Interesting Week...


Literotica Guru
Aug 25, 2013
I voted on my last Union contract in my working Life.

And I have Covid.

Good luck on the contract. We have our contract waiting for decisions. Hopefully they won't let it go to congress. No matter how "pro-union" they claim to be, they always vote with corporations.
Mine was 82.5 before I came down with medium to severe Diverticulitis...
Also, the average American lifespan has been shortened again, this time by 3 years, to 76 and 2 months.
It was the second voting...Settled for $1.00/$.50 /$.25 three year ... Second shift +$1.25, Third shift +$1.00 per hour premium. The rest of the contract will stay unchanged.

Now i will be able to get my five week vacation check this month and it will not screw with my SS money that will start the last of October.
Not that but I am way past broke..needed that five week check and my SS pay was figured on my working through September. We find out how much our retirement is in October.
We have to decide if we want it in a lump sum or payments in the second Quarter of 2023.
And either draw it out or start pavements in June of 2023.

i am working until the end of 2023 and using SS at least to pay off Debt. As for as the retirement money we will see.

Also I may try to "Gas Up" my 401K that i have been draining to pay bills.

It's a game plan.
I do not know!

I have worked all my life. I have worked for this place fifty years come June 6, 2023.

If it's OK with God I will watch a few Sunrises. Drink some coffee on the Deck.
If I have the coin see a few places that i have always wanted to. Reconnect with misplaced friends and extended family.
Improve on the house while I still can.

Just depends on how the money stretches...

Hell. I might even fly on a plane!:D
Wow, fifty years. That’s pretty much unheard of anymore. Kudos!
How are you doing with Covid?

Congrats on the 50 years! When I was a kid I thought that anybody who could get a job with one of the steel companies or railroads or IBM or Xerox could do that. Silly me.
Pretty well, I guess . I had some fever this afternoon.
Took a nap an woke up feeling like i was really feverish. "98.9 Deg.F"

If I flunk another test tommorrow I may take off a week on short term disabillity just to make sure I don't kill anybody.