I'm sick


The Ghost of a Good Thing
Oct 7, 2002
I think I have the flu, I can't keep anything down. Anyone know any remedies that might make me better? I tried not eating anything and just drinking juice, threw that up. I couldn't even keep water down. My grandma made me some soup, that didn't last long either. I'm headin to the doctors tommarrow though. So any remedies?
Maybe you shouldn't try to take anything. If you're hungry, try saltines, but only a little at a time, and maybe a little ginger ale. NO juice.

Do you have fever and are you taking meds?

I hope you get better very soon.:rose:
thanks intrigued. I haven,t taken anything or eaten anything in hours. I'm kinda cautious on ingesting anything. Think I'm just gonna have to wait this out.
Being sick sucks. All I can suggests is the standard fluids and lotsa rest. Perhaps the fluids should be in moderation if you can't keep it down.
I can't sleep anymore, I've been sleepin all day. Now i have a headache too. I haven't been sick in a while so this kinda hit me hard. Luckily I have an optical mouse and keyboard so I can lay in bed and post at the same time.
Flat gingerale works wonders for an upset stomach. Also sleep is good, even if you had a lot of sleep it is always good.
no lcd yet, but my computer is fairly close to my bed so i don't have to strain to see the screen.
:eek: the bed beckons, Gonna try to put in a few more hours shut eye. Don't really feel tired but being awake hurts too much. Later all.