India, HANDLE YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS or else get your asses OVERRUN


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

Indian Women Told: Cover Up or Face Acid Attack


(NEWSER) – A radical Islamic group in India has promised to kill or maim women who go unveiled or use cell phones in the open, the Telegraph reports. A note posted on mosques in the state of Kashmir warned that "if we spot any woman without purdah [head and face covering] we will sprinkle acid on her face," and "if we spot any girl using mobile phone, she will be shot dead." The note was signed by al-Qaeda Mujahideen and mentioned an affiliated group, Lashkar e al-Qaeda.

The threat comes as India grows more concerned about acid attacks on women, which are already common in neighboring Pakistan. But "women in Kashmir are more empowered than women from other conflict zones," says an analyst. "There have been campaigns to force women to wear veil but it didn’t sustain for long.” A police official fears that local militants are trying to recruit members with the campaign: "We have cases of militants trying to engage boys of 12," he says.
Sad shit. How do you control a billion (mostly very poor and uneducated beyond belief) people though? I'd like very much to visit India, the culture is so rich, we owe them a huge debt for shaping our world, but fuck being a woman there or anyone from any caste other than Brahmin! Hard lot.
Sad shit. How do you control a billion (mostly very poor and uneducated beyond belief) people though? I'd like very much to visit India, the culture is so rich, we owe them a huge debt for shaping our world, but fuck being a woman there or anyone from any caste other than Brahmin! Hard lot.
Al Qaeda isn't a billion strong in India. I'd be shocked if they were a million strong.

Give it time, though, and they'll be that strong. India's got to nip this shit in the bud now.
Al Qaeda isn't a billion strong in India. I'd be shocked if they were a million strong.

Give it time, though, and they'll be that strong. India's got to nip this shit in the bud now.

Al Quaeda is the least of India's problems.