insects or bugs


Sep 2, 2023
I'm not even sure I can write this, but I noticed there aren't many stories involving someone being covered by meal worms for example for the sexual pleasure of everyone involved. Maybe being turned on by being humiliated or from the power dynamic of making someone humiliate themselves. Does this type of scenario go against the rules?
Yes, what's not realised is that it's the stuff of yawns, not nightmares.
Searching for ticks can get someone undressed quickly and unexpectedly, and even more or less publicly. Best of all, with acute willingness that don't considered any consequences.

Although... this is perhaps off topic as ticks aren't either insects or bugs, they're actually arachnids.

Going in that direction... how about a girl caught in a giant spider's net? But why she's naked? Did she lose clothes trying to wiggle free?