In other news, a pro-Donald Trump religious sect---


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
a spinoff of the moonies and which worships with AR-15s has purchased 130 acres on a mountaintop in Tennessee which they intend to turn into a "training center."

The latest property acquisition is more evidence that Pastor Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon, a fervent conspiracy theorist and son of an accused cult leader, is determined to expand his reach into the American Heartland.

Moon’s congregation, Rod of Iron Ministries, also known as The World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, is a gun-centric spinoff of the much larger Unification Church, founded by his late father, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed messiah and businessman whose followers were famously known as “Moonies.” The younger Moon, who also goes by “The Second King,” split from the main church amid a dramatic falling-out with his mother about who, between the two of them, was the rightful heir to his father’s empire.


Sean and Justin Moon, plus other senior church officials, were also at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, and posted videos of themselves emerging from clouds of tear gas. Sean has also courted fringe MAGA-world figures; this weekend, the annual Rod of Iron Freedom Fest at the Kahr Arms headquarters in Greeley will include speakers such as former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, ex–NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, far-right Proud Boy ally Joey Gibson, and GOP congressional candidate Teddy Daniels.


In May, VICE News reported that the church had recently acquired a 40-acre property in Texas, a campground on a river, which they’d dubbed “Liberty Rock” and which was partially financed by Kook-jin, according to one of Moon’s sermons.

The campground in Texas, known locally as “Running Branch Camp and Marina,” came equipped with a general store, fishing equipment, an industrial kitchen, RV hook-ups, cabins, and camping sites. Moon said the goal of the property, which cost $1 million, was to provide a sanctuary to the church’s “patriots” from the impending war with the “deep state.”

Operations there are now up and running, and it remains open to the general public. According to an Instagram account managed by two church members, they’ve recently hoisted a giant Trump 2024 flag on the property, which they’ve dubbed “Trump Tower.”

they carry their automatic weapons into church, wear bright pink and white ceremonial robes, crowns (sometimes made out of bullets), and give thanks to 'god' for their weapons as a 'god-given right to protect themselves from the satanic and communist government influences'. They've a place up in Pennsylvania, too.

i trust the defense and intelligence people have these cults under observation
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If they can keep a straight face.
bannon's got his finger in everyone's pies
this weekend, the annual Rod of Iron Freedom Fest at the Kahr Arms headquarters in Greeley will include speakers such as former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, ex–NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, far-right Proud Boy ally Joey Gibson, and GOP congressional candidate Teddy Daniels.

it's bannon's involvement i find most unsettling, to be honest. he still has trump's ear and before we know it there'll be 'guns for trump' signs all over. in pink and white, naturally.
American Deplorables are just trying to keep up with the diversity among international Radical Islamic terrorists.


remember that scene in "tommy" where they have the church of marilyn monroe? we're living in those times, only not worshiping someone as admirable as marilyn
How come these weird sects never turn out to be Commies? Jim Jones' Peoples' Temple was the last I ever heard of.
a spinoff of the moonies and which worships with AR-15s has purchased 130 acres on a mountaintop in Tennessee which they intend to turn into a "training center."

they carry their automatic weapons into church, wear bright pink and white ceremonial robes, crowns (sometimes made out of bullets), and give thanks to 'god' for their weapons as a 'god-given right to protect themselves from the satanic and communist government influences'. They've a place up in Pennsylvania, too.

i trust the defense and intelligence people have these cults under observation


If they can keep a straight face.


bannon's got his finger in everyone's pies

it's bannon's involvement i find most unsettling, to be honest. he still has trump's ear and before we know it there'll be 'guns for trump' signs all over. in pink and white, naturally.

Pull the stick out of your ass and learn to take a joke, it won't kill you to LAUGH. :D

Violent and economically destructive to the MAXIMUM..... close enough. :D
Talk to me again about religious cults of political figures...



Talk to me again about religious cults of political figures...




The really funny part is those depictions of Fauci and Obama are the products of radical right fever-brains as they try to grapple with the differences between evidence based conclusions and faith based belief.

Fauci must be a 'Saint of the Left" because they have no other way to express conviction.

It is very much like your own religious retreat you are attending right now. You are so convinced your beliefs are true that you have found a seminary to attend to hear more of the catechism. You want to be indoctrinated as a true believer into the woke radical right. Even funnier that it is James Lindsay - Mr Hoax paper himself - that you chose.