Interesting timing, Joe! 'The pandemic is over,' says Biden


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic is "over" in the United States in an interview on CBS News' 60 Minutes that aired Sept. 18.

"The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We're still doing a lotta work on it," President Biden said in the interview, which was conducted as he walked the floor of the Detroit Auto Show last week. "But the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one's wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it's changing."
Weren't you one of those people who always said the pandemic was a hoax and over-hyped in the first place? At least, when Trump said so, you were totally on board with agreeing with that.

Now Biden says it's over and suddenly you are all "Biden's an idiot, anybody can see the pandemic is still around and a serious thing."

Moral of the story: Rightguide will never give Biden credit for anything he does right, but will criticize him for everything he does wrong. While at the same time, he will never blame Trump for anything he did wrong, but will point out over and over again the things he believes he did right (which often enough, were still morally and ethically wrong.)
What would have miles' irrelevant headline been if President Biden said it after the mid-terms?
Excellent. Wipes away justification for the $22.4 billion his administration requested from Congress to fight the Covid pandemic that’s now been declared a thing of the past. At the same time it further weakens the already shaky legal ground upon which the Biden administration based its loan forgiveness order. Let’s go Brandon.
Excellent. Wipes away justification for the $22.4 billion his administration requested from Congress to fight the Covid pandemic that’s now been declared a thing of the past. At the same time it further weakens the already shaky legal ground upon which the Biden administration based its loan forgiveness order. Let’s go Brandon.
You’re just pissed because you’re obliged to agree with Biden.
Then I guess this means all the lazy assholes still working at home in their underwear can get back to work.

The sad thing is after two years of being put in constant fear by the media there's still going to be a lot of people who don't care what he says, they'll be afraid for the rest of their lives.

Like everything else there was a middle ground here. Was covid real? Of course it was. But was it the plague they claimed it was? Of course it wasn't, 2% death rate(less when they get done auditing all the phony deaths so they don't have to pay the hospitals) but our fearless leaders each dug in on their side of "Nope, not real" to "we're all gonna die!"

For me, Covid was over when I watched the Superbowl where 60K plus mask less assholes packed into a domed stadium in Cali, the most covid strict state out there.

Hard time selling anyone after that.
Excellent. Wipes away justification for the $22.4 billion his administration requested from Congress to fight the Covid pandemic that’s now been declared a thing of the past. At the same time it further weakens the already shaky legal ground upon which the Biden administration based its loan forgiveness order. Let’s go Brandon.
This is after not all that long ago declaring it was still a health emergency.
You can't make this stuff up. But I'd rather have it this way so maybe a few people might feel better and try leaving their house.

It is funny though seeing Phrodope and Luke guyfucker go from screaming covid is still an emergency to "its over" with nothing more than what their told as proof of either.
Then I guess this means all the lazy assholes still working at home in their underwear can get back to work.

The sad thing is after two years of being put in constant fear by the media there's still going to be a lot of people who don't care what he says, they'll be afraid for the rest of their lives.

Like everything else there was a middle ground here. Was covid real? Of course it was. But was it the plague they claimed it was? Of course it wasn't, 2% death rate(less when they get done auditing all the phony deaths so they don't have to pay the hospitals) but our fearless leaders each dug in on their side of "Nope, not real" to "we're all gonna die!"

For me, Covid was over when I watched the Superbowl where 60K plus mask less assholes packed into a domed stadium in Cali, the most covid strict state out there.

Hard time selling anyone after that.

People with numbers after their screen name​

They all suck. I have no idea what's so attractive to dumb people about adding a number to the end of their name, but clearly, something is. Have you observed this?

Theories, please.

^^Wise man, that Sonny.
It is funny though seeing Phrodope and Luke guyfucker go from screaming covid is still an emergency to "its over" with nothing more than what their told as proof of either.
Luk never said that and I don't believe phro did either, ya lyin' fat bastard.
This is after not all that long ago declaring it was still a health emergency.
You can't make this stuff up. But I'd rather have it this way so maybe a few people might feel better and try leaving their house.

It is funny though seeing Phrodope and Luke guyfucker go from screaming covid is still an emergency to "its over" with nothing more than what their told as proof of either.
They are still free to keep wearing masks, getting booster shots every 6 months, and watching Fauci videos if they want.
Excellent. Wipes away justification for the $22.4 billion his administration requested from Congress to fight the Covid pandemic that’s now been declared a thing of the past. At the same time it further weakens the already shaky legal ground upon which the Biden administration based its loan forgiveness order. Let’s go Brandon.
You seem upset. Again. Have you ever been tested for hypertension? All this bile and dyspeptic shitposting, you're gonna pop an aneurysm!
The CDC recommends being vaccinated and current on boosters, and maintaining social distancing. Stay informed of the risk level in your community, and if it’s moderate or high, wear a mask in indoor public settings and transportation.

Somehow, this information fills snowflakes with terror.
IF the Republicans do well in November,
THEN we'll need Christmas lockdowns* and

then Republicans will be portrayed as the (Newt Gin) Grinch who stole Christmas.

* and supply chain issues to halt the distribution of stocking stuffers...
Covid never was a serious issue. It killed a small percentage of the people who got it, and those were the oldest and sickest among us. They spent so much time making us all scared of the virus which was essentially a flu, and no time whatsoever tracking down where the virus came from.

We still haven't gotten a full accounting on the origins of COVID-19. It appears most likely to have been created in a lab and accidentally let loose into the world by well meaning scientists who bungled their research, but a LOT of effort has been put into hiding that.

But now, the pandemic is over. Even though people are still dying and being hospitalized.

This is political. The pandemic is over because the Biden thinks that simply announcing it will give them a win. A win that they desperately need for the midterm elections.