Incompetently Flirt with the Lister Above You


Just some fella
Nov 13, 2013
Many people have cheesy chat-up lines and terrible opening conversational gambits when they want to flirt. Here is a place to get that all out of your system.

Flirt with the Lister above you in such an incompetent, ham-fisted, way that you'd never be given the time of day.
Many people have cheesy chat-up lines and terrible opening conversational gambits when they want to flirt. Here is a place to get that all out of your system.

Flirt with the Lister above you in such an incompetent, ham-fisted, way that you'd never be given the time of day.

Hi, I was thinking.. so, I have to go and visit my grandmother and aunty today, it is through an extremely swampy wetland area, and my car cannot drive there.. Wanna come with me?

Also, could you bring some clean towels and coffee?