IM the idiot here

Emerald_eyed said:
Imagine, I think beastiality goes against the natural instinct of the animal!

I cant believe Im getting jumped for this:rolleyes:

like slaughtering me thinks
Emerald_eyed said:
Imagine, I think beastiality goes against the natural instinct of the animal!

I cant believe Im getting jumped for this:rolleyes:

Good quick edit. :D

I don't think you are getting "jumped" either. Personally, I just disagreed with you as others did and felt that saying it would "confuse" an animal was a somewhat ridiculous reason for not engaging in bestiality as it is based on your opinion of what a dog would think.

As I stated in the other thread, I think there are much better arguments against bestiality than that one. Chrysede's was an excellent post against it, which I agree with.
Are you telling everyone to send instant messages to that animal lover?
Emerald_eyed said:
Imagine, I think beastiality goes against the natural instinct of the animal!

I cant believe Im getting jumped for this:rolleyes:

I don't think you should be jumped for your opinions. IMHO. :) the risk of going somewhere I don't want to be...We have two cats that are female and not 'fixed' yet. (that will soon change)

anyway, when they go into heat they get in close to me and stick their butts up aimming them at me like I'm going to be able to do something for them. EW!

When I speak, even if it is to other family members, they are right there, raising their butts and meyowling.

I think that the nature of the beast is...going into heat causes them to need to seek relief from the alpha male in the house...whatever he is.

Now...that said...normaly, it is against the nature of the beast to have sexual 'relations' outside their Sometimes even outside their breed. So...I will agree that EE is correct in her statement that the beast would and does get confused by sex with humans.

Looks like one of those...everybody is right in their opinions kind of things since an example could be brought out in each case ( I guess...I don't know for sure and...I really don't want to know):)
Re: Re: Re: IM the idiot here

Emerald_eyed said:
Oh I dont know. There has always been animals hunter for prey, raised for food.

I'm not a big meat eater though.

I don't think that any hunter cares what the animal really thinks.
I don't think it's in the animals instinct to be hunted .... hello ?
curious2c said:

Now...that said...normaly, it is against the nature of the beast to have sexual 'relations' outside their Sometimes even outside their breed. So...I will agree that EE is correct in her statement that the beast would and does get confused by sex with humans.

That's not an entirely true statement.

Horses are a different species than donkeys, and if left to ther own devices, will mate quite happily.

Bobcats will breed with housecats. Coyotes will breed with dogs. Zebras will breed with horses.

That said, I think bestiality is disgusting. I don't have any huge moral issues with it. Something being against an animal's instincts isn't necessarily a reason not to do it though. It's against a horse's instincts to let a predator (man) sit on it's back, yet we do that all the time.
phrodeau said:
I thought it meant "Instant Message Chilled Vodka".

I thought it was Instant Message, but I didn't know we picked the idiot of the day.