


My boyfriend and I just happened to be getting randy for sex tonight and came upon this site. We, actually, I... Decided to ask if penis size is inheritable. Genetics anyone? It almost seems as though breast size runs in families. I take after my grandmother with my A size, but my mom and sister take after my mamaw with Ds. Is it similar or not???
You and your boyfriend are "horny for sex" and you decided to stop at a BB to ask if dick size is inherited?

I'm hoping that someone has conducted a study on this matter.
If not, I may have to do some research. ;)
Mona said:
I'm hoping that someone has conducted a study on this matter.
If not, I may have to do some research. ;)

Since you're intersted in conducting a scientific study, I'll opt as the first subject. lol!
FuzzySex said:
Decided to ask if penis size is inheritable. Genetics anyone?

I can't give a difinitive answer based on studies and statistics, but it sems probable that genetic plays a bigger part in penis size than any environmental factor.

Despite the profusion of spam ads to the cotrary, you're pretty much stuck with the penis size you were born with, just as you're stuck with your grandparent's nose, eyes, body type, and etc.
*Thread hijacking*

Oh Mona, do you need an assistant because i would like to volunteer for the job?

I would think that we could get more ummm...research done with two of us working at it.

*Hijacking over*

Try the New England Medical Journal site because I believe that there has been studies done on this very issue and webmd is also a good bet for all things genetic that have been studied.
all genetics

It's all genetics, damn my graddaddy's soul. Diet and exercise wont work. Environment plays little role in penis or breast size. However, since breasts are largely fat, gaining weight will make them bigger. Some birth control pills also increase breast size.

Work with what ya got.

Dr. Steve
Well of course it's genetics at work, what else could it possibly be? The more pertinent questions would be whether it comes down matrilineally like pattern baldness, or whether you have dad to thank/blame.
We were all sitting at the dinner table having our Thanksgiving dinner when i looked over at my dad and said. "He dad,
Yes Son. How big is your cock? Because mine is pretty big and if yours is too, i just want to thank you. Happy Thanks giving dad.
Sorry, just thought that it was kinda odd to be thinking about my fathers dick.