Info nazi.


Apr 19, 2020
Comments of a story got to me, and I would like a second opinion, if it is possible.

Original story:

I do not know, how serious is spelling nazi movenent is, tho.
I’ll be blunt, I'm surprised that your story was published. It really is that bad. It is difficult to read because of the errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Readers will generally forgive a few errors, but your story is full of them. As a start, employ the spelling and grammar-checking features of the program that you are using. I strongly suggest that you find an Editor who is willing to work with you.
I’ll be blunt, I'm surprised that your story was published. It really is that bad. It is difficult to read because of the errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Readers will generally forgive a few errors, but your story is full of them. As a start, employ the spelling and grammar-checking features of the program that you are using. I strongly suggest that you find an Editor who is willing to work with you.

Perhaps you'd care to explain why you have run two sentences into one at the start of your post. There should be a punctuation mark such as a full stop, a colon or a semi-colon after the word "blunt". A simple comma is inappropriate. You have also placed a superfluous comma after "punctuation" and some would say also after "errors".

Please note also that the word "editor" is not a proper noun (a name) and therefore does not require a capital letter.

Some nitpickers might also suggest that you may have placed the word "strongly" on the wrong side of... "suggest"...

Worry not though. We do indeed forgive a few errors.
Perhaps you'd care to explain why you have run two sentences into one at the start of your post. There should be a punctuation mark such as a full stop, a colon or a semi-colon after the word "blunt". A simple comma is inappropriate. You have also placed a superfluous comma after "punctuation" and some would say also after "errors".

Please note also that the word "editor" is not a proper noun (a name) and therefore does not require a capital letter.

Some nitpickers might also suggest that you may have placed the word "strongly" on the wrong side of... "suggest"...

Worry not though. We do indeed forgive a few errors.
To be fair to @Lumiere_Amie, forum posts are much more of a spontaneous response, where people don't expect perfect grammar or spelling. Most of us take much greater care with our published stories.