I'm wide awake

StrawberryPez said:
I would so call you!!

but my cell phone got shut off today :(

I ran out of minutes on my long-distance card! I would have called you!!

(I'm so interested in learning more about you!).. oh, and that breast av was stunning.
Vixie honey, I missed you while you were on hiatus. But TB4p and I both knew you'd be back. We kept our faith. :kiss:
SP, I knew I'd come back.. I just didn't think so quickly.. I actually came to see if a certain Litster was gonna call me tonight... he was supposed to, but didn't.. I guess something came up.

And then I started looking around.. and I was bored anyway.. so.. I started posting. And I really did need help in that LucasArts game.

And Cibo, thank you...
I would, but my cell phone gets horrible reception inside my house. :(