Intellectual sexuality

from wikipedia:
Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems.

Do you read each other Descartes and and find limits while you're boning?
from wikipedia:
Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems.

Do you read each other Descartes and and find limits while you're boning?

The other night I discussed Platon's cave and koans with a man I had met on here. Could that be what the OP was referring to?
The other night I discussed Platon's cave and koans with a man I had met on here. Could that be what the OP was referring to?

I imagine that you are correct. I would assume the OP is wanting to develop a relationship that has a large mental component to it, and it would be interesting to read Descartes while screwing. Hell, grab Wittgenstein and read it while having sex.

I mean being attracted to the intelligence of someone as much as their physical attributes
It would be an improvement I would guess. How exciting can it be to be told by strangers in a pm what the size of their dick is and what they're doing with it? It gets old. Or they want to argue..Geeze.
Maybe I'll get my wife to read from the Wall Street Journal while I'm doing her from behind.
Intelligence is the cornerstone of sexy.

Found a word for this in Experience Project.
A person sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind.

Yes, there are a lot of people attracted to intelligence. But just intelligence is not enough, no more so than big tits are enough. There needs to be humility, communication skills, compassion, passion, etc. Without the social skills the intelligent person is just another talking head.
If you are interested there is even a Facebook page for Sapiosexuality.

If there are typos here I blame them on this damn Ipad.
Found a word for this in Experience Project.
A person sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind.

Yes, there are a lot of people attracted to intelligence. But just intelligence is not enough, no more so than big tits are enough. There needs to be humility, communication skills, compassion, passion, etc. Without the social skills the intelligent person is just another talking head.
If you are interested there is even a Facebook page for Sapiosexuality.

If there are typos here I blame them on this damn Ipad.

A wellrounded person is harder to find on Lit, mainly because many people are't looking for intelligence on a porn site. I agree, Intelligence by itself is not attractive.
I agree with quite a lot of the above, on how intelligence is important.

I'm not sure about Descartes, but I would definitely want someone with whom I could discuss the news (i.e. foreign relations, the economy, et cetera, not soft news). Also, my age group is a must :p

Anyone on here like that?
Found a word for this in Experience Project.
A person sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind.

Yes, there are a lot of people attracted to intelligence. But just intelligence is not enough, no more so than big tits are enough. There needs to be humility, communication skills, compassion, passion, etc. Without the social skills the intelligent person is just another talking head.
If you are interested there is even a Facebook page for Sapiosexuality.

If there are typos here I blame them on this damn Ipad.

"Damned" is the proper adjective. (I'm gently teasing.)

YES, to what you said up there in red.

Heart. A good heart is more important than intelligence.
the whole package

A wellrounded person is harder to find on Lit, mainly because many people are't looking for intelligence on a porn site. I agree, Intelligence by itself is not attractive.

I fully agree. There needs to be attraction on multiple levels for any friendship or relationship to flourish. I have been fortunate to have had some of those with people I have met on sites like this. It isn't easy, but there are people even on sites like this that can be the whole package.

It just starts with a post or thread like this and then who knows.

Always looking to get to know new and interesting people.
I fully agree. There needs to be attraction on multiple levels for any friendship or relationship to flourish. I have been fortunate to have had some of those with people I have met on sites like this. It isn't easy, but there are people even on sites like this that can be the whole package.

It just starts with a post or thread like this and then who knows.

Always looking to get to know new and interesting people.

ehm, "on sites like this"? What other sites do you refer to that are not largely fantasy sites? Fiction writers? No one can know 'the whole package' of anyone whom they talk to only online... Even in R/L there are many secrets kept. It is indeed rare to find a long lasting intimate relationship.

ehm, "on sites like this"? What other sites do you refer to that are not largely fantasy sites? Fiction writers? No one can know 'the whole package' of anyone whom they talk to only online... Even in R/L there are many secrets kept. It is indeed rare to find a long lasting intimate relationship.

Point taken. I guess that over time people will show themselves. In an online relationship, it is easier to hide the truth. One advantage is that we can hide our flaws and maybe be theperson we would really like to be. As you said "fantasy", so maybe the fantasy personas are the ones building the relationship. If that is the case, that can work as well. We all come here for different reasons, but I think most come to find some connection to others. That connection can be fleeting and single dimensional, or longer term and multi-dimensional.
Wonderful points. It would be nice to meet someone who could solve Schrodinger's Equation for the hydrogen atom, had the body of a Norse goddess, the heart of Mother Teresa, and a libido as wide as the Mississippi is long. That is just some ideal partner that we create in our own head. And sometimes we project that on others, and other times, we project it on ourselves. How do we react when that ideal is shown the light of day?

"Fleeting connections" is another wonderful point. The dynamics of life cause these "portals" to disappear almost as fast as they are formed. Sadly. Very sadly.
I am most definitely sapiosexual. Among other things... ;)

I have to be physically attraced on a base level. But the sexual mind is what gets me going the energy of pleasing and being pleased. The taking and the giving. Damn, my libido is in overdrive.
Love this thread and the fact that people are replying to it suggests there are some on the same wavelength. Sorry to hijack your thread op but at the very least a bump for you :D
I had intellectual sex once... but once we got going, I fucked her brains out, and it was all downhill from there.

Lots of drooling, cursing, animalistic passion... all the blood flowed away from our brains. Horrid.
How might I spark sexual intellect of a man who looks at Michelangelo's "Ignudo on a pedestal" and grumbles, "Who's the faggot on the toilet?"
I had intellectual sex once... but once we got going, I fucked her brains out, and it was all downhill from there.

Lots of drooling, cursing, animalistic passion... all the blood flowed away from our brains. Horrid.

Bwwwwwaaahaaa. Clever! And umm dreadful, indeed;)