Hi, this is to aid my modest writings.
Oh, and because it might be an enjoyable topic of course.
I'd appreciate view from ladies here on the good and bad experiences of being filled.
Like it? Love it? Suffer it? Opinion varies (what varies the experience?).
Do you clean up before sleeping or happy to doze off 'as is'.
Wake happy and messy? Or wish you'd cleaned up/ hadn't happened?
I'm trying to write erotic stories, including some from female pov, based on feedback from own liaisons, but those are small numbers relative to the grand variety here!
Bare back sex features in my writing and I'd like to do better.
Thanks in advance.
Oh, and because it might be an enjoyable topic of course.
I'd appreciate view from ladies here on the good and bad experiences of being filled.
Like it? Love it? Suffer it? Opinion varies (what varies the experience?).
Do you clean up before sleeping or happy to doze off 'as is'.
Wake happy and messy? Or wish you'd cleaned up/ hadn't happened?
I'm trying to write erotic stories, including some from female pov, based on feedback from own liaisons, but those are small numbers relative to the grand variety here!
Bare back sex features in my writing and I'd like to do better.
Thanks in advance.