipples like I do then you wouldn't have nearly the post total you are boasting, my fine green-haired psychotic friend.
Hit me up with some of those titles right now and if something strikes my fancy I might put on my nipple hats and go on a posting spree....

MiBoo - All natural glitter? What do they make that out of? Do they taste like chicken?
Typically, it's made from an endangered plant found only in the nether regions of Lake Michigan. It costs a pretty penny, but it's so worth it.
Did you ask Miss Michigan before you went minning her nether regions?