Innocence of Muslims


Jun 23, 2008
Could this be it?!

We do not encorage this movie as they are insulting our Prophet (PBUH) and have uploaded it to show what the Coptics are saying about our blessed Prophet (PBUH) HASBOONA ALLAH WA NE3MA AL-WAKEEL
أقباط المهجر ينتجون فيلماً مسيئاً ضد الإسلام بعنوان حياة نبى الاسلام
أقباط المهجر ينتجون فيلماً مسيئاً ضد الإسلام بعنوان حياة محمد نبى الاسلام
ارسلت إدارة اليوتيوب تخبرنا أن هناك ممن ذكر اسمه من أقباط المهجر انه وراء إنتاج الفيلم تقدم بشكوى أن اسمه مذكور ويريد حذفه ، مما يؤسف له ان ادارة اليوتيوب تحركت وارسلت تطلب حذف الاسم خلال 48 ساعة ولم تتحرك من أجل حذف ما يسيء للإسلام والمسلمين
ومن جانبنا قمنا بحذف الأسماء مع تحفظنا على الموقف ، حيث يثبت أن الأشخاص عندهم أعز عليهم من الدين الإسلامي ونبي الإسلام ، وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
وجاري النظر في إبقاء الفيديو أو حذفه ومنتظر رأي من ذهب وانتفض وشارك في الوقفة أمام السفارة الأمريكية بالقاهرة.
ويمكن متابعة الموضوع في شبكة المرصد الإخبارية
مدة الفيلم ثلاث ساعات ويسعدنا ان نهدى لكل العالم مقاطع من الفيلم المنتظر عرضه قريبا فى دور العرض الامريكيه العالميه والاوربيه كما سيذاع مقاطع من الفيلم فى اليوم العالمى لمحاكمة محمد بكنيسة خادم الانجيل القس تيرى جونز بولاية فلوريدا وسيشارك وفد من الهيئه العليا للدوله القبطيه الحضور بصفة مراقب هذه المحاكمه يوم 11 سبتمبر 2012
وكان القس تيرى جونز قد اعلن عن تنظيم محاكمة شعبية لمحمد نبى الاسلام
وقال القس تيرى جونزفى رسالتة اذا قالت المحكمة ان محمد نبى الاسلام مذنب . فاننا سوف نقرر اعدامه.
المسئولين عن هذا الإجرام يحاولون زعزعة استقلال وامن مصر بتصريحاتهم وأفعالهم المقززة.
وهم يحرضون الاقباط في مصر على اشعال النار فى البلد ولكن اقباط مصر واعقل من الانصياع لمثل هؤلاء القردة الذين يسعون لارضاء اولياء نعمتهم امريكا واسرائيل من اجل المال.
هؤلاء الشرذمة احتموا بجدران البيت الأبيض مقدمين فروض الطاعة والولاء من اجل الحماية حاصلين على اموال للاستمرار فى الهجوم على دين الله وعلى نبيه الكريم ملوثين تاريخ الدين الاسلامى الكبير كما قاموا بتلويث تاريخ دينهم من قبل ايضاً ، لقد باعوا أنفسهم ودينهم بثمن بخس .
والمرصد الإعلامي الإسلامي من جانبه يدين ويستنكر ويشجب هذا العمل الإجرامي بحق رسول الإنسانية النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي ارسله الله رحمة للعالمين ، ويناشد جميع الهيئات والمنظمات والجمعيات الإسلامية وغير الإسلامية والأزهر وهيئة كبار العلماء وكل غيور اتخاذ ما يلزم تجاه هذه الجريمة النكراء ، العمل على وقف نشر هذا الفيلم ومحاسبة القائمين عليه ، كما أناشد المحامين في مصر تقديم بلاغ للنائب العام واتخاذ كافة الإجراءات القانونية تجاه الوارد ذكرهم من أقباط المهجر في هذه الوثيقة ومن وراءهم ويناصرهم داخل مصروخارجها .
" يريدون ليطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم والله متم نوره ولو كره الكافرون (8) هو الذى أرسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون(9) " سورة الصف
" يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم نوره ولو كره الكافرون (32) هو الذى أرسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون (33) " سورة التوبة

curiosity strikes.
Are those white people wearing dark make-up to make them look Arab? Yikes. I only watched the first forty seconds. Didn't really feel like watching 13 minutes. Does it get weirder/worse?
Are those white people wearing dark make-up to make them look Arab? Yikes. I only watched the first forty seconds. Didn't really feel like watching 13 minutes. Does it get weirder/worse?

I lasted a couple of minutes. Worst acting ever!
Are those white people wearing dark make-up to make them look Arab? Yikes. I only watched the first forty seconds. Didn't really feel like watching 13 minutes. Does it get weirder/worse?

yes. white people wearing brown makeup. it got pretty damn weird. there was a scene with mohammed feeling some lady up while making plans for new scripture.

I lasted a couple of minutes. Worst acting ever!

the acting was horrendous. if that's the real film, i don't know what to think. i doubt i could last two hours of that.
youtube has been banned in afghanistan, and 'sam bacile' remains unknown. more shall be revealed.
Apparently, the word in the Middle East was that this movie was going to be broadcast prime-time in America.

That would make me want to riot.
Evidently Bacile is a pseudonym for whack-nut.

whack-a-doodle who hides in the shadows while other people die.

Apparently, the word in the Middle East was that this movie was going to be broadcast prime-time in America.

That would make me want to riot.

i still haven't been able to find the full film online, not that i'm looking real hard.
You bozos understand al Qaeda attacked American sovereignty and killed 4 Americans in Libya yesterday, 9/11/12, in revenge for Obama ordering the drone killing of al Qaeda's No. 2 commander Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in June...


You also realize Libya's Interior Ministry in Benghazi had warned the US consulate there that threats had been received proclaiming such an attack (al-Libi was Libyan)...


So, you probably also know that the US State Department - headed by Hillary Clinton and her boss - dismissed the conveyed threats and took no extra security precautions on the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's most deadly attack on America...


But, go ahead and swallow the "film protest" bone being thrown to you...

...after all, it's better for your utopia that you suck some propaganda marrow rather than learning that the very same people Obama and Clinton ushered into power in Libya - al Qaeda - are the very same murderers who attacked America again yesterday.
You bozos understand al Qaeda attacked American sovereignty and killed 4 Americans in Libya yesterday, 9/11/12, in revenge for Obama ordering the drone killing of al Qaeda's No. 2 commander Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in June...


You also realize Libya's Interior Ministry in Benghazi had warned the US consulate there that threats had been received proclaiming such an attack (al-Libi was Libyan)...


So, you probably also know that the US State Department - headed by Hillary Clinton and her boss - dismissed the conveyed threats and took no extra security precautions on the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's most deadly attack on America...


But, go ahead and swallow the "film protest" bone being thrown to you...

...after all, it's better for your utopia that you suck some propaganda marrow rather than learning that the very same people Obama and Clinton ushered into power in Libya - al Qaeda - are the very same murderers who attacked America again yesterday.

Your words and the truth are wasted on them. They've been "enlightened" by the regime.
You bozos understand al Qaeda attacked American sovereignty and killed 4 Americans in Libya yesterday, 9/11/12, in revenge for Obama ordering the drone killing of al Qaeda's No. 2 commander Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in June...


You also realize Libya's Interior Ministry in Benghazi had warned the US consulate there that threats had been received proclaiming such an attack (al-Libi was Libyan)...


So, you probably also know that the US State Department - headed by Hillary Clinton and her boss - dismissed the conveyed threats and took no extra security precautions on the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's most deadly attack on America...


But, go ahead and swallow the "film protest" bone being thrown to you...

...after all, it's better for your utopia that you suck some propaganda marrow rather than learning that the very same people Obama and Clinton ushered into power in Libya - al Qaeda - are the very same murderers who attacked America again yesterday.

thank you for your input. i started the thread, because i was interested in the film being thrown around everywhere, bozo. seeing how there were already threads concerning consulate security and the president's reaction/non reaction, i decided to focus on this part of the story.

Your words and the truth are wasted on them. They've been "enlightened" by the regime.

go get fisted.
thank you for your input. i started the thread, because i was interested in the film being thrown around everywhere, bozo. seeing how there were already threads concerning consulate security and the president's reaction/non reaction, i decided to focus on this part of the story.

Fact is, "the film" isn't any "part of the story" of al Qaeda attacking sovereign American territory and murdering 4 Americans in Libya yesterday on 9/11...

whack-a-doodle who hides in the shadows while other people die., why do you intentionally link the "whack-a-doodle" in any way with al Qaeda killing 4 more Americans?
You bozos understand al Qaeda attacked American sovereignty and killed 4 Americans in Libya yesterday, 9/11/12, in revenge for Obama ordering the drone killing of al Qaeda's No. 2 commander Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in June...


You also realize Libya's Interior Ministry in Benghazi had warned the US consulate there that threats had been received proclaiming such an attack (al-Libi was Libyan)...


So, you probably also know that the US State Department - headed by Hillary Clinton and her boss - dismissed the conveyed threats and took no extra security precautions on the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's most deadly attack on America...


But, go ahead and swallow the "film protest" bone being thrown to you...

...after all, it's better for your utopia that you suck some propaganda marrow rather than learning that the very same people Obama and Clinton ushered into power in Libya - al Qaeda - are the very same murderers who attacked America again yesterday.
If you can prove that, the State Department would like to know.
Fact is, "the film" isn't any "part of the story" of al Qaeda attacking sovereign American territory and murdering 4 Americans in Libya yesterday on 9/11...

This is true. Very few spontaneous riots result in the military-style assassinations of American diplomats. This obscure video was just used as an excuse to get some of the idiots riled up so they could act as cover for Al Qaeda's real mission.
Fact is, "the film" isn't any "part of the story" of al Qaeda attacking sovereign American territory and murdering 4 Americans in Libya yesterday on 9/11..., why do you intentionally link the "whack-a-doodle" in any way with al Qaeda killing 4 more Americans?

the fact is, "the film" is a part of the story. whether cover for orders from al Qaeda or purely coincidental, the film is feeding the fire. why did i link it? i wanted to see what is inciting so much anger. if you would like to link the al Qaeda orders to retaliate on US embassies, please feel free to. i saw a clip earlier, but it was a part of the entire story, including the film.

and now Yemen.
You bozos understand al Qaeda attacked American sovereignty and killed 4 Americans in Libya yesterday, 9/11/12, in revenge for Obama ordering the drone killing of al Qaeda's No. 2 commander Abu Yahya al-Libi in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in June...


You also realize Libya's Interior Ministry in Benghazi had warned the US consulate there that threats had been received proclaiming such an attack (al-Libi was Libyan)...


So, you probably also know that the US State Department - headed by Hillary Clinton and her boss - dismissed the conveyed threats and took no extra security precautions on the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's most deadly attack on America...


But, go ahead and swallow the "film protest" bone being thrown to you...

...after all, it's better for your utopia that you suck some propaganda marrow rather than learning that the very same people Obama and Clinton ushered into power in Libya - al Qaeda - are the very same murderers who attacked America again yesterday.

As the dust settles, eyer is right on this one.