i'm stuck...


the quiet one
Aug 6, 2002
...right in the middle of my very first story. :rolleyes: The beginning is great, the ending looks good, and i know what i need to do to get from point A to point B - but the words won't come.

Anybody willing to take a look at the beginning and end, along with the basic idea of how it gets there, and give a little nudge?

Thanks! :)
I think your best results would come if you posted in the "story feedback" section -

I had a similar problem and I posted a similar request and I had a bunch of great people answer me = )

Good Luck!



I would offer to help you myself but I'm not that great and I find myself sometimes putting these things off so long...well...it's just not fair to offer = )


I like the your new Avatar. The model is great, of course, but the lighting, pose, and composition are, IMHO, all first-rate and flattering. Good work.

Rumple Foreskin
Chicklet: Just out of interest, what happened to the link to your pictures? I don't want to be a dirty young man, but I liked them.

The Earl

The Squirrel didn't like the link...Don't know why, he has no problem with the pictures being up, but he felt uncomfortable that I had the link to that thread in my sig line. It (the thread) is still up in the pic forum, though.
