Info on Lit's Non-Consent/Reluctance category


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
Hate to break it to you, but this site has limits and rape, scat and murder (revolving around sex) is all off limits.

I suggest you take your hatred of women and go get some help.

While you're at it you should remove that picture of whatever woman that is as I am damn sure you posted it without their knowledge.
Hate to break it to you, but this site has limits and rape, scat and murder (revolving around sex) is all off limits.

I suggest you take your hatred of women and go get some help.

While you're at it you should remove that picture of whatever woman that is as I am damn sure you posted it without their knowledge.

Don't listen to Lovecraft. Rape is within the limits. here are a bunch of scat stories so that's in. It's true though, you can't have the murder directly revolve around the sex. You have to at least wait five minutes after cumming. It's like going for a swim. Bestiality is against the local rules though I'm suddenly wondering a dozen other ways to simply step to the side of the rule.

It would be nice if you'd stop lying lovecraft.

We are in fact missing two pictures.

Interesting story idea I just can't really see how it works mechanically.
Oh, is that so Sean?

hmm let's see from the link in the Literotica FAQ titled my story was rejected, why?

Now allow me to save you from all the reading that would hurt your pea brain and post this, the last line of the post

Added by Laurel for clarification: While we do accept submissions with graphic violence, we don't accept "snuff" - i.e. death & extreme torture with the aim of sexual titillation. We generally do not accept submissions of nonconsensual sex in which the "victim" gets absolutely no sort of thrill or enjoyment from the acts, or is seriously and /or permanently physically harmed/abused.[/I]

What's that mean to you?

Now the problem is Laurel is the only person looking at stories and she does not have time for much more than a skim so yes, there are rape stories on here, but they do not belong here.

if one is found and reported it is removed until the author fixes it.

But of course you don't want to hear that because you're a knuckle dragging cock sucker who gets off on women being abused and you're the liar if you deny that because its all over your disgusting misogynistic posts.

Now why don't you go find some one else to sling your shit at? Maybe there's some 18 year old kid on here somewhere who'll think you're intimidating.
Down boys or I will turn the car around and no ice cream. :rolleyes:

In point of fact an actual rape is allowed on lit, there is one little thing. To have an actual rape happen in any stories it can't be the focus of the story. As in a gal who was raped and then continues on to recover from it.

Read my story The Band, there is a rather graphic rape scene early on. It's in Romance, though not quite romantic, that is coming in the next part as soon as I continue on from where I got sorta stuck. Darn weather in Arizona screwing with me. :eek:

Click on my name <----- that way and go to homepage. There is another way, if it is part of a series, though those are more limited on what can happen. She doesn't have to enjoy but it can't be violent.

I do remember reading a story about a gal who has always fantasized about being raped at knife point. She has a boyfriend who knows the fantasy and they act it out some. In the story itself she has just bought a new knife and wants her boyfriend to use it during their 'rape' scene. A burglar breaks in the house wearing a ski mask just like her boyfriend uses so goes along with him thinking it is her boyfriend, so she gets raped thinking it is her boyfriend, gets off on it and then he stabs her, fade to black. Basically it was a snuff, but it wasn't because the killing was not spelled out and then it happened after the sex.

A snuff film is a film where during sex the woman or man is killed and the sex continues. What the sicko above wants is not that, still going to say it's a clear sign that they need to be put in an asylum to receive heavy counseling and probably drug treatment. :confused:
Hillbilly Hell, that's a personal fav so I had it on tap but there are plenty more. You have to go six shades of crazy to get rejected for rape. It's kinda like managing to make a movie so violent it gets an NC-17 rating. It's not impossible it's just. . .you have to be trying and even then you're likely to fail.

This whole thing is Lit Myth,you'd have an easier time finding a real unicorn.

Oh, is that so Sean?

hmm let's see from the link in the Literotica FAQ titled my story was rejected, why?

Now allow me to save you from all the reading that would hurt your pea brain and post this, the last line of the post

Added by Laurel for clarification: While we do accept submissions with graphic violence, we don't accept "snuff" - i.e. death & extreme torture with the aim of sexual titillation. We generally do not accept submissions of nonconsensual sex in which the "victim" gets absolutely no sort of thrill or enjoyment from the acts, or is seriously and /or permanently physically harmed/abused.[/I]

What's that mean to you?

Now the problem is Laurel is the only person looking at stories and she does not have time for much more than a skim so yes, there are rape stories on here, but they do not belong here.

if one is found and reported it is removed until the author fixes it.

But of course you don't want to hear that because you're a knuckle dragging cock sucker who gets off on women being abused and you're the liar if you deny that because its all over your disgusting misogynistic posts.

Now why don't you go find some one else to sling your shit at? Maybe there's some 18 year old kid on here somewhere who'll think you're intimidating.

First, I take that as Laurel either lying or making a huge generaalization. I have stories, that I've pointed out several times, that have females with little if any enjoyment and some that don't even survive the encounter. Even in the paragraph you quoted you're not allowed snuff or mutilation. The victim must get SOME excitement is apparently a "rule" that's been bent so far int oa pretzel that calling it a a rule is a gross overstatment of what that word means.

Go on and call me a misogynistist. My mother calls me worse and has since I was a young child. Apparently it's part of my charm, I long since stopped being insulted by that particular charge.

I'm not for the record, trying to intimidate you. I value your input actually, when you aren't lying you seem to have fairly good ideas and a level head. That doesn't stop you from lying on this subject. However I'm bored and I think I can solve this and prove you to be a honorless cur in one fell swoop. I'll write this story and I'll remember to come back here when it gets posted. Just for shits and giggles I'm gonna test the bestiality rule so I might have to edit it after trying that particular part.
Down boys or I will turn the car around and no ice cream. :rolleyes:

In point of fact an actual rape is allowed on lit, there is one little thing. To have an actual rape happen in any stories it can't be the focus of the story. As in a gal who was raped and then continues on to recover from it.

Read my story The Band, there is a rather graphic rape scene early on. It's in Romance, though not quite romantic, that is coming in the next part as soon as I continue on from where I got sorta stuck. Darn weather in Arizona screwing with me. :eek:

Click on my name <----- that way and go to homepage. There is another way, if it is part of a series, though those are more limited on what can happen. She doesn't have to enjoy but it can't be violent.

I do remember reading a story about a gal who has always fantasized about being raped at knife point. She has a boyfriend who knows the fantasy and they act it out some. In the story itself she has just bought a new knife and wants her boyfriend to use it during their 'rape' scene. A burglar breaks in the house wearing a ski mask just like her boyfriend uses so goes along with him thinking it is her boyfriend, so she gets raped thinking it is her boyfriend, gets off on it and then he stabs her, fade to black. Basically it was a snuff, but it wasn't because the killing was not spelled out and then it happened after the sex.

A snuff film is a film where during sex the woman or man is killed and the sex continues. What the sicko above wants is not that, still going to say it's a clear sign that they need to be put in an asylum to receive heavy counseling and probably drug treatment. :confused:

It cannot be the focus is the key to your post.

If a rape is something that furthers the plot, explains why the character is who she is, sets up something else so be it. Its called a plot device.

When used in hoprror stories or in your example romance, I see what you mean. And in romance most readers would see it for a terrible event.


In the non con section it is written for the meat of the story. It is the sole reason someone is reading.

In the real erotica publishing world "rape for titillation" is usually not allowed by many sites.

What you have in the "true" rape stories here(what I mean by true is 100% non consent) people are reading to stroke to the act of rape, to a woman being hurt and that is the difference.

The big issue here is the category says non consent which allows people to think there is rape allowed contrary to the rule I posted.

On Lush stories for example the category is simply "reluctance"

As for GB Tough Guy Renaud, the latter is the type of story he enjoys. Because its how he gets his little pecker off.
Thanks for the clarity. I'm currently working on a NC story and it's useful to read your guidelines.
Hate to break it to you Renaud, but you're on ignore.

Only once in awhile do I make the mistake of looking at the cyber tough guy posing BS you call posting.

And every time I do you're talking about rape and defending it.

You're disgusting.
So going back to Laurel's post.

Castration (I.E. something that hurts a man) is a no-no

Rape, gang rape, repeated rapes? Hey, no problem!

Hurting men bad.

Hurting women? Yay!

Really goes to show how this site feels about women in general.

then again look no further than the boards.

For the most part the only women who are treated well here are the ones who post pictures of their tits and say "Yay, I'm a cunt! Call me a cunt again"

Then again, when your audience is comprised of men like the ones in the loving wives section whop jerk off to nasty burn the bitch stories featuring horrific violence against women, I guess we have to cater to them.

And when many male posters are the sean renauds of the world who's little pee pees shrivel up at the thought of a woman being equal to them, I guess we have to have rules to keep them happy, don't we?

Now let's go back to castration.

What if THAT furthers the story? What if that is a plot device? Why can;t that be used as long as its only part of the story?

cause the poor little men here (and I am stressing little) who come here to whack their cocks because no woman in their right mind wants anything to do with them will be offended and maybe leave.

I was told a couple of years ago, that lit is unfriendly to women. They weren't wrong, not in the least.

That's okay though the feds are all over any site that features rape stories. The under age is banned here not because its illegal, but because it draws pedophiles and they draw the feds who track them.

Well hey they track rapists too and they love to see where all the rape stories they read come from.

Mybe they'll buy the "it furthers the story" line.

But I doubt it. This is a porn site, plain and simple.

the rape here is for titillation and nothing else.

Laurel can run this site as she sees fit, but maybe its time to erase that rule I posted and just own up to the fact rape stories are more than welcome here.
Lovecraft stop smoking, drinking, snorting, shooting, or swallowing whatever the heck you have been. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Most people talk to me like a regular old person along with every other woman who posts on here. Well except in GB and even there I am talked to like a person not a handy hole to fuck with tits like you say. :rolleyes:

Go and read what is in non consent, there is no full bore beat the crap out of a woman then use her to get off stories in there. Some of them are a little violent but she enjoys it. It's an odd barrier but it is there, and there are women who get off on being taken without being asked by a loved one. I happen to be one of those and it is great fun, but there also are limits that are not passed. Same is true in the stories in non consent. If there are stories in there that is only the 'rape' scene and it makes you think oh my god why is this here report the story.
It's true though, you can't have the murder directly revolve around the sex. You have to at least wait five minutes after cumming.

That's not even true. I have "death by fuck" stories posted here, with death occurring at ejaculation. I think it just has to involve a vampire or monster, as mine do.

Mine are sort of literary, playing with the concept of orgasm being called petit mort (the little death). And the victim usually seems the terminal fuck as the ultimate fuck, not really latching into it being terminal.
That's the way I spell it in my stories and poems (with the "e") and this was a typo here. But this way also a variant spelling in this context. (

Interesting. I had to check the spelling on the phrase earlier today for a story I was editing as I was confused with the "le(m) petite(f) mort (f)" version in the story. I didn't see any other spellings in my search, but I stopped searching after I confirmed mort was feminine. I can see where it is an easily confused term.
So going back to Laurel's post.

Castration (I.E. something that hurts a man) is a no-no

Rape, gang rape, repeated rapes? Hey, no problem!

Hurting men bad.

Hurting women? Yay!

Really goes to show how this site feels about women in general.

then again look no further than the boards.

For the most part the only women who are treated well here are the ones who post pictures of their tits and say "Yay, I'm a cunt! Call me a cunt again"

Then again, when your audience is comprised of men like the ones in the loving wives section whop jerk off to nasty burn the bitch stories featuring horrific violence against women, I guess we have to cater to them.

And when many male posters are the sean renauds of the world who's little pee pees shrivel up at the thought of a woman being equal to them, I guess we have to have rules to keep them happy, don't we?

Now let's go back to castration.

What if THAT furthers the story? What if that is a plot device? Why can;t that be used as long as its only part of the story?

cause the poor little men here (and I am stressing little) who come here to whack their cocks because no woman in their right mind wants anything to do with them will be offended and maybe leave.

I was told a couple of years ago, that lit is unfriendly to women. They weren't wrong, not in the least.

That's okay though the feds are all over any site that features rape stories. The under age is banned here not because its illegal, but because it draws pedophiles and they draw the feds who track them.

Well hey they track rapists too and they love to see where all the rape stories they read come from.

Mybe they'll buy the "it furthers the story" line.

But I doubt it. This is a porn site, plain and simple.

the rape here is for titillation and nothing else.

Laurel can run this site as she sees fit, but maybe its time to erase that rule I posted and just own up to the fact rape stories are more than welcome here.

I planned to use castration as a payback for a character, even researched it diligently to understand the simplest, least painful, and most effective medical procedures to do it. I had a client castrate himself with his fingernails. But you can do it with no cutting at all. A pinch of the right place will do it.

Psychologically rape is in the same class of interactions as ass whuppins, getting fired, getting cucked, and plenty others. That is, people are generally of two minds about things, and the outcome depends on which mind is dominant. Like...a very Catholic psychiatrist I know had a flat tire and accepted a ride from 4-5 drunks. They brought her back to the hospital but it coulda been different. At the time I thought she had one mind that was tired of being a good girl and wanted a guilt free debauche.
So going back to Laurel's post.

Castration (I.E. something that hurts a man) is a no-no

Rape, gang rape, repeated rapes? Hey, no problem!

Hurting men bad.

Hurting women? Yay!

Really goes to show how this site feels about women in general.

then again look no further than the boards.

For the most part the only women who are treated well here are the ones who post pictures of their tits and say "Yay, I'm a cunt! Call me a cunt again"

Then again, when your audience is comprised of men like the ones in the loving wives section whop jerk off to nasty burn the bitch stories featuring horrific violence against women, I guess we have to cater to them.

And when many male posters are the sean renauds of the world who's little pee pees shrivel up at the thought of a woman being equal to them, I guess we have to have rules to keep them happy, don't we?

Now let's go back to castration.

What if THAT furthers the story? What if that is a plot device? Why can;t that be used as long as its only part of the story?

cause the poor little men here (and I am stressing little) who come here to whack their cocks because no woman in their right mind wants anything to do with them will be offended and maybe leave.

I was told a couple of years ago, that lit is unfriendly to women. They weren't wrong, not in the least.

That's okay though the feds are all over any site that features rape stories. The under age is banned here not because its illegal, but because it draws pedophiles and they draw the feds who track them.

Well hey they track rapists too and they love to see where all the rape stories they read come from.

Mybe they'll buy the "it furthers the story" line.

But I doubt it. This is a porn site, plain and simple.

the rape here is for titillation and nothing else.

Laurel can run this site as she sees fit, but maybe its time to erase that rule I posted and just own up to the fact rape stories are more than welcome here.

You write Incest stories.

Incest is illegal in most places.

Are you a proponent of real-life incest? Do you think people should take your stories as instructional?

If a mother and son engage in an illegal incestuous relationship after reading your stories, should you also be prosecuted?

There are many readers and writers on this site who find Incest stories just as repugnant as you find Nonconsent stories. ;)
Or murder.

On the other hand I possess instructional materials for making most of the better explosives. I could make nitroglycerin or dynamite or gun powder. Its all legal cuz it was published in popular magazines in the 1800s.

But its not a good idea to make it available to readers. I usta have a client who made toilet paper bombs. Theyre pretty much harmless tho they are loud and scatter paper all over the neighborhood. So they frighten people and invite the attention of the police...and folks like me.

I also have some dandy recipes for amateur arsonists. One of my chemistry perfessers had a kink for such things. But its not wise to put that in a story.
You write Incest stories.

Incest is illegal in most places.

Are you a proponent of real-life incest? Do you think people should take your stories as instructional?

If a mother and son engage in an illegal incestuous relationship after reading your stories, should you also be prosecuted?

There are many readers and writers on this site who find Incest stories just as repugnant as you find Nonconsent stories. ;)

First, let me say, Laurel, That I appreciate you taking time to address this thread and the points expressed here. I am not being sarcastic, this has been my little "pet" argument here for some time now and its nice to get the opinion from the top so to speak.

Having said that,

Please show me your rule against writing incest stories here.

If you have one, I will obviously not write anymore.

But you don't.

The rule I posted above is your rule, you linked Killer muffins post to the FAQ meaning it had your approval.

This is not about what is legal in r/l or what my personal preferences are.

This debate is you saying in the "why was my story rejected" link that rape is not allowed here.

Then having a non con section which encourages it.

Then saying, well its tricky.

Its not tricky, its yes, no. Tricky is looking for it in the stories.

Was it a role play, did she enjoy it, was it real rape? Those stories would take more time than you have to give to figure out.

And to be honest, calling out castration as a no-no, but well, yeah, rape is "tricky" really sends the message, "violence against women is encouraged here, but don't worry men, they cannot retaliate."

Pretty much like a rule a republican senator would make.

All I'm saying it, make it clear and easy.

Remove the rule, or enforce the rule.

because right now what we have is

"I had a rape story rejected."

"Well newbie, there is a rule against it."

"But there is a non consent category"

"No rape stories see the rules."

"But non consent means rape!"

No, see the rule."

"But I've read tons of rape stories here!"

"Sigh, don't like it leave."

That's what goes on here.

Its an easy call to fix it.

You drop the "rule" then hey, fine whatever goes, goes.

But right now its wide open to debate.

So again, although in r/l I have a strong stance against rape, my r/l has nothing to do with here.

You set this rule. Its up to you to enforce or erase it. That's my point.

And as far as being "prosecuted"? I am not sure the feds have an "incest" division. But they sure do have people who follow serial rapists.;)

But just Like Ozzy Osbourne could never be sued over "Suicide Solution" and The Matrix banned over Columbine, a site will never be prosecuted for what a sick individual did with its fictional material. But they do come here to keep tabs on their flagged peeps.
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This message is hidden because Sean Renaud is on your ignore list.

Yet even with this, I can still hear the distinctive sound of knuckles dragging.
Lovecraft stop smoking, drinking, snorting, shooting, or swallowing whatever the heck you have been. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Most people talk to me like a regular old person along with every other woman who posts on here. Well except in GB and even there I am talked to like a person not a handy hole to fuck with tits like you say. :rolleyes:

Go and read what is in non consent, there is no full bore beat the crap out of a woman then use her to get off stories in there. Some of them are a little violent but she enjoys it. It's an odd barrier but it is there, and there are women who get off on being taken without being asked by a loved one. I happen to be one of those and it is great fun, but there also are limits that are not passed. Same is true in the stories in non consent. If there are stories in there that is only the 'rape' scene and it makes you think oh my god why is this here report the story.

Go read loving wives and report back.

rape is not just in non con.

Go find the stories where the wives are drugged and sold into sexual slavery or set up to be gang raped.

Then read the plethora of disturbing "I'd rape that cunt too!" comments.

Point is, see my above post to Laurel, this is not about my r/l preferences.

This is about back your own rule or be done with it. Pure and simple.

Do pm me when you're done in LW and I promise I'll share the raspberry Iced tea I was drinking last night.
LOL. That was taken completely out of context. Funny how I'm on ignore but you can find the time to find my recent comments and twist them out context. :rolleyes:

Regardless the rule is fairly clear, no snuff, no mutilation. Clearly rape is within the rules here on Lit and Laurel can say whatever she wants and as Lovecraft points out we can dig up tons on Non-Con and LovingWives (and presumably other stories) that run completely contrary to those claims.

There are two real rules of Lit. No kids, no animals. And the second rule is more than a bit subjective.