Inexperienced Lit guy seeking inexperienced Lit girl

I definitely understand the sentiment. Sometimes when I look around here I feel like everyone else in the world has understood their sexuality since the beginning of time. They know their bodies like they know their phone number. While I'm still trying to figure out the basics, they're doing sexual figure eights and pirouettes in the sky!

Bah. Being new to this world is not as glorious as some make it seem. :)
Very well put re: knowing ones body like ones phone number. Glad I'm not alone feeling all unsteady walking this road.

Humidity in Illinois is making me daring responding to threads....
Well thanks Wilson

Pretty sure you didn't hijack anything, random new jersey guy. Blue, I totally know how you guys feel. I've been around awhile but haven't found my niche. Good luck to you all! Except NJ, of course.

Poor taste is never in short supply around here. Perhaps you have already found your niche in snarkdom?
Thx! Me and 140 characters go way back. Not my first board. ;) #trytheveal #imhereallweek #tipyourwaitress

/hijack :|
Very new to Lit, in fact this is my first post. While I'm definitely female, I don't think I've been considered a girl in a few years.