I'm sorry, that wasn't me - it was my evil twin!


Nov 5, 2000
Have you ever done something when you thought no one was watching/listening - something you would never do if you thought someone was paying attention - and got busted?

Don'tcha just hate that?

Me... I rarely lose my cool in front of people. I try to be mellow and cheerful most of the time.

Today, I snapped. And I tried to snap behind the person's back.

I failed.


My apartment manager was being a super-bitch, and I was trying so hard to stay calm and understanding. When the convo was over, I pushed the off button on my phone and proceeded to hold the phone up in front of my face and scream, "FUCK YOU, YOU DUMB BITCH!"

I opened my eyes, and - to my horror - the front office number was still lit up on the front of my phone.


"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Yes?" came a meek reply.

Ack! I hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.

Ooohhhhh-kay. I'm never going to the front office for anything again. Yowza.
Woah! I think there was a thread yesterday about how to know when you're a bitch. This would fit the bill. LoL I guess the cat's out of the bag! :D

For me, a thousand times. The weirdest being when I make funny faces at my ex bf's because I'm pissed off at them and I don't know how to act. Imagine your ex, seeing you at work one day, or in the grocery store... Suddenly then stick out their tongue at you, or just get a shocked look and run the other way. That's me. :eek:

But yours is WAY better! :p
RR - you should just totally pretend it never happened. Play completely dumb about the whole thing. If anyone brings it up, look puzzled, ponder for a few moments and say, "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else."
peachykeen said:
RR - you should just totally pretend it never happened. Play completely dumb about the whole thing. If anyone brings it up, look puzzled, ponder for a few moments and say, "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else."


I think I may just have to do that! ;)
Well if she was being a super bitch, then she deserved it, right?
Let it out, tell 'em like it is. Why kiss anybody's ass.
1hotjob said:
Well if she was being a super bitch, then she deserved it, right?
Let it out, tell 'em like it is. Why kiss anybody's ass.

I wasn't trying to kiss her ass, really... just... trying to not completely break down communication with her - seeing as how I'll be living here for at *least* another 9 months. lol
Well maybe she'll think about it, realize she was nasty and forget about it. You might have done her a favor.

Although I don't think you'll be getting any favors anytime soon!
1hotjob said:
Well maybe she'll think about it, realize she was nasty and forget about it. You might have done her a favor.

Although I don't think you'll be getting any favors anytime soon!

You might be right. lol (You're definitely right about the 2nd part. lol)

BTW - I am hypnotized by your belly button. I just can't explain it.

Well, if you're REALLY worried about it....

Tell her you were talking about me.

I don't mind.

And I don't even know the dumb bitch you were talking about. :D
My evil twin is a sexified, flakey, flirty bitch with slut-like tendencies. I hate her.
Minkey Boodle said:
My evil twin is a sexified, flakey, flirty bitch with slut-like tendencies. I hate her.

not to mention just as gorgeous...
Well unfortunately the world doesn't work in the way it should, and saying and thinking are different arenas. Take it from me, I have stuck my foot in my mouth many times, and you have two choices.

Make up any lame ass excuse you want, or tell it like it is, and let that dog lie.

2)Forget about it.
Sluff it off, and go on like it was no big deal, and go on with life. I know my dad can do this, he can criticize, and tell you all these bad things you are doing wrong with your life, then just walk away like nothing was wrong. While I am fretting away from all the poison he just laid on me.

Whatever you choose, cutie.....I wish you the best of luck. Go spread more christmas cheer, I will remember to turn selective hearing on just in case....LOL

ridddder said:

Whatever you choose, cutie.....I wish you the best of luck. Go spread more christmas cheer, I will remember to turn selective hearing on just in case....LOL


Merry #$@!* Christmas, babe!

:D lol

Speaking of Christmas... methinks I need some kind of Christmas-y avatar of sorts... hmmm....