In Plain Sight

"Not much to tell." Harper said as she led Arty up the stairs to her apartment. "Honestly, my life is pretty boring." Unlocking the door she led him inside, flipping on lights as she went.

The apartment wasn't much, but it was comfortable. The studio style reminded her of the first apartment she had in New York. Except this one was bigger and much cheaper. It was a cozy space with a plush couch facing the big screen TV for the living room, a queen-size bed sat in the far corner - the covers crisp and tucked in a way that would make any hotel maid proud - and the kitchen took up the rest of the space with stainless steel appliances and a butcher block island. The bathroom was just through an open door near the "bedroom" and a hint of the clawfoot tub was visible. The whole place may have been done by a boy fresh out of high school, but it was furnished nicely and it was clear he had taken some pride in the work.

"Here, let me get you a glass." Harper moved towards the kitchen, pulling two wine glasses from a cabinet and a bottle of cabernet from a wine rack on the counter. She struggled to think of something to say, suddenly nervous now that Arty was in her home.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." She said as she poured the glasses. As she looked up, watching him as he moved about, her eyes caught on the nightstand beside her bed. More specifically, on the vibrator she'd used before getting ready for the dance and, apparently forgotten to put away.

"So. uh. Have a seat and ask any questions you like." She quickly moved towards the couch, hoping Arty hadn't yet spotted the toy.
"Wow, this is really nice. Everybody said Mike did a bang-up job decorating the place."

Arty used the gender neutral "everybody" but it was really all the girls around town who supplied the critique. All the girls he had over and did who knows what to on that bed over there. Jesus Christ, look at those sheets. Arty swore he could have bounced a quarter off of them. His bed was never made, well maybe if he was expecting company. But that hadn't happened in quite a while so why bother. Tex, the Lab, didn't care if it was made or not.

Oh my what was that on the nightstand. Espy has quite a collection of toys so there was no mistake in his mind what Jane surely failed to put away after its' last use. Arty loved to use them on Espy and really enjoyed watching her and Maribel use them on each other.

"Here let me get you a glass."

Jane looked a bit flustered and Arty wondered if she noticed her vibrator faux pas. Best to just file that away for future reference he thought.

"Please, make yourself comfortable."

Arty walked over to the table in the kitchen as Jane poured the wine. It was a nice California cab. Espy had taught Arty a lot about wines. More memories flooded his mind. That week in Napa after he stopped playing and was going to take that front office job with the team. How they met her parents there and how he asked her father permission to marry Espy. How happy she was, how happy he was. Then how it all turned to shit a month later.

Jane seemed even more edgy as Arty noticed her looking over to the bedroom. She must have seen the vibrator and is wondering if he spotted it as well.

"So. uh. Have a seat and ask any questions you like."

An open invitation and Arty didn't know where to start. There was something more to Jane Sims than met the eye. The transition from frump to fabulous, quiet and reserved to charming and engaging. No something's off but Arty knew tonight was not the night to find out. Besides, how forthcoming was he with his story. There were more holes in that narrative than, to quote Eminem, an afghan.

"So Jane, how does such an attractive young woman who obviously knows her wines, end up here in El Dorado?"
Taking a long swallow of her wine, Harper wracked her brain as she struggled to remember the backstory the Marshals had provided for such an occasion.

"" she cleared her throat, still trying to keep her gaze from moving towards the rabbit vibrator. Why did she have to choose the one that was It stood out like a beacon on her nightstand. "Well there's not much to tell, really." She moved her gaze back to Arty, who thankfully had his back to the wretched thing. "Grew up in a small town, moved away for college and never looked back. Your usual story." She finished lamely with a shrug.

Her gaze darted back to the toy. Cheeks flushed as she remembered using it before Arty came to pick her up. Unbidden the memory of standing, her back against the wall, dress hiked up around her waist and one high-heeled foot propped up on the nightstand as she fucked herself with the toy, flashed into her mind.

Biting her lip she tried to squelch the way her stomach knotted at the memory. Harper forced her gaze back to Arty, fighting to ignore tightening between her legs and the damp spot forming on her panties.

It was simple hormones, that was all. Nothing more. Since she wasn't getting laid on a regular basis anymore her hormones were running amuck and the slightest provocation was all it took to get her wet. That was all it was.

"So um, how did you come to be a principal?" She asked, taking a fortifying drink of wine.

She didn't want to think about how she had pictured Arty inside of her as she climaxed, her juices dripping down her thighs.

Her breasts ached, nipples hardening and straining against the fabric of her dress as she poured herself another glass of wine and downed it swiftly before offering Arty more.
"Grew up in a small town, moved away for college and never looked back. Your usual story."

Being a high school principal honed Arty's bullshit radar razor sharp. His students came up with some very creative, "Uh Mr. Bradford I didn't come to class yesterday because I got so caught up watching C-Span", excuses. Jane's story was beyond lame. Being from a small town, Arty knew what it was like to try to fit into an environment that was completely foreign. Espy exposed him to high society on two continents. She helped him make that transition. To Arty, it seems that Jane was going the opposite direction. Big city girl trying to become the farmer's daughter and not succeeding.

Her body language was not helping sell that story. Her eyes were all over the place but never focusing on him. She kept looking over his shoulder, squirming in her chair, and gulping her wine like a parched desert traveler at an oasis. He could almost feel the heat radiating from her rapidly reddening cheeks.

But something else caught his eye. Jane's place was nice and warm and yet he noticed her stiff nipples trying to push through her dress like seedlings emerging from the soil. Her shifting around her seat. Was she nervous or getting wet? Was she looking behind him at the vibrator thinking about her last encounter with it?

Slow down Arty, you're drawing some pretty far out conclusions. Maybe it was wishful thinking on his part. He did spend a great deal of time at the dance checking Jane out, wondering what treasures he'd discover underneath that dress. His mind wandered thinking about all the things Espy had introduced him to sexually. With Sara, wild sex was the occasional 69. With Espy his sexual repertoire expanded to include activities that he thought only existed in the Letters section of Penthouse. Now, sitting across the table from Jane, he began thinking about how he'd love to show her what he learned. It was a good thing he was sitting since he was sporting a considerable erection.

As he sipped and swirled his wine, Jane continued throwing the smooth red liquid down like shots of tequila.

"So um, how did you come to be a principal?"

One more gulp emptied her glass and she reached for the bottle and poured herself a refill. Without even asking, she topped off his glass. What happened to the "Just one glass won't hurt" rule. Arty had a decision to make.

Deep down inside, Arty knew there was something developing between them. He realized it when all those thoughts of Espy came bubbling to the surface. It was more than just the sex. He needed someone he could trust, someone he could tell his story to, a story he repressed for 14 years. And yes, he needed a woman who could accompany him on his sexual escapades, a woman who would embrace and enjoy the sexual smorgasbord he would offer. But he needed to come clean. He needed to tell the whole story. And maybe, just maybe, she would tell hers. Because she was hiding something as well.

"How did I come to be a principal? Well Jane it's a long story and I have to admit I haven't been completely honest with you. But I think you've not been completely honest with me. So I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Arty just crossed the Rubicon and hoped to hell he wasn't going to get his feet wet.
So much for the one glass of wine rule, Harper thought as she set the nearly empty bottle down, Arty's words hanging in the air between them. Perhaps it was just the wine, not to mention her overactive hormones, but his words held a faintly sexual connotation and Harper found herself squirming even more in her seat as he gazed at her.

The longer Arty held her gaze the more intense the itch between Harper's thighs became. Worrying her bottom lip, Harper pressed her thighs together, hoping to alleviate the pressure of her rising libido. No luck. It had been far too long since she'd been with a man, any man, and her body was finally letting her know that enough was enough.

"You're right," Harper set her glass down on the coffee table, "I haven't been completely honest. The truth is that..." The words were there, right on the tip of her tongue. She wanted to tell someone the truth. She needed to tell someone. But the idea of what she could be risking was ever present. How much did she really know about Arty anyway, aside from the fact that her body was all too attune to him that is.

Her gaze shifted, once more, to the incriminating toy only a few feet away. Her nipples ached as they strained against the fabric of her dress, hard and yearning to be teased and touched.

Running a hand through her hair she refocused her attention on the man before her.

"The truth is," she slid towards him, "that I can't get you out of my mind. In fact..." she leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "I was thinking about you earlier today as I played with myself. Thinking about you inside of me as I fucked myself. I came so hard thinking about your cock and how it would feel as inside my pussy."
"You're right, I haven't been completely honest. The truth is that......."

That slight hesitation, the breaking of eye contact, signs that Jane was not ready to come clean. She moved closer, so close that Arty felt her thigh touching his. Her head turned, lips pressed against his ear. Arty felt her hot, oak scented breath. Her voice dipped lower as she whispered in a soft, seductive tone.

"The truth is that I can't get you out of my mind. In fact I was thinking about you earlier today as I played with myself. Thinking about you inside of me as I fucked myself. I came so hard thinking about your cock and how it would feel inside my pussy."

If Arty had been given a million guesses, he still wouldn't have come up with that as Jane's answer. What the fuck was he going to do with that?

Quickly Arty's mind went to work weighing all the possibilities. Did he want to fuck Jane? Absolutely. Was it a wise thing to do right now? Probably not. As horny as he was, Arty knew there was much too much at risk to allow his cock to make that decision. However, this did present him with an opportunity to see if Jane might be the woman he had been searching for the past 14 years.

Arty rose from the couch and stood directly in front of Jane. His 6'5" frame loomed over her, the bulge in his pants staring Jane square in the eye.

"As you can see Jane," Arty shot a quick glance at his crotch, "I'd very much like to have you feel my hard cock inside, what I'm guessing, is a very tight pussy. In fact, I'd like it even better if I could spend time exploring that pussy with my tongue, tasting your sweet juices."

Arty reached down and took Jane's hands into his and pulled her up off the couch and into his arms. Even in her heels, Jane barely reached his chest. Arty stooped just a bit as he took his right hand and planted it on Jane's firm ass and began to grind against her. He pressed against her pelvis and they began to move their hips in slow sensual rhythm. Arty gently pushed Jane back away from him and looked into those beautiful eyes.

"I've been thinking about fucking you all night as well. But there are somethings you need to know about me and there are things I need to know about you before we take that step. So let's cut the crap Jane. You're trying way too hard to be someone you're not. "What gives?"
"I'd very much like to have you feel my hard cock inside, what I'm guessing, is a very tight pussy. In fact, I'd like it even better if I could spend time exploring that pussy with my tongue, tasting your sweet juices."

Slightly tipsy and more than a little turned on, Arty's words only served to make Harper wetter than she already was. Clint had never gone down on Harper, no matter how many times she'd asked, claiming that he could never give her pleasure doing something he didn't enjoy himself. So, it had been quite a few years since any man had explored Harper's sex with his tongue. A feeling that she had missed. The fact that Arty wanted to do such things to her, well it made that itch between her legs turn into a raging fire of lust.

When he pulled her to her feet and pressed the bulge of his own arousal against her it nearly drove Harper insane. It took every once of willpower she had not to tear the clothes from his body and fuck him right then. But he pulled away far too quickly for her liking. And when he looked at her the way that he was, as if he were trying to see into her very soul, it nearly destroyed all the defenses she'd built around herself.

"I've been thinking about fucking you all night as well. But there are somethings you need to know about me and there are things I need to know about you before we take that step. So let's cut the crap Jane. You're trying way too hard to be someone you're not. "What gives?"

Harper stepped away quickly, knowing that if she remained too close to him, if she could feel him pressing against her, she might very well cave.

"I can't." She shook her head, turning away. "I can't tell you what you want to know." Drawing in a deep breath she took a step towards the door. "Maybe it's best if you just go."

She didn't want him to, not really. But Harper knew she could never tell Arty the truth. If it meant denying herself a few moments of pleasure so be it. The risk was too great to tell him.
"I can't. I can't tell you what you want to know. Maybe it's best if you just go."

Jane had taken a giant step back away from Arty creating separation between them. Taking one last look into her eyes, Arty turned and headed for the door. He stopped just short of it and stood, staring at it. Did she really want him to go? Did he really want to go? Her voice lacked conviction and his cock ached with a desire he hadn't felt for years.

There was so much to consider, so much to lose if he decided to let his pent up sexual need take control. Arty had a stellar reputation to uphold. Over the past 15 years, he successfully fended off advances from other female faculty. He knew it wasn't wise mix business with pleasure but he knew none of those women could give him what he wanted, what he needed. They were interested in courtship, marriage and having a family. Arty was interested in continuing to test his sexual boundaries. He wanted a fellow traveler to accompany him on the journey to expand his sexual horizons and pleasures. Something told him Jane was that woman.

He could feel Jane's stare boring a hole through him as he turned back toward her. Without saying a word, he closed the distance between them and took her into his arms once more. He pulled her tightly against him and pressed his lips against hers. Jane's mouth offered no resistance as it opened wide and welcomed his tongue. Their kiss was long and passionate, tongues penetrating deep, seeking each other, engaging in a slow deliberate dance.

Arty's right hand slipped down the length of Jane's tight dress until he found the two way zipper that ran the back of her garment. He slowly pulled the zipper up a little past her waist. With the back of her dress open, his hand found the warm flesh of her inner thigh. He walked his fingers up that silky smooth path now damp with her juices until they met the small patch of soaked fabric that covered her opening. Arty could feel the heat radiating from it as his hand worked its way back to her firm ass. Two fingers followed the thin material lining the valley between her cheeks. Arty found her rosebud, and with one finger circled it feeling its puckered rim. He wondered if Jane ever had a cock bore its way inside of it. If she hadn't, Arty wanted to be the first.

Their mouths continued to devour each other with an increased intensity and urgency. Arty broke off the kiss and with one smooth motion, swept Jane into his arms and carried her to the bed. He placed her gently on her back. Grabbing the front hem of her dress, he dragged it up, over her waist, resting it on top of her breasts. Arty took the back of his hands and placed them on the insides of Jane's thighs, just above the knees and pushed her legs apart as far as they would comfortably go.

He took a position dead center in the open space of that inverted V and peeled the scant veil of cloth guarding her love canal aside. Placing his face inches away from her pussy, Arty breathed in that intoxicating scent of Jane's excitement. Using his thumbs, he spread her puffy, pouting lips open, revealing her soft glistening pink walls.

Looking up at Jane, Arty broke what seemed to be an eternal silence.

"My God, you have such a beautiful pussy." Sitting up, Arty began to unbutton his shirt and loosen his belt. "I can't wait to taste your sweet juices."

He rid himself of the remainder of his clothing. Kneeling in front of her altar, Arty pointed the swollen mushroom head of his cock directly at Jane's gateway to pleasure.

"I'm going to spend quite a bit of time making sure my tongue covers every inch of your pussy. When I'm sure I've licked , kissed and nibbled everywhere, I'm going to slip inside of you and fill it with all of my cum. Then, and this is my favorite part, I'm going to lick every last drop of cum out of you so you'll be nice and clean for my next load."
