I'ma start a gang.

I suppose it can be skippy and or dancy, but not like Brittney Spears dancy or anything.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...
December said:
Mocha, taupe, crimson, navy blue, maybe a hint of mauve?
Crimson and mauve in the same color scheme?! Drop the mauve and add a fresh linen. Then you could get Ralph Lauren to sponsor your gang outfits.
Some? What would the the colors be?

One request, please. No orange!:rolleyes:
No orange.

I'm thinking the mauve is for the "jumping in", you know, like pledge crap for frats n' such.
Can we have highly stylized and choreographed fights like in The Warriors?

"Can you dig it?!"
I think we should go the Thriller route with the dancing. And we'll add the skipping there.
I want a secret handshake and we all have to wear sunglasses no matter what time of day or night and uh initiations, we definitely need initiations and we should all walk around with toothpicks in our mouth at all times and I want to be called "Ice" and I get my own song where I get to snap my fingers.
Minkey Boodle said:
I think we should go the Thriller route with the dancing. And we'll add the skipping there.

So... where do the Jets and the Sharks-type dancing come in? After the zombies rise?
Dillinger said:
I want a secret handshake and we all have to wear sunglasses no matter what time of day or night and uh initiations, we definitely need initiations and we should all walk around with toothpicks in our mouth at all times and I want to be called "Ice" and I get my own song where I get to snap my fingers.

I want Dilinger to jump me. In.


Ok Dillinger, a.k.a. Ice. You're gonna have to come up with your own song lyrics though.

Don't you think a handshake online might be a little difficult?
December said:

Ok Dillinger, a.k.a. Ice. You're gonna have to come up with your own song lyrics though.

Don't you think a handshake online might be a little difficult?

I swear the next creep who calls me hoodlum...
You'll laugh. Yeah, now you all better dig this and dit it good. No matter who or what is eatin' at you, man you show it and you are dead. You are cuttin' a hole in yourselves for them to stick in a red hot umbrella and open it. Wide. You wanna live in this lousy world? You play it cool.
I wanna get even!
Get cool!
I wanna bust!
Bust cool!
I wanna go!
Go cool!
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Get cool, boy
Got a rocket in your pocket
Keep cooly cool boy
Don't get hot
'Cause man you got
Some high times ahead
Take it slow
And Daddy-o
You can live it up and die in bed
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Stay loose, boy
Breeze it
Buzz it
Easy does it
Turn off the juice, boy
Go man, go
But not like a yo-yo school boy
Just play it cool, boy
Real cool
Boy, boy, crazy boy
Stay loose, boy
Breeze it
Buzz it
Easy does it
Turn off the juice, boy
Just play it cool, boy
Real cool