Immortal Love (Closed for Veroe)


Jun 9, 2003


She has appeared to be at the oldest anyone would guess barely reaching 30 but they would be wrong by more centuries than she would wish to count any more. Death attempted to claim her at the height of the old Kingdom of Egypt. She was perhaps then a mere 22 years of age if that. But that was long long ago

Brushing her deep brown hair she sat looking in the mirror on the train car that had become her home while here in the Americas once more. She had found freedom and safety at long last with a traveling side show. Old true carnival acts to mystify and startle. Her acts brought the owner much money and kept him and all of the others in this traveling "family" willing to protect her as best they can.

The town all began to blend in her mind lately so many big city wealth showing up not realizing what they were walking into and the mortified stares and fleeing screeching of tires as they hurried away. A noise at the door brutally dragged her from her thoughts as she looked over to see her daughter leaning in.

Yes sweetheart what is it?

The young woman sighed at being called sweetheart but dismissed it and smiled.

Gonna be in the dining car playing cards with Mark and the guys Barrett said he will have to order more fluid after the show tonight so go easy on the fire portions of the act please.

Smiling she nodded to her daughter.

Have fun don't take too much of their money and thats fine tell him I will be careful.

The girl nodded and closing the door took off to go card shark her way into some money.


19 Mortal

She acted tough but Sonam knew that she would have probably been dead by now if Selena had not taken her in. Now in her own right she is both daughter and bodyguard knowing Selena's secret she has learned over the past several years to tell if another of Selena's kind is nearby even if Selena has not sensed them and even knows how to kill them if she has to.
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IC:Alain De'Montreau


His name was Alain De'Montreau, born in Sedan France in the year 1275. He became a member of the poor-fellow soldiers of Christ and of the temple of solomon, more commonly known as the Knights Templar. Then when the French King Phillip IV betrayed and purged the order. Alain died stabbed in the gut by a king's soldier trying to hide the treasured secrets gathered by the Templars. Yet that was not the end of Alain's life for in the morning he returned to life healed.

He was immortal, destined to never die until he lost his head in single combat with another immortal, for in the end there can be only one.

Now, he lived in the new world, America, under a new manufactured name of Peter Kingman. He owned an classic car restoration business, and he made enough from it to enjoy it.

After he had died he hadn't known what he was, only that he was alive when he shouldn't. It was quite the trauma to a pious and devout good catholic Christian. He hadn't learned what he was until he came across another of his kind in Calcutta who promtly attacked him. Alain had ran to China where he met another Immortal one far older than any other he ever met. One who taught him what they were, taught him how to defend himself, taught him how to live again, and taught him his peace within his soul once again.

So here he was visiting her, as he did every few years.

They sat facing eachother in cleansing meditation with her new students in America, kids from the inner city like he had so long ago searching for a place in the world and peace of soul.

"You try to seperate yourself from the world," She said in measured chinese breaking the silence, "But there is no peace to be found in isolation, Alain. You must relearn to give if you are to gain once more."

"How do you give of yourself if you know its all so fleeting, Sifu," He answered carefully in Mandarin, "I have embraced many and watched as time eventually took them all."

"That is a question that comes from the grief of loss," She replied, "Something the two of us know more than most. With age comes pain and regret. You must not stand still when your journey is only half over. That would be a tragedy to me and a dishonor to my teachings."

He bowed his head, "What would you have me do?"

"Go and embrace another once again. Laugh again. Love again. And yes inevitably cry again. Just do not become like a stone."

He raised his head to meet her eyes on him. Her students cast furtive glances towards clearly not clued into the backstory between them. "I-I," He paused as he could not bring himself to lie to his mentor again. Instead he placed his fist against his open hand and bowed his head. "I will try, Sifu."

"Good," She nodded then in flawless English, "Rise we will begin training now. Go into the horse stance."

Hours later he left her new kung fu studio driving out of the inner city uptown in his restored 57 Bel Air. He stopped at a railroad crossing. There was a train trundling down the track. An old style carnival was coming to town it seemed, and he inhaled as for a moment he felt the tiny quiver of his soul as the warning feeling he got whenever another Immortal came close, but then before he could be sure it was gone.

He didn't want to go looking for trouble, but he had to find out if there was another Immortal in that carnival and if there was who.
Her eyes lifted quickly from her preperations. That slightest vibration in the energies around her... that mind tingle sensation then so very quickly... gone. The train had clearly thundered past another Immortal. She would have to be careful in this town. Finishing her perperations she went to check on the two snakes from her act. One venomous desert asp from her homeland and one very large constrictor. To protect Sonam the asp had the venom removed but those fangs were still frightening enough to someone who had never seen a snake like this up close before. Especially when she let it bite her intentionally in the act.

Once the train stopped Sonam and the other "kids" took fliers all over town handing them to people on the street store owners to put up in their windows. She had done this for as long as she could remember. First traveling with one of the older kids then on her own close to the train then helping a younger kid hand out fliers. She walked carefully along with. Tia and Danny the new sword swallowers two kids who always wanted to follow her around. She did not ever keep them out long on flier detail since the train would end up with every stray animal that crossed their path as a new "family" member.

Lets hurry up guys papa Frank is making cheese fries and his famous Bacon onion burgers so we gotta hurry.

Nodding the children nearly dragged her along as they began handing out fliers to everyone they saw.
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IC: Alain De'Montreau

Aliain pulled his 57 Bel Air into the garage of his business and home. His guys were busy working on resurrecting the glory of a rusted junk of a 1930 roadster He had pulled out of some barn an hour outside of Milwaukee for 1400. Mac waved to him in greeting.

"Evening boss," He said crossing over to speak with Alain, "We sandblasted the rust off. You wouldn't believe how much bondo somebody used on its ass back there. Gonna have to do more body work than we thought."

Alain considered Mac as he rose out of the car. Mac was a short man, with pot belly, a hearty laugh, a thick scruff of beard to make up for the shrinking shock of hair atop his head, and covered in lots of tattoos commemorizing the events of a colorful life, but Alain liked him. Edwin Mackenna had been with Auto-Immortality Restorations since day one twenty-one years ago. And most of all Mac never asked why in twenty years Alain had never aged a day, even though he did not know a thing about immortals and had to be curious. Alain had learned in his eight hundred years people as trustworthy and as tactful as Mac was a very rare breed indeed. Also being the best damned head mechanic in all of history didn't hurt either.

He shut the Bel Air's door. "With labor and parts and now this...that will seriously eat into my profits from flipping the roadster."

MAc nodded, "We could cut corners like we did with the Model A last year."

Alain winced pulling the guitar case he hid his sword in from the trunk, "Don't ever remind me of that. I felt ashamed doing that to such a classic and iconic piece of history."

He shrugged, "It let you break even on it, boss."

"Never going to compromise on authenticity again, Mac," Alain hefted the guitar case over his shoulder, "Look, work the boys hard. Put the fear of god the almighty into them if you have to, but I need the roadster restored and being sold to potential buyers by next tuesday if we're going to make anything from it at all."

"They won't like it, hell, I won't like it, but I will shove my foot up their collective asses to get it done."

"I can always count on you, Mac," He said patting him on the shoulder, "I have a lead on a nice easy GTO from a demolition derby in Alabama for us next. I'll go upstairs and see if I can't lock it down, okay."

"Sure, boss," He said but looked down as his cellphone rang from the pocket of his coveralls. That was odd since Alain hadn't even known Mac had a cellphone. He considered asking about it, but since Mac had always been very circumspect with not asking him any questions Alain figured the least he could do was be the same for him. So he left carrying his guitar case upstairs to his office and apartment. Wondering whether to look up where that Carnival was setting up in the city, and whether it was wise to pay it a visit.

Mac pulled his cellphone and brought it up to his ear. "You know you shouldn't call me here on this thing right....what...who's here...yeah, no kidding shit-for-brains I know my guy's history with her....what...who else is here...Oh fucking Jesus Christ...that fucking butcher is heading to town...Yeah, thanks for the heads up...I'll keep a closer eye on him, don't worry...I know how to do my job." He hung up and stuffed the phone back into his coveralls.

Among the many tattoos that littered his legs, chest, back, and arms, was a simple circle on the inside of his wrist, inscribed with latin, and at its center was what people could call a letter Y with its forks pulled and broadened out. Mac worked for Peter Kingman, but his real calling was to watch and record and never to interfere with the life of the immortal he'd been assigned to keep an eye on. For the gathering was happening and in the end there could only be one, and Mac sincerely hoped Alain De'Montreau would be that one.
Tia and Danny saw the cars and the people and ran quickly over to the garage Little Tia being determined to do the talking this time. Sonam stood close to them as Tia smiled waving to the workers in the garage.

Hello... Misters... we want to tell you bout the carnival...lots of acts like her mommy and our daddy... you should come after you make the cars all better.

Her brother piped up

Tia that could take them forever we might be gone before they fix that one... pointing to the car that most of them seemed to be fussing over.

Selena watched as the tents went up and all of the other preparations were made the "family" cook sending people to get him supplies and shooing some of the others away from the mess tent till he could cook in peace. She walked around spotting some soft purple flowers and her mind began to drift back to another place in time. Not realizing that Vincent the Leader and voice of their carnival performances had walked over.

Selena I am wanting to do an early show possibly opening with the snake act so stay close to camp today please.

OH... Of course Vincent never a problem.

Drawn from her thoughts which was probably a good thing... its not like she could or should ever see him or get that close to him ever again... not with unfortunate lot in life with that monster still unwilling to just leave her alone. Vincent knew just where her mind was... he has worked with her in this traveling side show for 12 years now doing all he could to help her stay one step ahead of that infernal butcher Acheron.

Walking away he thought about what he had read about her past and hell at the hands of Acheron. She had been an immortal for quite some time before he had found her... having little use for anyone beyond his own personal power gain. Vincent could hardly imagine what it had been like for her... being abused and used to manipulate other immortals to their deaths for him. It was definitely for the best they heal up all damage short of losing their heads he honestly would hate to see what all that fragile form was put through by that psychopath. Unfortunately they had to stop occasionally Deep down he was hoping someone from her past could help her rid herself of Acheron once and for all.
IC: Mac

Mac pulled his cellphone and brought it up to his ear. "You know you shouldn't call me here on this thing right....what...who's here...yeah, no kidding shit-for-brains I know my guy's history with her....what...who else is here...Oh fucking Jesus Christ...that fucking butcher is heading to town...Yeah, thanks for the heads up...I'll keep a closer eye on him, don't worry...I know how to do my job." He hung up and stuffed the phone back into his coveralls.

There was three kids slipping past the gate and entering the garage. Mac frowned as he watched the three of them walk over to where the boys were bending a new rear fender for the roadster from some sheet metal.

"Hello... Misters... we want to tell you bout the carnival..." The little girl told them, "...Lots of acts like her mommy and our daddy... you should come after you make the cars all better."

Tito and Juan stopped the grinding to look at them. Tito was a legal immigrant from Cuba and was one of the hardest working men Mac had ever known. He had to be if he hoped to ever make enough denero to get the whole of his family out of Havannah and out from under Castro's oppressive dictatorial mercies. So far he only got his little brother Juan out. Juan was studying for the test to become a U.S. citizen and he hoped to use his experience here for technical school after his naturalization. Andre kept on bending the metal sheets into shape, and Latrell kept fitting the sheets to the Roadster's frame.

The older boy pointed at the stripped down bare metal Ford Roadster. "Tia that could take them forever we might be gone before they fix that one..."

Mac walked over glancing to Tito and Juan, "Back to work, comprende." The two cuban comprende'ed ofcourse. The both of them had too much riding on them not to.

He stepped up to the three children and fixed them with a neutral look that could become a stern glare in a heart beat. His arms crossed as asked, "Can I help you kids?"


IC: Alain De'Montreau

Alain knew he had to call up the owner of the Demolition derby just outside Huntsville and find out whether he still had the GTO and more importantly what shape it was in-an important question considering it was in a demolition derby. He knew it wouldn't be pristine, but he wouldn't want it if it was in factory new shape. Still there was a chance it might be so bad that it would not be profitable to resurrect the GTO. But Alain wanted it, regardless. The Judge had such a prominent place in muscle-car history. It didn't deserve to be beaten to a pulp in a demo derby.

Despite that he found himself using google to search for the carnival's location. Something about wouldn't let him go. The results came on screen. The carnival was being placed in a park only three blocks away.

He sat back in his chair and stared at the screen in thought. Should he go or try to lay low and wait for the immortal within the carnival to leave his neighborhood?
Sonam took a protective stance watching the man as Tia who was afraid of no one shoved the flier now towards Mac.

Her mommy and our daddy perform in the carnival along with all kinds of other acts you should come see them and let your friends come too. Its shows and fun for everyone.

Sonam's stance would almost be reminiscent of a sword fighter and her wary stare clearly almost bodyguard in nature. Her posture balance and hands seeming to always be resting near a weapon or the kids traveling with her.


Selena wandered into the main tent and began to practice though something about that sense... that tinge that told her another immortal had been near still tugged at her mind. Who could it have been... if was not the dark foreboding pit she feels when Acheron was near.
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IC: Mac

He stepped up to the three children and fixed them with a neutral look that could become a stern glare in a heart beat. His arms crossed as asked, "Can I help you kids?"

At his stand-offish posture the oldest brat, one grown up enough to be called a young lady stepped between the precocious ankle-biters and him. For a moment the small gesture melted his heart-these kids had obviously seen the rougher side of life, and Mac had to school his features to stay stern as he looked the young lady in the face. No matter how sorry he felt for them he was not about to let them distract his guys from doing their jobs. "Well, you gonna gawk at us or be on your way let us get back to work?"

"Her mommy and our daddy perform in the carnival along with all kinds of other acts," The little boy said from behind the older girl, "You should come see them and let your friends come too. Its shows and fun for everyone."

"A carnival," Mac asked surprise on his face. The watcher he had just talked to on the phone had said she was part of a carnival. Did Selena know Alain was here? Had she sent these kids here to lure Alain to the carnival? Was she working for that butcher Acheron again? And most importantly what should Mac do about it? He had sworn long ago to never interfere with Alain's life, just observe and record. But after twenty years with the guy remaining unattached was just not possible. He knew of the tailspin Alain went through after she escaped Acheron in Venice. It was years of depression until Alain got over her leaving him. Mac couldn't see his guy go through that again.

To the kids he said a little more briskly than they deserved, "We don't have time to go to a carnival. So you three best be on your way now. Beat it."


IC: Alain De'Montreau

Alain shut down the computer. He hadn't searched for the GTO, but he couldn't stop thinking about the immortal he felt in the carnival...something about it...was familiar. It was odd normally he couldn't diferientiate between the stirring feeling being around one immortal gave him from another, but this one...he couldn't place his finger on it...but it seemed like he should be able to identify this one.

A little frustrated with the mystery he headed back downstairs for the garage. He needed to get his hands dirty. He always thought better when he was doing something, building something, or fixing something. Also the guys could probably use his help. He had been a working auto-mechanic when that Roadster was new off the Ford assembly line after all.

But as he approached the door at the bottom of the stairs he heard Mac's baritone rumble, "We don't have time to go to a carnival. So you three best be on your way now. Beat it."

Alain opened the door saying, "What Carnival." He looked at the three kids, "Well, seems we have some visitors." He nodded to the little girl and boy and held out his hand for the young lady to shake. "Come to think of it, it's been...oh...let's just say it's been a long time since I've last been to a real old fashioned carnival." He gestured the kids over to the garage's employee breakroom. "Care for a soda pop on me, kids." To the young lady he nodded and gave her his assumed name, "Peter Kingman, this is my garage. Now tell me more about this carnival."
Sonam tensed as the mans tone bristled at them. Stifling her own temper she had started to turn to shoo the kids back out and away from here till another voice called out to them. Dark eyes quickly sized him up just as she had the others around them.

Tia pushed past Sonam rattling off her little speech to this new person pulling her brother and Sonam along with her once she past them.

Her mommy and our daddy perform in it... you should make the cranky man go I bet he would like Mr Gino and the puppy dog act... they are funny. We are...

She looked around for a moment...

That way its a big area lots of room. Her mommy works with snakes and fire and dancing and our daddy tries to eat swords.

Sonam kept a good grip on the little girls hand but still shook his hand. She was silent... protective... wary as Tia and Danny looked to her about getting drinks.
IC: Alain De'Montreau

Alain opened the door saying, "What Carnival." He looked at the three kids, "Well, seems we have some visitors." He nodded to the little girl and boy and held out his hand for the young lady to shake. "Come to think of it, it's been...oh...let's just say it's been a long time since I've last been to a real old fashioned carnival." He gestured the kids over to the garage's employee breakroom. "Care for a soda pop on me, kids." To the young lady he nodded and gave her his assumed name, "Peter Kingman, this is my garage. Now tell me more about this carnival."

"Her mommy and our daddy perform in it..." The precocious little girl said before pointing at Mac, "You should make the cranky man go I bet he would like Mr Gino and the puppy dog act... they are funny. We are..." She looked around and pointed southwest, "That way its a big area lots of room."

"Jefferson park, about three blocks away," He asked. Alain glance to Mac. "Why don't you go give the boys a hand with the roadster. I'll keep these kids out of mischief." He ushered them inside the break room, and then got their preferences for soda.

The girl continued pointing at the teenager, "Her mommy works with snakes and fire and dancing and our daddy tries to eat swords."

He looked to the teen. "Really? I knew someone once who used to dance with snakes and fire. Its not an easy thing to master." He put a can of grape and a can of orange soda in front of the two little kids. He pulled a chair at the break room's table and sat down gesturing for them to join him. "So I've given you my name, but you haven't given me yours."
Sonam nodded at her mothers act being insanely difficult to master. Tia again afraid of no one hopped up into a chair. Danny just stood there not quite amused that his sister was taking over telling him about the carnival. He quickly spoke...

Yeah Jefferson park we set up there from time to time. Its been a couple of years though.

Tia quickly chirped up again

I am Tia and thats my brother Danny and her name is Sonam. She doesn't talk much... kinda like Mr Grumpy man out there. We have to get back soon too Papa Frank is making Bacon Onion Burgers and Cheese fries. SO you gonna come to the Carnival or not?

Sonam stood back protective watching over the kids till papa Frank was mentioned.

Yeah we really should get back soon Tia so wrap up the sales pitch K kiddo.
IC: Alain De'Montreau

"So I've given you my name, but you haven't given me yours."

"I am Tia and thats my brother Danny and her name is Sonam." The little girl informed him.

"And does Sonam speak for herself," Alain asked smiling at the tight-lipped young lady.

Tia shook her head, "She doesn't talk much... kinda like Mr Grumpy man out there."

Alain chuckled, "Oh don't worry Mac is a giant teddy bear when you get to know him." He gestured to their sodas, "Drink up kids or your pops will go flat."

"We have to get back soon too," Tia told him putting the can of orange soda to her lips, "Papa Frank is making Bacon Onion Burgers and Cheese fries."

Alain nodded to her at that, "That does sound good." Her brother had drained the entire can of grape soda and triumphantly plopped it back down on the table with a satisfied burp.

"Yeah we really should get back soon, Tia." Miracle upon miracles Sonam could actually speak for herself. He smiled wondering whether she was quiet ones that once you get past their shy exteriors you found they would never shut up. "So wrap up the sales pitch K kiddo."

Tia nodded but never turned her eyes away from Alain, the consumate sales-person. "So you gonna come to the Carnival or not?"

"Absolutely," He nodded to Tia, "And if you don't mind I'd like to tag along to the park with you and watch as your mommy and daddy set up the tents." He smiled amiably at Sonam. He'd be fine if she thought it dangerous having a stranger tag along with them. It had been decades since he last tailed someone for the CIA but like the saying goes-it was like riding a bicycle."

He needed to check out the other immortal. He hadn't needed to resettle under another made up name in over twenty years. He had gotten comfortable here with his business and employees, Sifu's school, and he really didn't want someone out for his head to ruin all that. "Just let me get my guitar from upstairs, alright?"
Sonam tensed at his saying he would tag along. Her hands moved closer to her pockets as she watched him carefully.

We need to get back Tia

As she ushered the kids to their feet and tried to make them get to the door she heard him speaking again mentioning getting a guitar and sighed.

A guitar Tia's little eyes lit up... maybe he can play music for you mommy to practice... Sonam hims nice let him come with us...

Sonam seemed to nearly growl at the kids.

Danny get your sister moving we need to get back now.

Danny nodded and tried to pick his sister up to carry her out of the room.

TIA we gotta go!

Once he managed to get his sister out of the room Sonam looked over.

They don't need to get used to anyone but the family taking care of them... too much darkness in the world that they don't need to deal with... and anyways who are you trying to win brownie points with. They have been talking about an early show this time... the park will not start filling up with people till about 5 pm.

With that she turned to go just wanting to get the kids home and check on her mother. Make sure she was alright.
IC: Alain De'Montreau

"And if you don't mind I'd like to tag along to the park with you and watch as your mommy and daddy set up the tents."

Sonam, the young woman, tensed up as she heard this and Alain could guess her next course of action. He noted with interest how her hands strayed close to her pockets. Was there a knife or weapon of some kind concealed in there...probably. She took Tia's shoulder and said low, "We need to get back, Tia." Sonam quickly ushered them to their feet and heading for the breakroom's door.

"Just let me get my guitar from upstairs, alright?"

"A guitar," Tia said turning back to him enthusiastically, "Maybe he can play music for your mommy to practice...Sonam."

"I'd love to," He said with aplomb. He'd have to take the actual guitar now, but the case was large enough to carry both it and his sword.

"Sonam, he's nice," She told the teenager, "Let him come with us."

Sonam would have none of that, "Danny get your sister moving we need to get back now."

Danny nodded half lifting and half dragging Tia across the room to the door. "Tia, we gotta go!"

Alain leaned against the wall arms crossed and smiling amicably at Sonam as the kids left the room. Once gone she turned to face him her expression one of wary anger. "They don't need to get used to anyone but the family taking care of them...too much darkness in the world that they don't need to deal with..."

"That's a very jaded view of the world," He said still smiling. If he were to guess based on her subtle accent, he guess she was from Tibet...which might explain her paranoid worldview. "I'm not saying you're wrong, you understand. I'm just saying it is rather depressing, Sonam."

"And anyways who are you trying to win brownie points with."

"I wasn't," He told her, "I was trying to get you to talk to me. Instead of you hiding behind those kids."

"They have been talking about an early show this time... the park will not start filling up with people till about 5 pm."

He checked his watch, "That's only a couple hours away. I suppose you should return it sounds like they'll need all the help they can get setting up in time." He turned and opened the breakroom's fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Taking a drink he added, "Oh and do go round up Tia." He pointed to the window into the garage where Tia and Danny had approached Mac and the boys again. "Tia is cute, but far too trusting and curious...the world has far too much darkness in it afterall, right Sonam?"

As she left the breakroom, he raised the bottle o water in salutory gesture, "Don't worry I'll be there for your early show, and it was pleasant talking to you."
Sonam yelled from the door as she left.

Danny get your sister we are going NOW!

She shrugged at his words and headed back to the kids and the park to get ready. Looking to Vincent as the kids ran to find their dad.

Tighten security...

Vincent knew she knew about Immortals as she knew what her mother was but she had no way of sensing them nor really what the primary enemy looked like so something put her on edge but what.

Sonam walked over to the tent and sad down watching her mother practice and smiled. It was insane what she would do just to startle shock and mortify the normal mortals. She knew the asps lacked venom not that it would harm her and the flames would not really hurt her. The danger of it all was missing as far as she was concerned the blades would not harm her. Mother always said it was the illusion that the mortals sought and the showmanship they returned for. Thinking on that she could see that Kingman guy watching and being mortified and those money sensibilities being overwhelmed by it all. Laughing a little she headed to the mess hall tent to grab some food and wait.
IC: Alain De'Montreau

Afternoon was growing late, turning slowly to evening, and Alain had showered and dressed. He came downstairs in his khakis, navy blue buttoned up shirt, and leather jacket carefully chosen for the excellent freedom of motion they would afford him in a duel. His guitar case loaded with his guitar and his sword hung across his back. His hair was well tended to, and his face cleanly shaved.

Perhaps it was black humor, but he thought it was similar to a prisoner making himself up just before his execution. Though he had no plans on dying today. Anything could happen though, depending on who the immortal in the carnival was.

"Aren't you a little all dolled up for a carnival, boss," Mac asked seeing him enter the garage.

Alain nodded to him, "There was once a time when people dressed up to go to fairs and carnivals."

"Are you sure you should go," Mac said gesturing to where the boys were still working on the repairing the roadster's chasis. He had convinced them-cajoled more like-to work late tonight on it. "The boys and I could use the help."

He shook his head shifting the strap of the guitar case on his shoulder. "Tomorrow night, Mac. This is something I need to do."

"Come on, boss," Mac said a little too desperately, "Don't go."

Alain perked an eyebrow to that. Did Mac somehow sense that he might be leaving the garage for the last time this evening? "For better or worse, Mac, I have to go."


He walked over to the Bel Air and opened the driver side door. "Lock up for me tonight, okay."


IC: Mac

Mac watched the Bel Air drive out of the garage and onto the street. He frowned knowing what Alain was heading to. He was sworn not to interfere even if he knew Alain might not be coming back tonight.

He told the boys to keep working while he went out back for a smoke break, but once he was out in te alley behind the garage he ignored his cigarettes and pulled his cellphone out instead, and dialed a number into it. "Hello, its Edwin guy is heading towards your girl now...I don't know, I just needed to warn you...Just keep an eye out for him...try to distract him away or somethi-no I am not asking you to interfere....okay, okay...I just...don't want to see him, she's not likely to take his head, but seeing her will take something far worse from him...I know why she left him, but I know my guy too...Just...just keep a watchful eye on them, okay."

He could understand Mac's worry. No matter how distant you try to keep yourself from their pasts and their lives after a while its just human nature to care. Yeah Mac knew about Alain's depression over Selena running but he didn't know hers... Vincent did. Her trying to do whatever she could to make that sadistic monster angry enough to just kill her but he never would. Vincent found it hard to believe that it was out of some long buried decency or love still in the depths of that butcher. Mac knew he could not really do anything t stop their paths from crossing but he understood why Mac asked.



With evening fall she made her way to the main tent knowing the giant snake was already in place. Hidden from view except for the silver and jewel strands through her hair and her face. Smiling as she hears Vincents voice begin to speak.

In modern times snakes are feared by most professionals are called to remove them from our lives. Even those who seek them as pets view them in their dark and outside of humanity's comprehension. But tonight we give beauty and this misunderstood beast in perfect beauty and balance as our own Desert flower enchants an and mystify both this serpent there before you as well as each and every one of you... Our Desert Flower...SELENA!

With that the spotlights dimmed as she slowly walked out to the center of the ring. The massive snake lifting its head a a scent in the air if knows. Standing before the snake though she paused... frozen for a momet as a sense struck her like lightening.

Shit. A though that crossed both Vincent and Sonam's mind for very different reasons. Sonam luckily could not see him well but she would swear it was the guy from the garage... staring at her mother like he knew her... could this be that monster of an ex everyone was willing to protect her from?

Vincent however knew that this pause mean that Selena and their guest were both in Venice remembering he hoped something happy ancient not her ripping both Alain and her own hearts out to protect him from the hell that was her life.

For Selena it was suddenly Venice now before her... dancing... she hated those Infernal dresses but she humored him for the duke's formal ball. Waltzing... so stuffy and formal and cold to her there were brief moments of contact that she "lived for" every time he wanted to dance or felt their host expected them to... tenderness a fleeting touch a hidden wink or a whisper as they neared each other only to have to walk apart again but she humored him her revenge for that dress and such cold hollow dancing would be well worth it... Alain was like nothing she had known before... so tender loving and passionate and caring. She had never experienced that deep of feeling care and tenderness ever before... Finally alone... kissing... such beautiful primal passion as they made love... Then a change in the memory brought her back to the present... She did not want to remember something she could never have again. She could never risk him again she loved him too much and had to protect him no matter how much it hurt.

Just as quickly her mind cleared and she resumed her dancing. Her hand slipping from the cloak moving like a snake as the sealed lifted higher. Hen as he music softly seemed to grow the cloak fell away revealing much h more of her in an ancient Egyptian and scale inspired dress. Her movements matching and entrancing the massive snake as she moved.
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IC: Alain De'Montreau

Alain had arrived at Jefferson Park with no time to spare. He parked the Bel Air and began to head for the brightly colored pitched tents hitching the guitar case over his shoulder. There was a lot of sideshow attractions with rides and animals, alot of carnival games meant to deprive well-natured customers from their cash in the hopes of winning a cheap stuffed toy, and alot of acts going on.

There in the main tent people were filing in. He saw Sonam at the door and began to head over towards her. She hadn't seen him when he approached but then he followed her in and felt the sudden sensation of the quickening. The feeling that alerted him that another immortal was nearby.

Looks like he had found his man.

"In modern times snakes are feared by most professionals are called to remove them from our lives. Even those who seek them as pets view them in their dark and outside of humanity's comprehension." Came a man's voice over a glitchy PA, " But tonight we give beauty and this misunderstood beast in perfect beauty and balance as our own Desert flower enchants an and mystify both this serpent there before you as well as each and every one of you... Our Desert Flower...SELENA!"

He stood as the name hit him like a herd of stampeding water buffalo. Then she came on stage eyes searching and then finding him.

Selena. He felt himself slipping backwards into memory.


IC: Alain De'Montreau: Venice September 11, 1887

"De'montreau, why do you pester me when I have come for revelry?"

Alain was speaking with yet another head of yet another Venetian trading house. Signore Garibaldi, was an obstinate and commonly rude and outspoken braggart, but Alain needed his house's agreement not to quash his shipping venture.

"Just give me a moment of your time, my friend," He said shaking the mask in his hand at Signore Garibaldi.

"The waltz has started," Music began to play and Garibaldi looked over his shoulder to the milling people lining up for another waltz. Alain had come to this masquerade to finally speak to Garibaldi face to face rather than through one of the insufferable man's underlings."You have half a moment."

"All I ask is you allow me to unload my ships and store them in your wharehouse for a few short weeks. I'm willing to pay your price and some extra for your trouble. There's no reas-"

He stopped as he felt the sensation of his quickening stir within him. He turned around to see her approaching, in a flowing cream gown, her hair tied up in an elaborate design. She was beauty incarnate.


He hastily placed his mask back on. "Darling," He asked her, "Come to drag me off to dance."

Alain was sure the irony wouldn't escape her since that was precisely what he had done, dragged her dress and all to this masquerade with the promise of dancing.
Venice September 11, 1887

She endured the eyes staring at her... One of those desert people the English are always fighting with... What is she doing here who is she with... Well even a savage can be cleaned up it appears

She knew they would not say this loud enough for their host to hear nor Alain but she heard them. The wife of their host had helped her get ready and her hair up like it should properly be... She could not understand why the young woman wanted her hair down loose and flowing. The Matronly woman had won the fight by allowing a ringlet or two to softly whisp down. She had even helped her with choosing a dress at Alains pleading.

He just wishes to show you off my dear... young men like him are like that... enjoy it but remember he may ask to show you off like this to show people the beauty he sees in you but you my dear own that young mans heart lock stock and barrel... Never forget that... that is our greatest weapon as women.

Once she put distance between those that whispered and walked closer to Alain... Yes you seem to think I should learn the dances of this land so We should dance correct. I am sure that Signore Garibaldi would better accept you inquiry after he and his most lovely wife have had time to dance... She awaits him at the foot of the stairs.

With that she faintly smiled which seemed to be something none of these people seemed to do much of and glared at him in the same instance. She had been torturously put in this infernal dress she was going to dance provided she could breath enough to do so. She could not understand why women chose to wear such bulky and awkwardly proportioned clothing.

Once they began to dance and she tried with his and the Garibaldi's help to mimic those around them. Luckily with various points in her life her having to attempt to blend in to hide mimicry was a skill she knew well. Everything was prefect and in a way that worried her but all for now that mattered was she was happy in this moment in time.
IC: Alain De'Montreau

Alain hastily placed his mask back on. "Darling," He asked her, "Come to drag me off to dance."

"Yes, you seem to think I should learn the dances of this land," She replied turning to lead him towards the dance floor. "So we should dance correct?"

She cast a glance over to him and he smiled back at her taking her hand in his loosely. "I had hoped to conclude my business with signore Garibaldi before devoting the night to you, my love."

"I am sure that Signore Garibaldi would better accept you inquiry after he and his most lovely wife have had time to dance... She awaits him at the foot of the stairs," She gestured over to the stairs where Garibaldi was taking his wife by the hand to the ballroom floor similar to what Selena was doing with him.

He looked her up and down, in that dress-true he'd seen her in the last couple years they had dated in far far less and clothing much more revealing-but this bodice and flowing skirts and gloves her lustrous hair pinned up in an elaborate style revealing the alabaster skintone that so enticed him. Alain knew it was not easy for Selena looking so exotic in a city so against the alien. "Just remember the lessons I gave you, Selena, and don't worry they will be envying your natural skill at dancing."

The music began in earnest and Alain took her hand and placed his other on her side above the hip. As he had taught her she placed her other hand on his shoulder. There was a small but chaste distance between them as they began the waltz with the other dancers.

As they waltzed he peered into her eyes falling in love with her all over again. "I love you, Signora De'Montreau," He said in a soft low voice only she would be able to hear, "When we get home I will rip you out of that gown and make passionate love to you."
No no... She smirked as she spoke... I endure this... you endure something of my choosing before anything like that

She already had plans for when they could escape this party. She had told him about the dancing of her homelands but had never REALLY showed him... She had learned at a young age that what she had been taught of dancing could ensnare most men even on occasion the most hostile monster of a male could be brought to begging knee with Baladi. She endured these strange clothes and judgmental eyes and sterile dancing she was going to make him pay tonight.

She very quickly had picked up the steps of these Waltzes and dancing of this land music after all in its own way was universal just restrained for freed depending on the style and preference of the composer. She smiled to him blocking out and forgetting all around them only allowing the music and his eyes and love to remain in her mind and life. She wanted to hug him to hold him to be close. Even all these years with him it still felt at times like a dream. A dream she was growing so used to and letting herself sink deeper and deeper into.
IC: Alain De'Montreau; Venice September 11, 1887

As they waltzed he peered into her eyes falling in love with her all over again. "I love you, Signora De'Montreau," He said in a soft low voice only she would be able to hear, "When we get home I will rip you out of that gown and make passionate love to you."

"No no..." She said giving him a sexy, mischeivious smirk over her beatiful face, "I endure this... you endure something of my choosing before anything like that."

Alain chuckled lowly at that. He loved this woman to an extent he could not believe was possible, both of them could not believe was possible. They were extremely fortunate to have found at long last their soulmates these past few years in all the long lonely centuries they both had lived. He knew very little of Selena's history. They had both agreed to keep their pasts behind them and instead focus on the wonderful gift of their here and now.

Twelve years they had been married, the greatest in Alain's six centuries of life. These days with this sexual, exotic, brilliant, warm-hearted, beautiful woman were the golden years and Alain gave thanks to god, if he still beleived in god after his death, for the blessing of Selena to his life.

"I can hardly wait, Selena," He answered, "I will endure whatever you have planned with joy in my heart, Mon Petit Beau Danseur."

They twirled with the other waltzers and Alain feigned making a mistake and drew her closer to him.

Whispering low so only she would be able to hear, "Then we may have to find some private nook here so I can ravish you." Alain Luxuriated in having her pressed up against him even if it was only for an all too brief moment before the force of maintaining propriety forced him to recover from his feigned mistake and they returned to the respectable distance apart from eachother.

He didn't think the gossiping judgmental Venetians surrounding them noticed, but if they did. It was none of their business how he chose to court his beloved wife.
She smiled to him and during his feigned mistake that placed them closer she purred faintly near his ear.

And where would that private nook in this place be?

Straightening up as he "corrected" himself and smiled softly to him. So few of these judgmental Venetians seemed to like one like Alain being with someone so foreign but Their hosts wife told her they were dried up old jealous elitists who could never hold the heart or eyes of one like Alain and they knew it. Signora Garibaldi had been so nice to her since she had met her. It was a stark contrast to many others but with Alain by her side none of them mattered. In fact very little mattered beyond the dream life they had together.

She sometimes wondered what these people would do if she were to reveal the way her people danced to these stuffy snobs. The thought always made her smile imagining all the women fainting from her revealing clothing and free flowing hair and the men becoming mindless drooling fools much like the British did when they first found their way to her homelands.
IC: Alain De'Montreau; Venice September 11, 1887

Whispering low so only she would be able to hear, "Then we may have to find some private nook here so I can ravish you." Alain Luxuriated in having her pressed up against him even if it was only for an all too brief moment before the force of maintaining propriety forced him to recover from his feigned mistake and they returned to the respectable distance apart from eachother.

"And where would that private nook in this place be," She purred in his ear.

"I have no idea," He said taking her into a twirl, "It's a big place though if we looked I reason we would find one easily, Mon belle Amour."

They continued to dance the way they did in the ballrooms of Europe following a circuit of steps endlessly repeating and maintaining a chaste distance between them. It wasn't at all the kinds of dancing Selena preferred...hell right now looking into those brilliant pools of passion of her wasn't the kind of dancing he wanted to perform with this woman. Selena always brought out the lustful passionate side of him. The pious catholic knight he had been before his death would've turned white and ran to confession at the thoughts and imaginings she inspired in him.

Selena, his wife. He loved this woman beyond the measure of mortal men.

The thumb of his hand holding hers as they waltzed rubbed over the flesh of her hand between her finger and thumb.

"I love you."
And I love you...

The steps growing more stagnate to her as she followed them over and over again. How long did he want to dance to this. She saw past the expected expression on his face and the disgust as well with the prim and proper distance of this little dance. A subtle little spark as the faintest of smiles crossed her lips those dark eyes slowly closing to open again staring perhaps even deeper into his eyes now than before. She had acquired a piece of her homeland in secret with their hostess help with the "innocent" color of white and gold against her skin her plans for him once this dance was over would be perhaps beyond the perfect revenge and yet she viewed it more finally sharing a little bit of her past... some of the happier part of it... the dancing the true sensuality of it all... Question was would he be able to handle it.

She smiled softly once more to him as they circled around again in this dance that seemed to truly not really have a beginning nor an end people simply joining or leaving as they needed. So strange these pale mortals with their prim and proper customs and near fear of any form of closeness it appeared to her. She honestly doubted she would ever understand them nor that they would ever accept her... save for Alain... Her husband and soul.