I'm really really into older women


Dec 23, 2002
and would love to find one for some older women younger man fantasies (mother-son, teacher-student, vice president-young executive...you get the idea). I'm really flexible and have a pretty good imagination. Let me know what your into

email, pm or reply
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Oh how cruel a world it is when there is not one mature woman willing to help a man such as I with his older woman desires. Is there really no woman out there who wants to put her foot down and tell me how to behave?
Older woman responds

The first lesson you should learn is patience --- you need to have some if you seek an older woman --- it's merely my suggestion. A younger man seeking an older woman can ask and then should wait --- from there you will probably have a better chance of finding what you seek.
:rose: Sage advice from a woman whose spent many hours in the woods looking for yellow-orange gems.

Cheers from the Olympic Peninsula, Salmon Berry Babe.
I appreciate the advice, patience definitely is a virtue I need to work on. What is the best way a guy like me should weather such a storm?
to meet older women, go to a retirement center and sign up for line dances.....works ! So I've been told!:D
Thanks but I'm not looking for old, I'm looking for older, there is a difference. I appreciate the help though:)
Just one caution, Datsun..........if you're gonna enjoy an older woman, do it while you're young. Because, pretty soon, all those "older women" will be your age. (which isn't a bad thing, either, BTW)
Hello to everyone --- I see the man from the northwest knows his berries and the other delights from this region. Datsun you can weather the storm best by doing those things you love best and getting outdoors is another good way --- explore the outdoors and you may find you become more virtuous in many ways. As far as the man that suggested retirments homes I would guess you are unfamiliar with the staffing proportations in a facilty such as that --- lots of woman and few men. Now the main population is much older but again one that is to proud to learn from elders didnt learn there lessons well while younger. :rose:
datsun17 said:

Oh how cruel a world it is when there is not one mature woman willing to help a man such as I with his older woman desires. Is there really no woman out there who wants to put her foot down and tell me how to behave?

Keep in mind it's not likely to get a response in one hour's time unless you're on the Gen board...
When I was in my early thirties I had a five year affair with a woman in her early fifties. Still to this day one of the best sex partners I ever had...

I had to talk her into it for a year before we got together.

We ran into each other not long ago... I would still love to make her feel good one more time. :rose:
I cant believe this wasnt killed as soon as he posted his reply an hour later.
Replying to it just bumps it back to the top. If you want it gone maybe you should just leave it be. Thanks for the attention though, I appreciate you keeping the thread alive and well.

I'm not real sure I understand the attack though, If you read the rest of the thread you would have read that I admitted to needing to be a bit more patient. Everybody else has offered helpful advice but you just choose to slam me, at least my post. Remember this is a personal ad not a pissing contest. If your looking for someone to argue with go to the main board.
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What kind of older woman do you want?

Datsun you never mention how old you are anywhere --- I am curious about your age. Also, what exactly do you seek in an older woman, what age bracket, what interests, what do you have to offer her.... include those things and that may prove fruitful in your search. Above all don't give up --- kisses for your tenacity! :kiss:

Thank you for your kind words I appreciate your interest in my post. I think you're right, I probably wasn't as specific about what I'm looking for as I should have been. I realize that the odds of finding an older women on this board who lives in this area and would be willing to help me fulfill my fantasies are about as good as me winning the lottery (although I imagine winning the lottery might greatly enhance those odds). I would love it if it happened but I am a realist. However, this seems like the kind of place where I might find a woman willing to correspond with me regarding my older woman fantasies. email, pm, im whatever, I got this webcam and I finally figured out how to make it work, I imagine even that could provide hours of adult entertainment.

When it comes to my interest in older women I find I'm usually attracted to women in authority roles (I'm sure Frued has a word for that one) I had a thing for one of my college professors, my old boss, I even found myself taking a long hard look at my aunt once. I think the big difference between myself and any other guy that has ever had those fantasies is that none of those women were young and beautiful. They were all in the tail end of their forties or early to mid fifties and even though none of them were what most might call beautiful, to me, they were all very very sexy.

To answer your question I am 28 years old whose most interested in women between their mid 40's to mid 50's. Looks don't matter to me all that much except I appreciate older women who look like older women, not an older woman trying to look like a younger woman. Self confidence is very sexy and I think that shows in women who aren't afarid to look and act like who they are rather than some preconceived societal notion of who they're supposed to be.

As far as an online correspondence goes I guess the only thing I can offer is a sincere honesty in the thoughts and fantasies I share, as well as a genuine interest in the thoughts and fantasies that are returned. Not much I know but in today's day and age that's kind of a lot.

If you have any more questions please let me know. I apologize for dragging the post out so long, I have a tendancy to ramble.
Funny, I thought I responded to this....

If you would like, check out my profile. I like younger men :D :rolleyes:

Thanks for the reply, PM me if you'd like, I'd be interested to find out just exactly how you like your younger men. Of course I'd also be interested in when you like them and where. He he ;)
darling datsun.....

:heart: :heart: :rose: :heart: :heart:

Just wanting to let you know that I am here for you.
I adore younger men... immensely.
Although, you may be a little "old" for my tastes, LOL.
You can Message me if you wish.
Or post here and I'll find you.....
My experiences

Datsun, I know what you mean. I am a 25 y.o. male in Dallas. I have had quite a few encounters with older women starting when I was 20. Two things that help are being able to hold a good conversation and being care free. Older women like younger men because of our care free attitude. While I was in the Peace Corps I was with quite a few older women. Women in their 30's tend to be more inhibited, but of course there are exceptions. The best women I think are in their 40's. Oh, and think about where you can meet older women. If you can't find one on here, then there are still plenty of opportunities outside your door. Oh, one last thing. Don't get too puppy dog attached. Everybody is just looking to have a good time.

Not everyone is into just having a good time, and the reasons people get into younger/older people are varied.

I myself have never been with someone my own age or older, and am looking for a long term arrangement, tho I doubt I will find one.

The addy above isn't a pick up place but a support group for those in these type of relationships. And trust me, support is needed when your wife is 30 years older than you.

One of the nicest couples there has a 24 year age gap, he's 20 and traveld across country to be with her even after she said he shouldn't. They've been together now for two years, and her son in law won't allow the young man into his house.
PoliteSuccubus. Quite right and my apologies. That is what I get for speaking in generalities. Not something that I usually do, and this goes to show why.
Relationships with an age difference can be very difficult. That is interesting that there are support groups. That I didn't know, but am glad to hear.

I hope I'm not gonna sound to shallow here but my main interest in older women is not really an emotional one. There is something about an older women, particullarly smart, educated and or experienced older women that I find incredibly sexy. The older women that I have been with have been able to touch me, talk to me, and make me feel a way that the younger women I have been with haven't, regardless of the physical beauty of the woman. I'm not real sure of the psychology behind hit, or the root of the attraction. I might be interested but in the meantime that's the point of this post and what I'm looking for on this board.
I don't think that's shallow at all...

I think your a young man who knows what he is looking for, and one day BAMM, some older lady is gonna snag your heart.

Men who like thin girls, men who like fat girls, men who like younger girls....they all date till they find someone who they can' live without.

Some, confirmed bachlars, even, get nabbed.

Best of luck to you.