Information for Viagra users and their partners

heavenly body

Jan 13, 2003
I just wanted to post this in the hopes it might save someone from some harm. Vigara is a potent vasodilator and should not be taken within twelve hours of any nitroglycerin type medications. It can cause profound hypotension...low blood pressure. If you ever have symptoms of heart attack and the paramedics arrive be sure to inform them if you have used Vigara in the last day.
Good Public Service

announcement. There are many reasons a person might use this drug besides the one we are all happy about.

Like any drug check your pharmachist for any side effects or counter symptoms with other drugs you might be using.

Thanks. With the popularity of people buying the drug online I thought it might have been information that might not be readily available to them.
heavenly body said:
Thanks. With the popularity of people buying the drug online I thought it might have been information that might not be readily available to them.
But you still need a perscription, no?
Also, if your hard-on lasts over 4 hours, you are in trouble. Get thee to an ER quick because it can cause permanent damage, like not being able to get it up EVER again.

The chances some people will take for recreational purposes...
ksmybuttons said:
Also, if your hard-on lasts over 4 hours, you are in trouble. Get thee to an ER quick because it can cause permanent damage, like not being able to get it up EVER again.

The chances some people will take for recreational purposes...

You can take this for fun? Does it enhance the experience?
Trail48 said:
You can take this for fun? Does it enhance the experience?

It's been described as the Energizer Bunny Experience, you just keep going and going and going.
morninggirl5 said:
It's been described as the Energizer Bunny Experience, you just keep going and going and going.

My doctor has asked me if I wanted it.....Hhhmmmm
ksmybuttons said:
Check with your love, first. She might not want you to have it.


Dear god, if she reads this she'll be dragging me there by the ear!! It's her dream.....a perpetual hard on......"somebody stop me" LOL
Viagra is supposed to be a prescription drug but the reality is that it is easily available without one. This is just an attempt to let folks know of some danger.
It is not a recreational drug...

that is where the problem lays. Too many people are using it without doing the research about it.

It has been used for circulatory problems also.

If a man has developed a problem with the plumbing one dose usually a half could jet set it back to normal usuage without ever needing it again.

Like any drug you can become reliant on it pychologically and physically and that is not good either.

If you are taken other meds and mix like HA mentioned you could cause damage.

Like ksmybuttons mentioned if your hard on does not go down after four hours get your ass to the Emergency Room. You do not want permanant damage of never having a hard on again. So put your pride aside and save that cock of yours by telling the Dr. in ER.

Use your common sense men when experimenting with it. As far as I have learned the drug is usually taken an hour before you plan on having sex. It needs stimulation like you normally do. It maintains the hard on without it going soft. It allows you to stay hard like when you were younger. Again if it is over a four hour period take it serious and get to ER.

Good luck to those who are experimenting with it and make sure you read up on it.

Kotori that is good to know. Thinking of no tighty whities! Wohoooo. Wink
