I'm scared...be nice!

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Mmmm. Gimmegimmegimmeigmme!!

Haha. What do you mean what am I like? I'm not a morning person. :D I hate waking up too early and I like lots of sleep.

Anyway, I'd do all the things hubby does plus more. :devil:

lol :D

Aww poor boy. :p

Oh really??
Hey sweet sexy Me, got a few SMS from Fred, he is in the hospital again, very sick, and does not have his laptop only his cell phone, So he asked me to post some messages......
I hope your doing great sweet sexy me.....and :kiss::kiss::kiss: from afar to that sore nipple of yours :D
Hey sweet sexy Me, got a few SMS from Fred, he is in the hospital again, very sick, and does not have his laptop only his cell phone, So he asked me to post some messages......
I hope your doing great sweet sexy me.....and :kiss::kiss::kiss: from afar to that sore nipple of yours :D


Oh no, hope he's ok. :(

Miss you! :kiss:
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