i'm lonely....

I already have a family but i'll kiss you if that'll help a little.
paganangel said:
who wants to get together and start a family with me?

When you go shopping, you never know what you are going to find.
honey, tru dat.

morgy, u were attatched (at the hip actually)

cym, a little...not enough.

ithaqua, u should put that on a t-shirt.
Tell ya what I'll do.

I'll send you a couple of kids.. pick how many you want..what age (I have kids from ages 7-16) and what gender.

I'll pay shipping..
paganangel said:
who wants to get together and start a family with me?

I know it's hard...especially since you're sort of funny looking....but chin up, there's someone for everyone.

And Morgy...you weren't very talkative...
I wasn't? :eek:

I'm sorry.

The entire trip was pretty surreal for me.

If I appeared to be quiet, I was probably in awe. I'm not usually that quiet.

Regardless..I know what its like to be lonely. Hell I'm lonely. And I'm not liking it one bit.
Morgy NOT very talkative?

OMG! Not possible... Every time I've been around her.. she wouldn't shut up.

What about the "kids" you already have? You know; your poems? For pete's sake, get thee to a poetry night, drop some of those lines, and you won't be lonely for long! Now get to it! :catroar: :catroar: :catroar:
you can have a family and still be lonely. I think you have to find a passion, I'm still searching for mine....