Brace yourselves for a wordy and rambley (sorry in advance if I contradicted myself) personal ad!
I am having a hard time articulating exactly what I am looking for, so you'll have to bear with me.
I am feeling the need to explore my submissive side (preferably in a practical situation but I highly doubt I will find anyone near me, so I will probably have to settle for online). I do have scattered experience as a submissive. I would like to specify that I am not interested in being a SLAVE. I intend to leave whatever happens "in the bedroom" there, I have no interest in a "master" controlling my day to day life.
Ideally I would prefer someone from 22-30. But I am flexible around age for someone who fits the bill, as sometimes it is hard to find people my age interested in things of this nature.
Most importantly I am really not interested in an aggressively sexual "dom" who demands I take my clothes off in the first 5 minutes and tries to push my limits in the first session. I am looking to get to know someone first (open to chat about day to day things if we are compatible). I am looking for something ongoing, but not exclusive. Also, pure text relationships are boring for me. You have to do at least voice.
I suppose I have talked enough about "you", and should say a piece about me... I'm 21, Canadian, a student, smart, sarcastic, sexy (unintentionally good at alliteration). A brunette, on the curvy side (about 5'6" and 155 lbs, 36D), so you're going to have to be able to handle that. I enjoy orders, spanking, directed masturbation, name calling, orgasm denial, some bondage, objectification, a bit of a daddy thing... that's all that comes to mind at the moment. You're welcome to ask me about other things, the worst I'll do is say no haha (but when I say no, I mean no. not like a sexy "see if you can convince me" no).
I am having a hard time articulating exactly what I am looking for, so you'll have to bear with me.
I am feeling the need to explore my submissive side (preferably in a practical situation but I highly doubt I will find anyone near me, so I will probably have to settle for online). I do have scattered experience as a submissive. I would like to specify that I am not interested in being a SLAVE. I intend to leave whatever happens "in the bedroom" there, I have no interest in a "master" controlling my day to day life.
Ideally I would prefer someone from 22-30. But I am flexible around age for someone who fits the bill, as sometimes it is hard to find people my age interested in things of this nature.
Most importantly I am really not interested in an aggressively sexual "dom" who demands I take my clothes off in the first 5 minutes and tries to push my limits in the first session. I am looking to get to know someone first (open to chat about day to day things if we are compatible). I am looking for something ongoing, but not exclusive. Also, pure text relationships are boring for me. You have to do at least voice.
I suppose I have talked enough about "you", and should say a piece about me... I'm 21, Canadian, a student, smart, sarcastic, sexy (unintentionally good at alliteration). A brunette, on the curvy side (about 5'6" and 155 lbs, 36D), so you're going to have to be able to handle that. I enjoy orders, spanking, directed masturbation, name calling, orgasm denial, some bondage, objectification, a bit of a daddy thing... that's all that comes to mind at the moment. You're welcome to ask me about other things, the worst I'll do is say no haha (but when I say no, I mean no. not like a sexy "see if you can convince me" no).