Indians Are Pure Aryans

Only fourteen more fucking days...the Cinnamon toast is very good breakfast food...don't leave thumbtacks on the floor.
yayati said:
The pure Aryans are from Brown to white in colour. Place a man in sun for 4000 years and observe how the genes behave. Most Indians are pure Aryans.

the sun (UV light) has an effect on genetic material:

- it destroys it or it mutates it

As to dark pigmentation, I would rather link to the Darwin u go and tell me...
Never heard of man coming out of Africa. This is possibily the biggest hoax of the 21st century. The Aryans came out of Bharat.
yayati said:
The pure Aryans are from Brown to white in colour. Place a man in sun for 4000 years and observe how the genes behave. Most Indians are pure Aryans.

I think after about 100 years he'd be dead.
yayati said:
The pure Aryans are from Brown to white in colour. Place a man in sun for 4000 years and observe how the genes behave. Most Indians are pure Aryans.

This guys 5000 years old see how brown he is.
Dear Foreigners,

No matter how much money you spend you WILL NEVER SUCCEED IN REMOVING THE ARYAN PAST OF ARYAVARTA. Most of India is pure Aryan race, read Rigveda, Patanjali etc

P.S. So best of luck.
Dravid means South most South Indians like North Indians. East and West Indians are pure Aryan.
Aryavarta is the original home of the Aryans the great Dr. Joshi is correct. Rajaram changes his views as is necessary, so we can not call him a great intellect or trust him. dr. Joshi is a great intellect. Wetzel pushes the European theory of Aryan invasion.
Most people of aryavarta are pure Aryans. The North people are Aryan as the South. Most Sothern people are pure Aryans.