indianapolis sgt kicks cuffed, prone suspect in head...on cam


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
An officer with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has been hit with a pair of felony charges after he was caught on bodycam footage kicking a handcuffed man in the head amid an arrest last month.

Sgt. Eric Huxley was charged on Tuesday with official misconduct and battery with moderate bodily injury following an internal investigation lead by the Marion County District Attorney. He has also been suspended without pay and IMPD Chief Randal Taylor has recommended Huxley be terminated for his actions during the the arrest of Jeremiah Vaughn, which unfolded on Sept. 24 at the city’s Monument Circle.
Another of the "few" bad cops exposed thanks to bodycam.

One can only imagine how much of this went unreported and unconsequenced before the advent of smartphone videos and body cams.

It would be a great change of venue if one of you despicables could point out some of the positives cops do. :rolleyes:
It would be a great change of venue if one of you despicables could point out some of the positives cops do. :rolleyes:

Did you miss the thunderous applause from the board's decent folk when the Capitol police defended Democracy against the traitorous insurrectionists???

The Capitol Police Officer who shot and killed the traitor leading the charge is a personal hero of mine.


One can tell when there is a systematic issue when some cop does this KNOWING he is wearing a body cam.
Fucking disgusting. Arrested guy was on the ground, handcuffed behind his back, and a cop comes over and stomps the arrested guy's head.

Hopefully he'll do some time, but if you were present in DC on Jan.6, 2021 and placed under arrest and taken to the DC jail, and shot your mouth off, you'd get punched in the mouth, thrown into solitary confinement, and denied bail, visitation, life saving medical care, and pharmaceuticals for months. If you were an unarmed female clamoring at the door of the capitol building on Jan.6, you might have been summarily executed for trespass. So there is that.:(
i appreciate the actions taken against this bad cop and the sentiments expressed by the police chief:

"My hope is that the community understands that when these things come to our attention, we’ll deal with them quickly, get those people off the force,” Taylor said. “Please don’t hold that against our men and women that are doing a great job for you day in and day out.”

it's a shame it's taken almost a month for this to come to light and be acted upon, but it IS being acted upon. kudos to all the decent cops out there every day doing their jobs properly, respecting others and for society's benefit.
i appreciate the actions taken against this bad cop and the sentiments expressed by the police chief:

it's a shame it's taken almost a month for this to come to light and be acted upon, but it IS being acted upon. kudos to all the decent cops out there every day doing their jobs properly, respecting others and for society's benefit.

This ^

The motto is "To Serve and Protect" not "To Beat and Oppress".

Some Police officers honor their profession, while others disgrace it.

Officers also disgrace their profession by remaining silent when they witness another officer violating their oath "To Serve and Protect".

*disappointed nod*
This ^

The motto is "To Serve and Protect" not "To Beat and Oppress".

Some Police officers honor their profession, while others disgrace it.

Officers also disgrace their profession by remaining silent when they witness another officer violating their oath "To Serve and Protect".

*disappointed nod*

If your police department has that oath? Great, but apparently it’s not in their job description. Look it up. They are not required to act to “protect”
Please prove me wrong! Reading that they don’t have to “serve and protect” blew me away

Should cops be required to report on cops who break the law! ??

I say .. fucking YES!!

You stand around and allow this behavior, you are almost as responsible for not stopping it OR reporting it. Oh wait ..,

Do cops have to “serve and protect”?
If your police department has that oath? Great, but apparently it’s not in their job description. Look it up. They are not required to act to “protect”
Please prove me wrong! Reading that they don’t have to “serve and protect” blew me away

Should cops be required to report on cops who break the law! ??

I say .. fucking YES!!

You stand around and allow this behavior, you are almost as responsible for not stopping it OR reporting it. Oh wait ..,

Do cops have to “serve and protect”?

"To Serve and Protect" originated with the LAPD(ironic, I know), and was adopted by many other Police Departments.

And yes, sworn officers DO have to serve and protect, among other things.

Look up the description of a sworn officer.
oh look...whaddaboutism from our resident copsucker Rightguide.

Predictable to a fault.
