In praise of the incredible, edible


Fool of Fortune
Oct 9, 2001

I'm making some eggplant tonight. Moulignon parmasean alla kotori, to be exact. Just like mama used to make (okay, so she's Irish), but I throw in a little Worchestershire and garlic salt to the batter. It's a lot of work for a single guy, but I can eat for a couple of days from this one pan.
kotori said:

I'm making some eggplant tonight. Moulignon parmasean alla kotori, to be exact. Just like mama used to make (okay, so she's Irish), but I throw in a little Worchestershire and garlic salt to the batter. It's a lot of work for a single guy, but I can eat for a couple of days from this one pan.

Purple veggies are a perversion of nature. No wonder you bring this up here.
*sigh* i absolutely love eggplant but I can't have it (or any of the other nightshade veggies) more than very, very occasionally, and then only in small amounts. Tragic.
Sounds pretty fucking good. But as a single guy myself, unless I'm having over a lady, it's all about the frozen pizza.
peachykeen said:
*sigh* i absolutely love eggplant but I can't have it (or any of the other nightshade veggies) more than very, very occasionally, and then only in small amounts. Tragic.

See. Nightshade is a deadly poison.

If God had intended us to eat eggplant, he would have made it taste good.
I second the recipe request.

I love eggplant. My favorite way to eat it is marinated in a little olive oil and garlic and then tossed on the grill.

or baba ganoush.
Nora said:
I second the recipe request.

I love eggplant. My favorite way to eat it is marinated in a little olive oil and garlic and then tossed on the grill.

or baba ganoush.

I notice that nobody ever eats the things raw. Its always "how it is prepared"

Maybe you just like the taste of olive oil and garlic.

Eggplant is vile.
Hey, Peachy! You know Russioniello's Bakery, over on Brunswick Street? Good friends of the family.

Reciepe's pretty simple, but it's a lot of work. I think it's worth it.

Coupla eggs, dollope of milk, dash of Worchestershire, sprinkle of garlic powder (or garlic salt), stir about. Dredge the sliced eggplant in this, then coat with breadcrumbs (preferable a good brand, like Progresso, but anything will do), gently fry in a bit of olive oil till tender, then layer in a pan with tomato sauce and grated or shredded parmesean cheese. When you got the whole thing in there (you know, sauce, slices, sauce, cheese, etc.), pop in the oven for an hour or so, not too hot, like 325º-350º. Make a little pasta for a side, tossed salad. Eat like Umberto I, or Victor Immanuel.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Nora said:
I second the recipe request.

I love eggplant. My favorite way to eat it is marinated in a little olive oil and garlic and then tossed on the grill.

or baba ganoush.

I notice that nobody ever eats the things raw. Its always "how it is prepared"

Maybe you just like the taste of olive oil and garlic.

Eggplant is vile.

Eggplant eaten raw will make you ill. It has to be cooked.

That said, cooked properly, it is amazing. My favorite Japanese restaurant (in JC) makes this outstancing gingery eggplant thing that practically makes my squirm in my seat with pleasure.
peachykeen said:

Eggplant eaten raw will make you ill. It has to be cooked.

That said, cooked properly, it is amazing. My favorite Japanese restaurant (in JC) makes this outstancing gingery eggplant thing that practically makes my squirm in my seat with pleasure.

See. Everything that is said by the people who claim to love eggplant serves to surther validate my position. Apples don't make you sick if eaten raw.

The stuff is vile.
kotori said:
Hey, Peachy! You know Russioniello's Bakery, over on Brunswick Street? Good friends of the family.

Not familiar with that one. Second Street bakery was my Italian of choice. You know anyplace that has a line of cops, firemen and utility workers out the door from noon to 2 has good food!

And Fiore's in Hoboken, if I was over that way.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Eggplant is vile. [/B]
Better not say that around Vineland, New Jersey. You'll be rode outta town on a rail.
hey! i got you something today :D i promise i'll send it and the other thing tomorrow. well, i promise to try not to forget again...
Sounds fantastic, kotori, thanks! It's also made me realize how long it's been since I've made eggplant parmasan! Silly me, what was I thinking? *grin*
Hey Nora, I made that sausage and pepper sammich today for lunch. Mucho delicioso.
"The word nightshade is the common name for the family Solanaceae. Products include potato and eggplant (Solanum spp.), and tomato (Lycopersicon). Other edible fruits from Physalis (cape gooseberry, strawberry tomato, jamberberry, sugar cherry, Chinese lantern etc., according to the species and variety), Cymphomandra (tamarillo), Capsicum (sweet and chili peppers), etc. Most produce poisonous alkaloids, and some are commercially important in this connection (Nicotiana, Hyoscyamus, Datura). Many cultivated ornamentals, e.g. Petunia, Lycium, Solanum, Cestrum, Solandra."

I wanted to see what else was in the nightshade family. Thought someone else might be interested, too.

I like eggplant grilled, too. I don't like it when it turns to mush...
I, like, made a grilled cheese sandwich the other day.

All by myself.
