Instant turn-off!


I bite
Oct 5, 2011
Had a date the other night, he was very handsome, we were laughing, then... "I'll be right back, I gotta take a piss" UGH. Instant turn-off! "Take a piss"??? ewww so low class. I excused myself.
Tank tops on guys too. No, just no.

Anyone else have an instant turn-off?
Loud eating or chewing noisily. Add mouth-breathing while chewing, and I'm just beyond done.
There is a combination of arrogance and ignorance that turns my stomach.
Had a date the other night, he was very handsome, we were laughing, then... "I'll be right back, I gotta take a piss" UGH. Instant turn-off! "Take a piss"??? ewww so low class. I excused myself.
Tank tops on guys too. No, just no.

Anyone else have an instant turn-off?

Uh-oh. I say 'take a piss' too, in regards to myself. :eek:

I'm with IrisAlthea, that arrogant/ignorance mix is foul. Can't stand people like that for long.
Whenever I am in your presence, dear lady, I will watch my mouth. I'll say; "Excuse me, I have to go the the little girls' room."

I dunno, real people don't turn me on. :p

I guess I wouldn't say that it's a turn off so much as a "you gotta bust your ass to get me to like you" if you make more than $60k a year.

On that note, I'd say a republican, even a moderate democrat, would be completely off the table too. :p

And not liking robots.

And drinking soda all day.

And smoking.

And, well, I guess it's like I said... real people don't turn me on.
Movement conservatives (teabaggers, fundamentalist activists or one percenters).

Dandruff as large, dense and crunchy as Pringles.

And people not appalled by cheap, plastic adirondack chairs.

And now, I must go take a piss.
Telling how much everything they own costs and mentioning the brand of everything.
Not being able to discuss a very wide range of topics.
Being proud of ignorance.
Astrology, healing chrystals, reiki, angel therapy etc.
Very few things are an instant turn off for me.

Being judgmental, callous and rude, sexist, homophobic or racist.

Automatically discounting people's valid life experiences and declaring them XYZ without understanding that that one thing is maybe .5% of their lives/personalities and people are so much more than that XYZ.

For example, someone saying "Oh you like dubstep? You're a fucking idiot!" That to me is so ridiculous and outrageously ignorant it's baffling. Insulting someone based on something so trivial and minute...I don't understand it at all. So yes, instant turn off.
If the guy doesn't smell good, I wouldn't even get as far as finding out about his personality :)
Loud eating or chewing noisily. Add mouth-breathing while chewing, and I'm just beyond done.

Ugh, this. I begin to visibly twitch.

People who disrespect or vehemently dislike animals. Unless it's a legit phobia... Repeatedly telling me how much you hate cats is unnecessary. Joking about that time you put a mouse in a box and shook it to death is disgusting. (An actual conversation piece offered up by an ex once upon a time. I got over him in an instant.)

Overall, don't be a dick. Dickery comes in many forms and is an instant turn-off every time.
Lousy hygiene. Dirty fingernails are one of my biggest turn offs.

A long time ago, I went on a date to a hockey game. I looked at the guy, who was watching the game, and HIS EAR WAS SO DIRTY IT WAS NEARLY PLUGGED COMPLETELY! WTF? So nasty (vomit emoticon)

While my nails are clean, I break them so much, I have given up on growing them. I used to be able to grow them long but not anymore. A guy friend of mine said it was a turn-off and suggested I get fake nails, which I hate. Oh well... Plus, with long-ass fake nails, how can I stick my finger... never mind
Checking their phone, facebook, twitter etc for messages while out on a date with me. Sorry if you cannot take a couple of hours out of your busy online life for me then I can't be bothered taking time out of my real life for you.
Mistaking sarcasm for seriousness.

Saying, proudly, that you don't read and "hate" books. I don't even get that, which means you won't get when I get lost in a book and don't come up for days. I don't care what you read or how often, just that you do.
Ayn Rand. Also, smoking.

Once I was actually dumped out of the blue for claiming that Ayn Rand's Objectivism was horse hockey. I celebrated my good fortune.

Another turn-off: extreme presumption and overgrown sense of entitlement
My going out with someone doesn't entitle that person to jack or crap. Some people feel that, just because I was willing to watch them exhibit their sloppy table manners, I should at least make out with them a tiny bit. Game over.