In order to qualify for welfare, one should be forcibly sterilized


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
In order to qualify for welfare, a person should be forcibly sterilized.

These kinds of laws existed in the United States up until the 1970's or so. Hundreds of thousands of people were taken to hospitals against their will to be surgically sterilized. If you do the research, you will realize the bulk of welfare recipients do not receive government aid for legitimate reasons. Most of them are simply too lazy to work and think it's much easier to live off the government dime from cradle to grave and make money on the side through illegal activities such as selling narcotics.

Targets of forced sterilization programs included the following.

*Disabled people
*The intellectually deficient
*The mentally ill

Human rights organizations have outlawed all forms of compulsory sterilization, so this brand of eugenics has gone underground. Sterilizing agents are secretly being put into food, water, medicine, and our environment.

In the past 50 years, infertility rates have skyrocketed by dozens of times. So has cancer, diabetes, allzheimers, heart disease, and many other kinds of chronic and terminal illnesses. The powers that be are secretly waging a eugenics war against undesired populations of people.
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